What candy are you giving out tomorrow?


Aug 9, 2005
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Tootsie pops have a green apple lollypop with caramel all around it. Naturally they call it a caramel apple lollypop. I'm giving out those, along with M&Ms, Hershey bars, and Junior Mints.
I havent gone to buy candies yet. I will do it tmw. I will give out M&M and maybe snickers.
yup one of us or my parents would. Since my parents live in country and wanna to come down here. Hersey, M&M, lollypops, mixed with gums. Forward to it!
Me none! :) no one will come around my door in the backyard :) .. someone live downstair giving the candies :)
For the little goblins? Chewables saturated with empty calories, high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils. I love encouraging unhealthy eating habits and upping sugar-related aggression!

I'd hand out gala apples, but they cost much more than store-brought candies do. I'd hand out butter cookies, but they are too-time consuming and of course expensive to make from scratch. And I don't have that much butter in the fridge. Perhaps I should hand out nutrition facts, printed in big, bold black soy ink on recycled paper.

I like my house too much, though.
I dont give any candies cuz I am too busy on other things...
I'm giving out random candy. I'm buying a mixed pack and will be giving them out to my residents today. :)
Lolly - its warm outside at night today!
My daughter went to Fish and Chip and Pizza shops, they gave her free foods to share with her friends, she is bring 5 friends from High school at my place!!
None... We re takes our girls go my friend s house ... Have pizza and playing another their kids

BOOOOO and safe tonight
Not going to give out candies as I will be taking my son Trick n Treating on Monster Street in town. :)
We gave out Snickers, Sweet Tarts, Peanut Butter Cups, and Tootsie Rolls.
Yummy. I just bought 2 pack of 30 Reese cups for 2 bucks each yesterday at Wal-Mart... Post-Halloween sale!
Right! After Halloween, Valentines Day, and Easter are the best times to buy candy. :P
Not much. M&M. Not much kids come around cause we live in mountain area about 6 miles away from town. We do have neighbor, mostly we go to town to trick or treat.
a multipack candies i use on halloween for trickortreaters
i know it is old thread now LOL