what causes ppl to be born deaf?

That's right. Deafness is usually physical and you can't cure physical disabilities, but you can "fix" it in some ways depending on the deafness.

It can be "fixed" with hearing aids or cochlear implants, but that doesn't mean the deafness was cured.

Indeed, not only it is fixed but in a sense, it is a tool that "helps".

Of course, it doesn't mean that the deafness is cured but I wouldn't say it is "fixed" because "fixed" sounds like it is fixed in some way to be perfect in one way or other.
My parents have no idea how I became deaf. Either is born that way OR became sick at 3 months old until heal up at 3 years old or BOTH. Who knows.
Indeed, not only it is fixed but in a sense, it is a tool that "helps".

Of course, it doesn't mean that the deafness is cured but I wouldn't say it is "fixed" because "fixed" sounds like it is fixed in some way to be perfect in one way or other.

Exactly. When I tell people about my CIs, I explain to them that they are a tool to help me hear and not a cure for my deafness.
Caught Whooping Cough while i was newborn and have high fever. Cause of my hearing loss
wow, there are so many causes. unbelievable and very sad. i sure do wish there were ways to reverse it.

thanks jillio, i'm sorry for calling it a disease.




oh man. :( thank god your alright.

:( oh man, nerves can be burned.

* thanks everyone, one of my familiy members almost went deaf from a football game cannon that wnt off 2 inches from his left ear.

he said the whole stadium wnt silent. he had to go to the emergency room for emergency anti imflamatory drugs...maybe steroids i think. he had to see an audiologist and get many tests done.

eventually the cilia in his ears grew back...or something like that. he does have hearing loss though and had to maintain ear rest for months like not going to the movies, no head sets, no noise over so many decibles and had to wear ear muffs at home.

it was crazy and very scary for him.

he almost lost his ability to go in the military which was his dream.

lolz! it doesnt bother me to be deaf..its like you...it doesnt bother you
to be hearing, doesnt it?? no difference.....right?
Rubella (AKA German measles) in my case. There was Rubella outbreaks in 60's. Nowadays kids are vaccinated against it. You won't find a kid with Rubella unless the kid grew up in a foreign country that has no rubella vaccination program.

There are many ways for kids to be born deaf. Recessive deafness gene. CMV. Or sometimes I heard of some kids became deaf after getting a life-saving shot for scarlet fever or the likes.
Indeed, not only it is fixed but in a sense, it is a tool that "helps".

Of course, it doesn't mean that the deafness is cured but I wouldn't say it is "fixed" because "fixed" sounds like it is fixed in some way to be perfect in one way or other.

I agree. "Fixed" implies that you have made whole something that was not whole before being "fixed." While CI and HA can "add to", I fail to see that a deaf individual is not whole and complete just as they are.
I became deaf from the virus called German Measles or Rubella Syndrome, that was during I was inside mom's womb at 3 months of pregnancy. Many people become deaf from loud noises, diseases, so many reasons.
My parents were not sure what caused my deafness,
cuz there was no deafness in our family but they
really dont know that as it could be in another
generation. It could be rubella but they could not
prove it.
Exactly. When I tell people about my CIs, I explain to them that they are a tool to help me hear and not a cure for my deafness.

I agree. "Fixed" implies that you have made whole something that was not whole before being "fixed." While CI and HA can "add to", I fail to see that a deaf individual is not whole and complete just as they are.

Yeah, Well in retro to that - I don't think fixed is like, a definition for it. I think what Vampy meant is, It is "fixed" to HELP, not the other way around to make it as a whole or in perfection for that.

I'm not implying that the term fixed should be wrong cuz it is not. It is in the medium where one can view it differently. To clear this up, fixed is where it can also help too.
I was told two stories about me but I don't know which one is true.

1st story. My mother lost five babies(miscarriages) before me in order to have me she had to take a shot eveyday ( I don't know what it was) and it cause my hearing lost.

2nd story. I was two years old and I was on the second floor of our house and my father forgot to lock the gate to the steps,well I fell down the steps and slam my head againts the wall and both my ears were bleeding.
why can't deafness be cured?

Because it is once broken, it reminds broken. The ear system are just like a wood stick, it stay broken. That's why the hearing aids or the cochlear implants exists to replace them, but they are still not an "cure". The hearing aids and the cochlear implants, or any technology equipments for helping deafies to hear are only the equipment that deafies can use. Without them, we still can't hear. There are no cure for the deafness, it's impossible.

is it a nerve problem?

My deafness can be arguable because of the nerve in my ear, I think my nerves doesn't response to the sound wave enough, but the cause of my deafness are unknown because I just born that way.

No problemo :)
or for ppl to lose their hearing as a young person?

are there diseases that can make a person go deaf, like how a person can go blind? Yes I lost my hearing to spinal Menigitis at 2 1/2
why can't deafness be cured? I
I wish they will find a cure for it. It is alike someone cut off hand and u can not grow new hand[/COLOR].
is it a nerve problem?
Mine is, nerve is all gone, disappeared forever


Hope it helps you.