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Downloaded few Edgar Poe stories from Audible, so genuine!
Just finished reading 'Signs and Wonders' Why Pentecostalism is the world's fastest growing faith. By Paul Alexander

It's given me another perspective.
Just finished reading "Nineteen Minutes" and it was really a good book.
Finished reading 'House of Versace' by Deborah Ball.

Interesting to read how the rise and fall came around.
Mortuary Confidential--
Undertakers Spill the Dirt

By Kenneth McKenzie and Todd Harra
I haven't read one of her books for a long time, but I think she is hysterically funny.

This must be one of the Magdalena Yoder ones.

It is and they are hilarious. In the town of Hernia Pennsylvania, no less.

I haven't seen that cover before. Very interesting.

Such a messed up collection of King stories in Full Dark, No Stars. For a while, I kind of thought he was becoming a sellout (and I LOVE King!), but this book reminds me of his earlier work, in a good way.
Just finished "The Gathering Storm" by Brodie and Brock Theone; and have started on
"A Bride for Donovan" by Janette Oke.