What are you thinking about?

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I am thinking I am not sure if I like the dusky rose color my husband just painted our deck.
Even though I chose the color.
Too bad I dont live close to you cuz I can give you tips! Former softball player here. :)

Haha thanks! Turns out that a few more players showed up, so I didn't have to play 2nd base. Whew! I did play left center field though. Scooped up a few balls and managed okay throws! Went to bat three times and managed to hit the ball PLUS safely reached first base all three times. Not too shabby.

Even though we lost miserably, it was fun!
im thinking about my boyfriend who is in canada somewhere and i haven't spoken to him nor gotten in touch with him in 5 days.. :(

he's hunting for a moose. don't worry. it's a serious business :mad2:
I am thinking about.............

BEACH! GRRRRRRR! I wish I am close to the ocean so we can go swim and relax!!! *POUT*
I am thinking about how well my first day at my summer teaching job went.
Thinking I am happy I went to Big Lots to buy potting soil.

While there I got my winter Crocs, (the real kind) for only $12!
that's a shame but I am glad u will be there to help him. I hope he will have deaf peers around him outside of school at least. We both know what it is like to grow up feeling isolated and different.

Thanks Shel, I wouldn't mind being his friend, but I have to draw the line and say OK he's a student, I'm a teacher (half-way teacher, lol). He'll turn 15 soon so I know he'll start learning to drive soon. I would want to encourage him in that direction to get his permit as long as his parents allow it. Giving him a little something to feel proud about.

I just really really really hope that I am able to get this position. I loved subbing, and I would love to be hired on as full time permanent staff.
I am thinking I am not sure if I like the dusky rose color my husband just painted our deck.
Even though I chose the color.

Thinking I have done the same with my daughters room at one time. It looked good on the little paint strips that shows the color. But when I painted her room. I was like Good grief!! :giggle:
Thinking.... Thank goodness it is Friday!!

I do not have to work Tomorrow! Still feeling pretty crummy from the cold I have. So I will stay home this weekend.
Finally, its Saturday and the hard work has finally paid off! Time for me to return to work, I work weekends now, yes.
I'm thinking about what I'm gonna do on the 4th of July.

I know that I will be playing with fireworks lol.
I am thinking, I will come over here for my 1000th post. Seems like a good spot for it. Now I will go back under a rock.
I ate too much pizza and now tummy hurts.... but pizza still was yummy :giggle:
The tequila has worn off, and I'm wondering why I've been awake for about 20 hours. It's so bright outside.....
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