What are you thinking about?

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Awww so cute! I love those type of pajamas especially during cold seasons, they are so comfortable.

Yes, they are so cute. I loved them. Actually, I have 15 pairs of fleece and flannel pajamas. Those pajamas keep me warm during wintertime. They are so comfy. Also, I have a white goose down comforter.
Thinking about how my post was misunderstood, yes it was misworded, so the point was to thank and compliment Jillio for the things I learn from her, NOTHING MORE. So Bottes, my apologies if it caused any confusion as I respect you as a smart woman as well. Let's put this to rest, shall we? :)

I am quite happy to put it to rest, and don't mind if you think I am smart, or three degrees beneath the missing link.

I only thought your post was disrespectful to women. NOTHING MORE.

So I happily accept the olive branch in the spirit in which you extended it.
I am thinking about how I really want to read the book "Freakonomics".
Iam thinking about how funny it is that I got a last min invitation to a Halloween party just an hour ago and how I was able to throw together a fabulous costume in 10 mins using my daughter's stuff. LOL. Off I go to PARTY!!! Happy Halloween my fellow ADers!
Iam thinking about how funny it is that I got a last min invitation to a Halloween party just an hour ago and how I was able to throw together a fabulous costume in 10 mins using my daughter's stuff. LOL. Off I go to PARTY!!! Happy Halloween my fellow ADers!

Happy Halloween Shel!!
Went to see Tumbling competition this afternoon! God I miss it soooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!

I also miss my Fitness classes so much :mad2:

Just adding amazing youtube vid of tumbling

Did you participate in the tumbling competition? Are you into gymnastics?
Iam thinking about how funny it is that I got a last min invitation to a Halloween party just an hour ago and how I was able to throw together a fabulous costume in 10 mins using my daughter's stuff. LOL. Off I go to PARTY!!! Happy Halloween my fellow ADers!

pix or it didn't happen :D
Went to see Tumbling competition this afternoon! God I miss it soooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!

I also miss my Fitness classes so much :mad2:

Just adding amazing youtube vid of tumbling

what's keeping you from fitness class?
I am going to the condo to dog sit Bruiser. I love the condo whoohoo *party time* shh don't tell my uncle :giggle:
what's keeping you from fitness class?

Tendinitis Jiro!!! :mad2: yeah, I know... still... but I'm going back to Tai Chi classes as of this week!!!!!! I'm going :crazy: sitting at home on FB all day long :giggle: I'm not allowed to go running yet for another 2 week until doc check up... *pout* It's the worst tendinitis I've ever had in my life. Ever since August on both feet!!! It's a pain in the a**
Did you participate in the tumbling competition? Are you into gymnastics?

Yes and no... Officially I have been a gymnast from 4 years till 22. Unofficially I was also tumbling (wasn't allowed on competitions) from 5 years till 15. Had to stop tumbling classes since I attended and all girls boarding school since age 10. But I always stayed 2 hours + after gym class on Saturdays for tumbling.
Really hate that I was never officially allowed for competitions. Oh well... I sucked anyway compared to those amazing videos you see on youtube or even Kiara Nowling :cool2: LOLOL I was glad to do half of what they do :giggle:

Once a gymnast, always a gymnast :cool: I can feel goosebumps going all through my body when I watch competitions and all I wanna do is go on stage! ;) Except I have old bones now and my muscles are all sore LOL
JamieLynn, sounds like you had a great time doing the tumbling previously. At least, you can say , you did it!
Wondering if I have met Jiro in some poker tourneys across the US.

:laugh2: I don't even know how to play until now. my brother just taught me and I'm feeling good! Just made a new sunglasses - Jiro's Special Poker Edition Sunglasses :cool2:
pix or it didn't happen :D

Someone from the party posted pics of the Halloween party on my FB..I will tag them so go to my FB to check them out.
JamieLynn, sounds like you had a great time doing the tumbling previously. At least, you can say , you did it!

Yeah I know... :cool2: At least something in my life worth telling :giggle:

I still got today (Monday) and tomorrow off... YAY!!!! Instead of sitting home I'll go to outlet store and hopefully get some shopping done! I already did some last Saturday but still not enough! I need new winter clothes :cool2:

Anybody wants to come along with me? :giggle:
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