What did you do today?

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Hm. I have yet to ever see a mouse here. I'm actually not afraid of them. Yet I would think the cats (5 of 'em, remember! :lol: ) would be on top of this! :lol: No sump pump hose, no need for one. Rain gutters are sealed with a leafguard. So .. garage doors and dryer vents would be the best bets. I will bring this up with SO and see what he thinks. Can you ask hubby if mice are easy to hear?
LOL @ you guys needing to go back to 3rd grade math. Why do u think there is a game show called "Are you Smarter than a 5th grader?" The stuff these kids are learning nowadays just blows my mind away. So much pressure on the little ones. :(

We need our kids being strong in Math and Science due to future job trends.

reason why we're still superior to Asian countries despite of our shoddy education system is because we're free thinkers. Our creativity has no boundary. That's what Asian countries lack in and that's why they're "robots" for us to make our dreams come true.
In a house that's 6 years old?

Where would they be getting in, do you think? New construction is supposed to be sealed so tight I'm having difficulty thinking of where they'd get in, but I'm certainly open to ideas!

doesn't matter if it's a new construction or not. rats/mice can chew thru just about anything.

now you just gotta find out what's attracting them.
Hm. I have yet to ever see a mouse here. I'm actually not afraid of them. Yet I would think the cats (5 of 'em, remember! :lol: ) would be on top of this! :lol: No sump pump hose, no need for one. Rain gutters are sealed with a leafguard. So .. garage doors and dryer vents would be the best bets. I will bring this up with SO and see what he thinks. Can you ask hubby if mice are easy to hear?

He's hoh. I don't think he can hear mice. And he is also outside digging holes with a post hole digger! :lol:
doesn't matter if it's a new construction or not. rats/mice can chew thru just about anything.

now you just gotta find out what's attracting them.

What I found in Missouri was that the mice/rats loved cat food. We got them in our mobile home. Neighbor provided 3 barn cats and we sealed up everything and started putting the cat food into air-tight containers. Then, we put mice poison underneath the mobile home, behind all the skirting (underpinning) and steel wool in all the openings for water lines and dryer vent and plumbing lines to close off the spaces. After that, 10 years mice/rat free. (add more poison under the house twice a year due to weather.)
I am skills good clever on restore and back up on system :P
He's hoh. I don't think he can hear mice. And he is also outside digging holes with a post hole digger! :lol:

Ok, thanks :) Sometimes I think my SO has (while he is hearing) selective hearing, so I wasn't sure if perhaps he might've tuned out mice sounds.

Still, I think at least ONE of FIVE cats would have noticed. I haven't seen anything indicative of their behavior to make me think they were hearing or seeing mice ...

Still worth looking into, thanks for the idea!
What I found in Missouri was that the mice/rats loved cat food. We got them in our mobile home. Neighbor provided 3 barn cats and we sealed up everything and started putting the cat food into air-tight containers. Then, we put mice poison underneath the mobile home, behind all the skirting (underpinning) and steel wool in all the openings for water lines and dryer vent and plumbing lines to close off the spaces. After that, 10 years mice/rat free. (add more poison under the house twice a year due to weather.)

We have our cat food in airtight containers other than the one food bowl they all share. And with 5 cats, that goes mighty fast. :lol:
We have our cat food in airtight containers other than the one food bowl they all share. And with 5 cats, that goes mighty fast. :lol:

I'm terrified at the thought of feeding 5 hungry cats :Ohno:
My dog acts in a certain way when she hears mice in the house. When I see the behavior, I know it is time to set the traps.

That's one of the reasons I am very very obsessed with not leaving food around.
Took my son to football practice, and tought them some food signs. Now they can ask for thing to eat in ASL!
Putting up a fence?

Yes. One more privacy fence before winter is upon us. I think we should retire to an acreage as he likes building fences so much.

And I think it has to be good for his heart.
I managed to walk a mile on the newly implanted prosthetic kneecap I got on the 15th of last month... smile..I go to PT 3 times a week. Then to be honest I cried. My heart is broken, I can not deny. My disappointment in my judgement has caused me such pain. I responded to Lanapoo's post and Im reading thru AD while I ice the knee. Still crying, hope it stops soon. lol
The rejection I feel is so overwhelming and along with the pain my body is feeling geez. sorry for the whining.....Smile Life does go on...I just feel so isolated for the first time. I am alone again...Oh and I am rereading Othello..
Can someone tell me what happened to Jillio???? I see all the "free Jillio notes"...although we had a "headbang" I wish her no pain or negativity in her life....only happiness and peace as I do you all. Oh and im lugging laundry up and down the steps to my basement...I am loving life today..LOL
Hope you all have a great day, whatever the circumstances..Peace, Midnight

Sorry that you are in pain. Hope you feel better.

Jillio got banned and we want her free from the ban.
I managed to walk a mile on the newly implanted prosthetic kneecap I got on the 15th of last month... smile..I go to PT 3 times a week. Then to be honest I cried. My heart is broken, I can not deny. My disappointment in my judgement has caused me such pain. I responded to Lanapoo's post and Im reading thru AD while I ice the knee. Still crying, hope it stops soon. lol
The rejection I feel is so overwhelming and along with the pain my body is feeling geez. sorry for the whining.....Smile Life does go on...I just feel so isolated for the first time. I am alone again...Oh and I am rereading Othello..
Can someone tell me what happened to Jillio???? I see all the "free Jillio notes"...although we had a "headbang" I wish her no pain or negativity in her life....only happiness and peace as I do you all. Oh and im lugging laundry up and down the steps to my basement...I am loving life today..LOL
Hope you all have a great day, whatever the circumstances..Peace, Midnight
I'm sorry to hear about your pain. I hope you have pain meds that will help with that. :hug:
Yes. One more privacy fence before winter is upon us. I think we should retire to an acreage as he likes building fences so much.

And I think it has to be good for his heart.

If he wants a few bucks, he can come up and fence our yard :)

(I'm actually serious.) We're planning to do this next spring. But I'm sure your hubby doesn't want a 4 or 5-hour drive up north. :)
Went for a walk/jog with one of my coworkers at the park near work after work. Started raining but we were in the middle of the 4 mile path so we were stuck getting drenched. Also, it was so warm with high humidity so after our exercise, I felt soooo yucky! Eeew!
If he wants a few bucks, he can come up and fence our yard :)

(I'm actually serious.) We're planning to do this next spring. But I'm sure your hubby doesn't want a 4 or 5-hour drive up north. :)

:lol: He says he is flattered, but he thinks he is getting old and will stop soon.

Plus, in truth, I am terrified of Minnesota roads. The speed limit is terrifyingly fast, and the roads were not in great condition the last time I traveled there. Which admittedly was about 10 years ago.
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