What are you thinking about?

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-2C is not bad. When i was going to the UofA, I didn't wear a jacket until it was about -10C or so.

i am up, but no hangover. Weird.
Im thinking of staying in my bed with some hot chocolate :)
Still raining and still yucky outside. We are actually under Tornado watches. I think I have SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. It never bothered be before, but it seems I get weepy, depressed and tired with all of these days with no sunshine.

I am having a bad lousy day today, but I am trying to keep it under control. No emergencies will come my way if I can help it. It helps quite a bit being here on AD.

Jiro - glad to see you are feeling a little better. Take it easy.
Still raining and still yucky outside. We are actually under Tornado watches. I think I have SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. It never bothered be before, but it seems I get weepy, depressed and tired with all of these days with no sunshine.

I am having a bad lousy day today, but I am trying to keep it under control. No emergencies will come my way if I can help it. It helps quite a bit being here on AD.

Jiro - glad to see you are feeling a little better. Take it easy.

My mom gets those too. My dad ended up getting full-spectrum bulbs for that.
I dunwanna goto work......but it's my only day I work, so I have to. Also, gearing up for the 'blizzard' my area is 'supposed' to receive over this weekend. 6-12" estimated.......*shivers*
Just found out that the weather service is predicting 8 to 12 inches of snow for the DC metropolitan area.

Urge to kill rising...:mad2:
Okay... its suppose to be winter.. yet as always Texas has its funky weather.. its probably summer weather outside right now... I think im gonna go tan! :P
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