What did you learn today?

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i learned that a light sabre is reality, and now I WANT ONE - much easier than a chainsaw lol
I stop withdrawl on diet addict lol I should be another fruit and healthy figure out find juice healthy is good. better. no more
Wirelessly posted

I Learned a new word today , quixotic never heard of it before. It means romantic starry eyed.
Wirelessly posted

I Learned a new word today , quixotic never heard of it before. It means romantic starry eyed.

I get words of the day delivered to my phone, so I always learn new random words.... it's fun. :D
Wirelessly posted

Mewtilation said:
Wirelessly posted

I Learned a new word today , quixotic never heard of it before. It means romantic starry eyed.

I get words of the day delivered to my phone, so I always learn new random words.... it's fun. :D

I like those new words. I learned this one while interpreting at work. The teacher had never seen it and made the students google it lol it was fun!
i forgotten two passwords so i learn yet again write them down accept i forget where i write them,with yahoo they give you five go then have wait 24hrs
I bought one of those small pocket note pads, and I keep all my websites/username/passwords written down in it. Only a select few people I trust knows where I keep it in case an emergency ever arise, as well as if I ever forget something. But all has been good for years even with changes in passwords, I usually make a new page and throw the old out.
Wirelessly posted

I like those new words. I learned this one while interpreting at work. The teacher had never seen it and made the students google it lol it was fun!

:D Ahhhhh, the power of google. :P I'm a learning nerd, so the words of the day are always exciting. :P
I Learn I have 31 days to get that last 5,000 words assignment done..I'm about one-third a way through to there now...not too bad...as long as I don't slack off for that next 33 days...damn
I stop withdrawl on diet addict lol I should be another fruit and healthy figure out find juice healthy is good. better. no more

That stuff is hard to get over! Congratz at getting over it! :D
Or a crazy cat lady and collect cats LOL :P

If I won the lotto.... I'd so have a Mansion like the Ernest Hemingway museum and have kittehs EVERYWHERE!!! Do not underestimate my potential crazy cat lady mentality! :D :laugh2:
Wirelessly posted

Mewtilation said:
Wirelessly posted

I like those new words. I learned this one while interpreting at work. The teacher had never seen it and made the students google it lol it was fun!

:D Ahhhhh, the power of google. :P I'm a learning nerd, so the words of the day are always exciting. :P

What's the name of the app for daily words? I love words especially new ones . I am a geek too hahaha
Wirelessly posted

What's the name of the app for daily words? I love words especially new ones . I am a geek too hahaha

geek and dork are totally different...

and with its IQs set on the other end of the scale...
Wirelessly posted

Grummer said:
Wirelessly posted

What's the name of the app for daily words? I love words especially new ones . I am a geek too hahaha

geek and dork are totally different...

and with its IQs set on the other end of the scale...

Didn't know what lol
Wirelessly posted

I Learned a new word today , quixotic never heard of it before. It means romantic starry eyed.

Like Don Quixote, is the origin.
Wirelessly posted

What's the name of the app for daily words? I love words especially new ones . I am a geek too hahaha

Just go to Dictionary.com and subscribe for words of the day, it can go to your email or your phone. :D Sometimes they're stupid words you already know, but most of the time I learn a new word. :D
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