What Are You Reading Right now?

Thanks for the suggestions SN..I read Tao of Pooh along time ago...Midnight

Yep and you welcome. I even read Tao of Silent.

Side note, I even named the servers from Winie the Pooh characters.
Not reading anything currently since I read all the library books. Will have to check with my online library since I still can't get my eNook to work with Barnes & Noble.
Get a library card or download a Kindle for Mac, slacker. :slap:

Yeppers. Got the Kindle app downloaded to my laptop and my work computer. I have several professional reference books on Kindle, and I can access them anytime I need to with the computer to print forms, etc. Trying to go as paperless as I can.
On the suggestion of Grummer, I am reading The Dragons of Eden

Also, just got A River Runs Through It, and Rope Burns: Tales from the Corner, which is what Million Dollar Baby was based off.

I have a lot more time to read now that I'm finished with my thesis. :)

I LOVE A River Runs Through It.
Just finished The Confessions of Nat Turner by William Styron and Every Day Gets a Little Closer: Twice Told Therapy by Irvin Yalom. Currently reading The Weird Sisters (Eleanor Brown) and have Please Look After Mom (Kyung-Sook Shin waiting in the wings.

BTW: if there are any Kindle users out there, do you know that we can share books?
I just finished 13 1/2. Really hard to read for me, and a little gruesome.
Now I am reading Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning. Again.

Finally started the series after finishing a book by Stephen King.
The title sounds it is in ASL!!!

The book isn't written in ASL syntax, but I guess it could be another reason to like King. :)

And now I am reading Inside Deaf Culture by Padden and Humphries.
The book isn't written in ASL syntax, but I guess it could be another reason to like King. :)

And now I am reading Inside Deaf Culture by Padden and Humphries.

I got tired of Stephen King long time ago.

I just finished Super Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.
Starting to read In the Wake of a Dream by Lisa M. Hopper. It is about how she started the World Care.