What did you do today?

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Nice. tell us the story.

120 volts?

At least. I went to walk the floor for the third gathering today and I noticed water gushing out of the stand pipe at the chicken house. Water was EVERYWHERE, all over the slats, all in the hen feeder, in the floor. A huge mess.
I called my aunt and told her and she said just put the top back on the pipe. Well I go back for a closer look to do that before I realized the whole stand pipe was busted off the end. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed it to put it back on and I got the ever-living shit shocked out of me. The water was gushing over the hot wire that runs along the water line and it had a current flowing all the way back to the pipe itself. I grabbed it and my hands clinched up and I couldn't let go until it quit pulsating. My arms were numb and tingly from the elbows down. They are just now somewhat returning to normal.

Oh it's been a helluva Monday!!!
At least. I went to walk the floor for the third gathering today and I noticed water gushing out of the stand pipe at the chicken house. Water was EVERYWHERE, all over the slats, all in the hen feeder, in the floor. A huge mess.
I called my aunt and told her and she said just put the top back on the pipe. Well I go back for a closer look to do that before I realized the whole stand pipe was busted off the end. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed it to put it back on and I got the ever-living shit shocked out of me. The water was gushing over the hot wire that runs along the water line and it had a current flowing all the way back to the pipe itself. I grabbed it and my hands clinched up and I couldn't let go until it quit pulsating. My arms were numb and tingly from the elbows down. They are just now somewhat returning to normal.

Oh it's been a helluva Monday!!!

hahaha yeah, know the feeling.

I still think spark plug wires are worse than the 120 volt outlet.

Hope all is ok for you.
At least. I went to walk the floor for the third gathering today and I noticed water gushing out of the stand pipe at the chicken house. Water was EVERYWHERE, all over the slats, all in the hen feeder, in the floor. A huge mess.
I called my aunt and told her and she said just put the top back on the pipe. Well I go back for a closer look to do that before I realized the whole stand pipe was busted off the end. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed it to put it back on and I got the ever-living shit shocked out of me. The water was gushing over the hot wire that runs along the water line and it had a current flowing all the way back to the pipe itself. I grabbed it and my hands clinched up and I couldn't let go until it quit pulsating. My arms were numb and tingly from the elbows down. They are just now somewhat returning to normal.

Oh it's been a helluva Monday!!!

You should had been seen by a doctor! I think this can mess with your heart rate.
You should had been seen by a doctor! I think this can mess with your heart rate.

I have no insurance and EKGs are NOT cheap by any means. I think I'll be fine. If I end up with a minor SVT at the minimum, I'll be fine.
hahaha yeah, know the feeling.

I still think spark plug wires are worse than the 120 volt outlet.

Hope all is ok for you.

Only problem is that voltage is not what causes problems, it's the amp. 120 volts with high amps is worse than spark plug which has high voltage but low amps.
What did I do today? Umm....

Swimming! :D
At least. I went to walk the floor for the third gathering today and I noticed water gushing out of the stand pipe at the chicken house. Water was EVERYWHERE, all over the slats, all in the hen feeder, in the floor. A huge mess.
I called my aunt and told her and she said just put the top back on the pipe. Well I go back for a closer look to do that before I realized the whole stand pipe was busted off the end. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed it to put it back on and I got the ever-living shit shocked out of me. The water was gushing over the hot wire that runs along the water line and it had a current flowing all the way back to the pipe itself. I grabbed it and my hands clinched up and I couldn't let go until it quit pulsating. My arms were numb and tingly from the elbows down. They are just now somewhat returning to normal.

Oh it's been a helluva Monday!!!

Damn! I'm glad you're still alive.
Wirelessly posted

Just got up at 5 am before the morning rooster & the sun did! (been a habit before I got pregnant) The great thing about the quiet times; the twin girls (yup we're having girls!) are very active and will be kicking/punching. Ohh, it's beautiful to feel them and watch my belly move. Daddy and Mommy loves you so much our sweet girls. oxox
Wirelessly posted

Just got up at 5 am before the morning rooster & the sun did! (been a habit before I got pregnant) The great thing about the quiet times; the twin girls (yup we're having girls!) are very active and will be kicking/punching. Ohh, it's beautiful to feel them and watch my belly move. Daddy and Mommy loves you so much our sweet girls. oxox
Do you have names picked out for your twins? :) It's great hearing from you.
Do you have names picked out for your twins? :) It's great hearing from you.

Hi deafskeptic! Oh yes we have names picked out for the girls and they're beautiful names. Very unique and you guys will find out in 2 1/2 months!! :)
Hi deafskeptic! Oh yes we have names picked out for the girls and they're beautiful names. Very unique and you guys will find out in 2 1/2 months!! :)

Yay! So obviously my suggestions are out, as they are both girls. :)
Hi deafskeptic! Oh yes we have names picked out for the girls and they're beautiful names. Very unique and you guys will find out in 2 1/2 months!! :)

Awww.. We have to wait for your twins' names? :hyper:
TWA - treasure the memories and good things about teaching. I know my father always missed it after he stopped teaching. In his case, we had to move for his medical issues and he was over-qualified. None of the schools in Florida could pay him what his credentials said he was worth. He was a German, English and Latin Professor and was 6 months short of a PHD in Education when he had to drop out of college.
As for what I have done today - I did usual morning chores, made jello for dinner tonight, shampooed my bedroom carpet and watched a movie. Now, we are getting ready to cram in 2 DVD's of Stargate SG1 season 8 as we have to return it tomorrow.
What I did today

Well I had to finally decide which phone/pager I was going to get before may 31st and TMobile cuts the service to my Sidekick LX...Can you imagine this..I can not even remember my home address at times and this sales person is giving me all kinds of info and handing me phones ....I had to decide between the new SideKick G4 and the Sprint HTC Evo Shift...UGH..no idea thought I knew what I wanted but MMMM I went with the HTC Evo Shift because if I order it on line I can get it shipped to me in 4 days and then take it to the store and they will set it up for me since I do not want all the apps at once...I need to go slow to remember what I am doing...anyway what finally got me was the speech to text worked on the Evo but the girl at Tmobile never got it working...and if I order on line I get the sprint unlimited special of $39.99 per month.YAY... so it's done. Midnight..♥♥♥ Peace to everyone but now I need to rest my head :cool2:
We went to Sam's Club and bought provisions for the month.
Had a hands on CPR test today! Which consisted of rescuing "Bob" via abdominal thrust and CPR. Beating a choky baby and thrust, then doing infant CPR. This is my fifth time getting recertified.
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