What did you dream last night?


New Member
Mar 23, 2011
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Just what the title of the thread says.

I had an extremely weird dream last night. For some reason, I was being investigated for fraud or something similar by the FBI. Somehow, my little brother thought I was going to rat him out for something, so he decided that I needed to be killed.

The rest of my dream mostly involved me trying to simultaneously stay alive while also not unintentionally slipping up and giving the FBI proof that I had ever done anything wrong.

The strangest ways he tried to kill me was once by morphing into a Gorilla (I could apparently do this as well, so it wasn't gorilla vs human), and by somehow launching the top floor of my parents' house, which I was at the time, off of the top of the house and into their front yard (almost crushing me inside it in the process) twice.
I dreamed I felt healthy and was running in a field filled with nothing but butterflies, in all colors, shapes, and sizes.
I dreamed of the confusion I feel/felt, knowing people lie, family, friends, even strangers we meet. Knowing the world is full of trickery...wasn't a pleasent dream.
Last night I dreamed I bought a small house on the other side of town, then upon inspection it had to be completely gutted out because the electrical and plumbing were not up to code.
I had the same re-occurring dream/nightmare last night that I have had since my first hearing tests. I am in a room with no corners, like a round ball. There is a disco ball hanging and from somewhere there are multicolored lights. The sounds of the hearing test are playing, but its in the form of people laughing. Every time a sound/laugh occurs, the lights start spinning. I wake up in a sweat and screaming. I have this on average of 5-6 times a year and it started when I was 6.
Wirelessly posted

I will have to come later :lol:
I dreamed I was on a train going through a tunnel.....weird...
My dream was... Messed up. I cannot comprehend what I just dreamt.

My old horse that died few years ago was there. In my childhood home. And there was a duck that got fried, but still alive... Still walking around. O_O
I dreamed I was in LaLa Land with a bunch of short yellow people with pink hair called "LaLas". Yeah that was some weird shit.
I'm sure I had some sort of dream last night, I just don't remember it now. :lol:
My dream last night involved me alternating between being Kate Beckett from the TV show Castle and a chinese terrorist who was nuking someplace, but as a good guy? As Beckett, I was trying to catch my other self. Very weird.
I dreamed about being on a Navy ship and shooting missles.....weird
I had a dream that I climbed the National Mounument and jumped off. :wave:

(how many more posts? 3 .... 2 .... ) lol
Another night, I dreamt that a man in a clown costume and a midget was trying to flirt with me, Then I woke up. :Ohno:
I dreamt that I was on a cruise ship and met a guy from Jackass that fell in love with me and then I sneaked into a gym to work out...?