What are you thinking about? Part V

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Same hand you have in a cast???
Other hand. I pretty useless for now, lol. Cast come off next week though! Yay!
:hug: You poor bandaged thing! Two hands down...

I go hospital, all fix up! Wrap huge gauze. Not allow get wet four days. Fun!

I'm glad your ok Sunshine. We got off to a ruff start but I really think your a sweet person. I hope we can continue to get to know each other. Take care or your hands. It's hard to wrap presents with your feet. Ha ha:angel:
Ouch Sunshine...take it easy!
No hearing

:confused: You said you are 100 percent deaf.

I apologies if this is a double post. I have no hearing remaining. Others on this site gave me info about MES and noises heard. It might still be my brain healing. That's why I asked what was normal for hearing loss. If you have any suggestions I'll be happy to listen. I'm sorry for what happened to you the other day. I like the pictures of your dogs. What kind are they? I have a Maltese/Poodle. Hope to hear from you soon.:angel:
I apologies if this is a double post. I have no hearing remaining. Others on this site gave me info about MES and noises heard. It might still be my brain healing. That's why I asked what was normal for hearing loss. If you have any suggestions I'll be happy to listen. I'm sorry for what happened to you the other day. I like the pictures of your dogs. What kind are they? I have a Maltese/Poodle. Hope to hear from you soon.:angel:

External noise with no hearing? Impossible.

I only need refer to you earlier post where you called me a nasty names to think how I will interact with you.

External noise with no hearing? Impossible.

I only need refer to you earlier post where you called me a nasty names to think how I will interact with you.
I apologized to you. But for some reason you felt and continue to feel like you need to judge me. Yes I'm deaf. No hearing. What do I have to do post my hearing test results. I never said it was external noise. It comes from the brain which inturn gets aggravated by more noise I think. I asked for help that's all. Most people have provided great information without judgement. I really wanted to get information from you since you seem very knowledgeable. Sorry if you don't feel the same, I have no ill intentions. Happy Holidays:angel:
I apologized to you. But for some reason you felt and continue to feel like you need to judge me. Yes I'm deaf. No hearing. What do I have to do post my hearing test results. I never said it was external noise. It comes from the brain which inturn gets aggravated by more noise I think. I asked for help that's all. Most people have provided great information without judgement. I really wanted to get information from you since you seem very knowledgeable. Sorry if you don't feel the same, I have no ill intentions. Happy Holidays:angel:

Are you referring to auditory hallucinations?
Late deafend

I am posting where I was told to go!! Late deafend, right? I'm glad I stayed and met so many nice people. I've gained so much helpful information which was my initial intentions. Thanks:angel:
LOL! Playing the dozens with yourself!:giggle:

It was weird...Before I left for work, I made a silly comment to my hubby and he said , "Your momma." That set something off in my head and I came up with 5 different "Your momma" jokes by the time I got home. That was weird...it was like my mind couldnt stop analyzing what I see to incorporate them into jokes.
I'm glad your ok Sunshine. We got off to a ruff start but I really think your a sweet person. I hope we can continue to get to know each other. Take care or your hands. It's hard to wrap presents with your feet. Ha ha:angel:

I don't think people would want her to wrap 'em off if her feet are stinky. :giggle:
Are you referring to auditory hallucinations?

In a person completely deaf, auditory hallucinations could have no external influence. Correct?

Only from inside.
Are you referring to auditory hallucinations?

Probably more like a form of tinnitus. It is different for everyone, I think. I even have varying kinds. Mine is normally like a hum hum hum but the other night I woke up to this "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" it drove me crazy until I turned sides.
External degree

In a person completely deaf, auditory hallucinations could have no external influence. Correct?

Only from inside.

I'll wait for the doctor to diagnose. Why do you feel so compelled to prove me wrong? Does it somehow make you feel better? This is a support group after all. We all have different situations in our life. Please, give me a break!!!!:angel:
I think is good thing I not wish be mechanic. Today I try fix car door (latch broke, not close) and I almost slice finger off. So painful! So much blood.
Ouchie Sunshine. Glad to know that your okay! Take care and no need to as the comedians say, "keep yourself in stiches". :lol:
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