What did you learn today?

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i learned that this 'intros' we been getting lately all are from same person/poster///beware. Don't friend them!
Cameron Diaz likes to burp on soft drinks, she's fun lol
I'm dreading to learn from my doctor today. I Don't want to know but i have to, the appointment is going to be a long one, 1 hr.
Wirelessly posted

Grummer said:
I'm dreading to learn from my doctor today. I Don't want to know but i have to, the appointment is going to be a long one, 1 hr.

I hope all is good.
I have flaky ears. :lol:
Dr removed the ear wax - amazing how ear wax can make my hearing take a dive. He said to use the drops he had given me in the past for itchy ears once a day to keep the skin in my ear canal from flaking and causing my ear wax problems. Hope this works.
Wirelessly posted

I hope all is good.

its good now, but just leraned I'm 11KG over weight!! so that's gonna have to go at end of year all my life i was underweight...now I'm over the other side grrrr, just all that gain from NO exercises...I'm gonna sort something out, and decide how I'd shave that fat gut off..
Wirelessly posted

Grummer said:
Wirelessly posted

I hope all is good.

its good now, but just leraned I'm 11KG over weight!! so that's gonna have to go at end of year all my life i was underweight...now I'm over the other side grrrr, just all that gain from NO exercises...I'm gonna sort something out, and decide how I'd shave that fat gut off..

Ditch the sandwich :lol:
probably a good idea...now what, rices and salad urgh they're horrible
Wirelessly posted

Grummer said:
probably a good idea...now what, rices and salad urgh they're horrible

Light meals and drink A LOT of water at least 64 oz. a day!
probably a good idea...now what, rices and salad urgh they're horrible

What? Not going to combine your faves into one belt buster? :D

it does looks gross and fatty...
dont like it so soggy...
i htink id try eat more asian food for the next 2 months -If i can afford it...that is thai curry, rice, chicken, some fish...so long avoid oil-fried stuffs
I learned I may have a buyer for Deacon. They may have the decision made by end of week.
Oh my lord, gross! :shock: That's not a belt buster, that's a damn body buster!

one day they may say this is good for you follow by cream cakes mug of gin and twenty fags that would be nice maybe not:hmm:
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