What did you learn today?

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This week TCS had to pay $210 for his panoramic X-ray and exam. His extraction Monday will be $220. His medications (antibiotics and painkillers) were $5 each (Tricare prescriptions). We don't know yet what the cost will be for either a bridge or implant.

That's way cheap compared to what I pay. Last time I had a crown it was something like $1800.
slow day not learn anything but learnt yesterday I got dodgy wiring in my house not good thing to know it going cost me lot to unlearn it
i learned
that the current king of France is also the president of canada
I learned that I really need to sit back and take stock of things more often.
I've learned to close my blinds more often as a nosey neighbor keeps peeking in....
Someone stole my friend's dog out of her store. So sad, it's still puppy poodle.

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I learn I got dates mixed up and should try write things down
I learned I seriously need to quick slacking off and start losing some weight. but but but... I don't like exercise lol
This week TCS had to pay $210 for his panoramic X-ray and exam. His extraction Monday will be $220. His medications (antibiotics and painkillers) were $5 each (Tricare prescriptions). We don't know yet what the cost will be for either a bridge or implant.

Wow. That is expensive. How is your husband feeling now?
I very seldom walk up my stairs. I had to yesterday and today. My CI was making a really weird noise and I could not figure it out. So I went up again today and figured it out*****My KNEES are popping, clicking and grinding.
I very seldom walk up my stairs. I had to yesterday and today. My CI was making a really weird noise and I could not figure it out. So I went up again today and figured it out*****My KNEES are popping, clicking and grinding.

*Shudders* Don't fancy hearing that. Probably a good thing I keep them active.


Sent from my ZTE Groove Cricket phone via AllDeaf Mobile App
I learned that i should not leave markers with children cuz they will color the walls of the hospital
I learned that i should not leave markers with children cuz they will color the walls of the hospital

Wow. How did they manage to do that?!


Sent from my ZTE Groove Cricket phone via AllDeaf Mobile App
I corgot the box of markers yeaterday. And i guess they found it.

Wow. That is a lot of cleaning up to do on those walls. :(


Sent from my ZTE Groove Cricket phone via AllDeaf Mobile App
*Shudders* Don't fancy hearing that. Probably a good thing I keep them active.


Sent from my ZTE Groove Cricket phone via AllDeaf Mobile App

Mark I was very active my whole life. I broke my leg all the way across right under my knee cap a little over a year ago. We were in Maui on vacation. I used to be a big time runner, exercised all the time, softball, volleyball, bowling, tennis and bike riding. Then I got really sick and my life went in the crapper activity wise. I'm suppose to have knee replacements both knees. Not going to happen though.
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