What are you thinking about? Part II

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I really wasn't suggesting that you were putting it off, and if that's the way I came across, I apologize. I know you would never do that.

Good luck and my prayers are with you.

LOL I knew that.....I was just making sure everyone else did too. But I am a procrastinator at heart, so it can be hard to get myself going. And then my ADD kicks in and it's hard to keep on task. *sigh* lol
LOL I knew that.....I was just making sure everyone else did too. But I am a procrastinator at heart, so it can be hard to get myself going. And then my ADD kicks in and it's hard to keep on task. *sigh* lol

Take my daughter's advice when ADD kicks in - she goes for a run - - - - oh - - wait a minute - - - you have a bunch of snow - now she says walk around the house in the snow, then get back to work!!

She's a nut. Whenever her ADD kicked in - she went out, and ran around our mobile home 10 times.
Take my daughter's advice when ADD kicks in - she goes for a run - - - - oh - - wait a minute - - - you have a bunch of snow - now she says walk around the house in the snow, then get back to work!!

She's a nut. Whenever her ADD kicked in - she went out, and ran around our mobile home 10 times.

I could walk around the block. I don't have the snow totals that Shel has. But this has be a sock to us here in NY. lol
I could walk around the block. I don't have the snow totals that Shel has. But this has be a sock to us here in NY. lol

I can talk a walk but I would have to do some hiking uphill as well to get over the mountains of snow..lol
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I am thinking of getting rest over the three day weekend whoohoo
I may go to deaf club for St. Valentine party on Saturday.
Hubby and I might go out Saturday as it is our 17th wedding anniversary, then MIL has a dinner planned for Sunday.
I'm thinking that I did my neighborly duty for today. I shoveled out parking spots on the street for people who may need them :D
quirkylibra, you'll be instantly popular today!

It's cold and I'm lazy. Zzzzzzz. . . I can't get motivated today. I'm planning on domestic chores today.
Thinking my car is an expensive piece of crap!

It started running rough and almost died on me a few weeks ago. Hubbu took it to the shop today to see what was wrong. I basically need a tune-up. I just had one less than 3000 miles ago in Missouri and the car came down to Florida on a trailer, so no miles were added from the move. That tune-up cost me $486, this one they want to charge me $325. Hubby is going to try to do what he can, but just the spark plug wires alone are $100 for my car and it take double platinum spark plugs that are $10 each for 6 of them.

We just in October, replaced my started, alternator and batter as well as battery cables. That was $600. What gives!!!???

It's a 2002 Mercury Sable GS.
My old VW is still kicking. My dishwasher died, though. Hoping to resurrect the motor but it looks bleak. :(
quirkylibra, you'll be instantly popular today!

It's cold and I'm lazy. Zzzzzzz. . . I can't get motivated today. I'm planning on domestic chores today.

I doubt I'll popular. I'll be nobody notices! :lol: Although there was one man out there...but I wish I was less popular with him.:giggle:
Thinking my car is an expensive piece of crap!

It started running rough and almost died on me a few weeks ago. Hubbu took it to the shop today to see what was wrong. I basically need a tune-up. I just had one less than 3000 miles ago in Missouri and the car came down to Florida on a trailer, so no miles were added from the move. That tune-up cost me $486, this one they want to charge me $325. Hubby is going to try to do what he can, but just the spark plug wires alone are $100 for my car and it take double platinum spark plugs that are $10 each for 6 of them.

We just in October, replaced my started, alternator and batter as well as battery cables. That was $600. What gives!!!???

It's a 2002 Mercury Sable GS.

My old VW is still kicking. My dishwasher died, though. Hoping to resurrect the motor but it looks bleak. :(

You two are really having bad luck. :aw: I'm sorry. Hopefully things improve!
Thinking my car is an expensive piece of crap!

It started running rough and almost died on me a few weeks ago. Hubbu took it to the shop today to see what was wrong. I basically need a tune-up. I just had one less than 3000 miles ago in Missouri and the car came down to Florida on a trailer, so no miles were added from the move. That tune-up cost me $486, this one they want to charge me $325. Hubby is going to try to do what he can, but just the spark plug wires alone are $100 for my car and it take double platinum spark plugs that are $10 each for 6 of them.

We just in October, replaced my started, alternator and batter as well as battery cables. That was $600. What gives!!!???

It's a 2002 Mercury Sable GS.

I would replace the cam shaft sensor before tuning up again. It should only be $30-$40 for the part and it is VERY simple to replace.....eaiser than an oil change.

It's a frequent problem with Ford products between 2000 and 2004. It feels just like the car needs a tune up. If you have a shop do it they will want to replace the modulator too. Say no. :nono: That is very expensive and not necessary. You may have to replace the sensor every 6 months but again it is easy. You will have to go to a dealership to pick up a sensor. Regular auto parts stores do not carry them. They will even show you where it goes. Two screws and you are set.
I would replace the cam shaft sensor before tuning up again. It should only be $30-$40 for the part and it is VERY simple to replace.....eaiser than an oil change.

It's a frequent problem with Ford products between 2000 and 2004. It feels just like the car needs a tune up. If you have a shop do it they will want to replace the modulator too. Say no. :nono: That is very expensive and not necessary. You may have to replace the sensor every 6 months but again it is easy. You will have to go to a dealership to pick up a sensor. Regular auto parts stores do not carry them. They will even show you where it goes. Two screws and you are set.

I'll ask hubby about it. He may know what you're talking about. He just left to go to work. Ice Cream factory!!
I am thinking about taking a hot bath with a glass of wine after getting soaked building my igloo. :)
I'll ask hubby about it. He may know what you're talking about. He just left to go to work. Ice Cream factory!!

Good, Its a small part. Should fit it teh palm of your hand. It goes under the air filter cover normally.

I had to replace them all the time on my company trucks
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