what are you scared of?


New Member
May 4, 2003
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Everyone say what they're scared of...
I never once walked on the cages in the sidewalk in the cities, ya know they have caged sidewalks for men to get down and work on water pipes... etc.. i NEVERRRRRRRR walked on one.
Originally posted by PiNKDoRK
Everyone say what they're scared of...
I never once walked on the cages in the sidewalk in the cities, ya know they have caged sidewalks for men to get down and work on water pipes... etc.. i NEVERRRRRRRR walked on one.

Oh.. that "metal screen thingie" on the street.. Oh yeah.. I am afraid to walk over.. i always walk *around* it. because i am afraid of heights.. or hole something you fall in..
I am really scare when my body catching HIVs/AIDS and never knew about it for long time.
I am scared of get in conflict with some guys on the street and of a special heigth. But not of spiders, snakes or other little "monsters", I like them.
i hate snakes...if i see it, i run for life.....no no worst is i run like a woman and scream like woman too :o
Originally posted by vvti low rolla
i hate snakes...if i see it, i run for life.....no no worst is i run like a woman and scream like woman too :o
I'll make sure I bring a snake with me when we have a softball game. :twisted:
Originally posted by kevbo
I'll make sure I bring a snake with me when we have a softball game. :twisted:
kevbo....thats just ..mean.....if you did that to me...id have to hurt you :D
My worst fears are those :ugh: clowns.. and also :ugh: those porcelain dolls with "batty eyes" that opens & closes when you move the dolls. *shuddering*

I have this fear that one day I will never meet this man I care so much for.. I am always afraid that I will never meet him and never discover that he could be my true love and my soulmate. *sighing*
i'm scared of deaf people!! :o

bad joke i know ;) -- actually ummmm.... i would say im scared of death. yup.
I'm terrified of bee cuz I'm allergic them and if i get stunged I must go to hospital asap otherwise I'll be dead... at least that what my dr told me... I haven't been stunged but by flies ofc.... and I'm scared of allisonjoy!
Originally posted by allisonjoy
:wave: --chases you around the room--
ME? OMG what I will do is: Run away from you while u're chasing me then I'm gonna stop and:kiss: :slap: :fart: :wave: and zoom!
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
ME? OMG what I will do is: Run away from you while u're chasing me then I'm gonna stop and:kiss: :slap: :fart: :wave: and zoom!
ooomggg lolol you're cracking me up here :rofl:
Originally posted by allisonjoy
ooomggg lolol you're cracking me up here :rofl:
Yeah You better be prepare when I do that to you when I see u @ Gally so you can't avoid me! :lol: :rofl: I can't wait to meet you for real...