What did you learn today?

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You just answered your own question. Look at the word you used, and look at what you're asking.

Answer in your own question... I think you're being a smart a** though... :hmm:

I KNOW!!! Mew I just can't believe you fell for it though
Umm..over there in chicago? There isnt one here. But i dont think so. Ill just be there a few days. But i have never liked planes, well not the plane itself but im scread of heights.
I have learned how much I love German Shepherd Dogs!!
I learn from the article family chatter about the "bullying".
Talking, asking and Listening to our children to have better understand.
Learned not to take a nap after 5PM.....:shock:...did a lot of work yesterday and was so tired I took a 15=30 minute nap at around 5 or so....woke up...started dinner, etc., then went to bed around 1AM.... woke up to find all the lights off...got up and thought it was 6PM....thinking I needed to start dinner (again)...Boy, was I confused....
I learned (a little late apparently) that Canada beat US in women's hockey for the gold!
Wow, was just considered along with 2 others to travel to Houston TX to audit a client. Not that different from Tampa weather wise I guess, but this is the land where everything is HUGE! :shock: I think I'm in for an interesting experience! :P
I learnt about the missing sock,when YOU KNOW you put two in the machine and only one comes out...They really do go into innards of washing machine...my machine broke or so I thught ,the mender came to look at it and loads of socks had bunged it up..
also learn people can be horrible..poor girl on my bus threw up double over with pain and nobody help her apart from me and driver...she was only 13 and had had an abortion two hours before...young girl on way home from hospital...I was staggered they do that send her home in bus with no one with her
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