What did you dream last night?

Honestly, two nights ago I dreamed of memory 22 years ago witnessing on tv news a car moving on Golden Gate Bridge and suddenly the bridge collasped the car fell down through it. I'm little bit terrified to drive a rental car across the Golden Gate bridge or Bay Ridge as if earthquake hits. Weirrddddd.
My dream last night was more of a memory. It was when my family and &, back when I was 8 or 9, drove to Vero Beach for a day and my father managed to walk into an area with broken bottles on the ground. We had to take him to the ER and he got 54 stitches in the bottom of his foot.
I dream jillio phone my sister talk about me. Lol

That's actually a real possibility! Have you done anything to endanger yourself? :P

One of the cool things about having your own psychologist on a forum. :)
A weird dream that I had a few days ago was of me and being in a futuristic time in which there were some people that were trying to kill me... for some reason at one point in time I was a guy and I was wearing some sort of robot suit and I was stuck in a large pipe. I was hanging upside down holding on to some wires and trying to figure out how to get out of the robot suit... I remember looking at "myself" and thinking how good in shape I was LOL :)
.... earlier in that dream I was protecting my boyfriends niece from some guys who wanted her. I was kicking their buts with my martial arts skills---which I have none of in real life.. hmmm I see a pattern developing..
I was taking a walk and I kept jumping really high- like 20-30 ft in the air. It was pretty fun.
A weird dream that I had a few days ago was of me and being in a futuristic time in which there were some people that were trying to kill me... for some reason at one point in time I was a guy and I was wearing some sort of robot suit and I was stuck in a large pipe. I was hanging upside down holding on to some wires and trying to figure out how to get out of the robot suit... I remember looking at "myself" and thinking how good in shape I was LOL :)
.... earlier in that dream I was protecting my boyfriends niece from some guys who wanted her. I was kicking their buts with my martial arts skills---which I have none of in real life.. hmmm I see a pattern developing..

Your dreams sound a lot like mine! For some reason there are lots of sward fights in my dreams though.

My worst dreams was when I was in elementary school. I call it my Dream of Doors. I dreamed there was a door and every time I opened it and went through there was another door. I kept going and going and never got to the end. I hated that dream. I kept haunting me for a number of years. Grrrr.... Finally one day I swore the next time I had that dream I was going to take dynamite with me and blow the hell outta that sucker! Never had the dream again. Go figure.
I know I have been working too hard on the Spook trail over the weekend. My dream pretty much flashed foward from a baby doll pulling its head off to people coming out of their graves and some other weird stuff.. Might have been the sudafed I took before bed since I my nose was stuffy from all the dusty props.
I've always had crazy wild dreams! It's pretty much just a jumble of a whole bunch of things together that make no sense! Other times I actually get complete story-lines. I've started writing my dreams down, kinda like a compilation of short stories :D
I usually never remember dreams, but for the past two days, nightmares about the Vietnamese policeman video posted in the thread about the Chinese baby that got run over.
I usually never remember dreams, but for the past two days, nightmares about the Vietnamese policeman video posted in the thread about the Chinese baby that got run over.

That was bad!! I could not finish watching it. :(
Last night was such an unsettling night for me, that I don't think I had any dreams. Basically, I woke up off and on all night.
Almost forget to tell you what happen about 6 years ago. It is very very weird dream that I do not forget. The dream about a masked necromancer was dueling the dwarf prince to death at his throne room where the nobels surround them but a necromancer killed him before a necromancer ordered 2 of his minions put a prince's corpse on the wed wall where the spider eats. His mionons start attacking the all nobels before eat them alive.

A necromancer started take over the town after the prince died. His minions killed whole of the innocen people before them turn in the zombies and walk up to the big clock look like in London. So weird dreams but I am still working on my own animation movies for just hobby when i have free time. Well.
That's actually a real possibility! Have you done anything to endanger yourself? :P

One of the cool things about having your own psychologist on a forum. :)

Once I had a dream about a white cat who helped a deaf boy with stuff and acted as his terp.
Wirelessly posted

Had a dream that one of my friends somehow got stuck in a gaming state of mind so the only way for him to return to normal was to let it play out. We were all characters in his game. Oh and marlee matlin showed up. Weird. There was a happy ending... We opened a huge assed champagne bottle and celebrated when he "beat" it.