What are you doing right now?

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Watching my lights occasionally flicker due to blizzard force winds.
My husband had shingles After returning home from Iraq. He described it as the most painful thing in his life, the shingles. Above all else. His fingers would curl up from the pain. Lasted several months. I hope I never ever get shingles.
My husband had shingles After returning home from Iraq. He described it as the most painful thing in his life, the shingles. Above all else. His fingers would curl up from the pain. Lasted several months. I hope I never ever get shingles.

Sorry to hear that. I used to work in a nursing home and there was shingles going around there. I've never had chicken pox. That's where Shingles come from.

There is a shingles vaccine for people who are 50 years and older. This lowers your chances of getting shingles and prevents long-term pain that can occur after shingles. And if you do get shingles, having the vaccine makes it more likely that you will have less pain and your rash will clear up more quickly.
Shingles absolutely causes blisters and itching besides the terrible nerve pain.

And then the postherpetic neuralgia...

I agree Botti, I was just mentioning that one can get chicken pox a second time around. Also since she never had any pain I was thinking it could be chicken pox. Shingles are awful and people suffer tremendously from them. My husbands brother had them and he was in total misery. They say one in three people can get shingles, I sure hope I'm not one of them.

Botti.....How cold is it there? The news for a lot of you looks down right scary.
Stay warm and safe.
Has anyone had the Shingles vaccine? I'm thinking I might look into it, but a little freaked out about it causing some other issue since weird medical things seem to happen to me.
Wirelessly posted

I am watching TV the ID channel, playing with my Cat "7" and reading post on alldeaf.com mobile. when I finish posting this, I plan on having about three oranges then study my signing, then hit the sAC at 11:00. Then the plan is to wake up tomorrow and start all over again.
I agree Botti, I was just mentioning that one can get chicken pox a second time around. Also since she never had any pain I was thinking it could be chicken pox. Shingles are awful and people suffer tremendously from them. My husbands brother had them and he was in total misery. They say one in three people can get shingles, I sure hope I'm not one of them.

Botti.....How cold is it there? The news for a lot of you looks down right scary.
Stay warm and safe.

Horribly cold. Schools are delayed two hours tomorrow because of it.
Right now, I am folding laundry, helping to plan a dual birthday party with my dog trainer for our pup who will be a year old, making out a grocery list and working on a schedule for my doggy sewing business as I have about 15 orders to get working on.
Right now, I am folding laundry, helping to plan a dual birthday party with my dog trainer for our pup who will be a year old, making out a grocery list and working on a schedule for my doggy sewing business as I have about 15 orders to get working on.

Hey, Kristina....good to see ya around....guessing you're really busy these days....
Wirelessly posted

I am watching TV the ID channel, playing with my Cat "7" and reading post on alldeaf.com mobile. when I finish posting this, I plan on having about three oranges then study my signing, then hit the sAC at 11:00. Then the plan is to wake up tomorrow and start all over again.

Oh, you have a cat?
Hi Frisky Feline

Oh, you have a cat?

Yes I have a huge cat.:roll: he is bigger than most well all small dogs, but he is so friendly, he comes and greats everyone that comes over, he isn't afraid if
Anything, when he was a kitten the first time the vet saw his she said, wow he is gonna be a big one. And he certainly is. Well I could talk about him all day but I wii stop now :wave: but thanks for asking about him,
tell me about yours.
Reading here.. Supposed to be looking at webcams (for either Skype or for VRS).. and keeling over at the price of the things! Well the ones that are recommended for VRS anyway. It's money I don't have right now :(.

So will be looking into if Skype will work on Mac and use dad's computer for an upcoming interview...whoohoo... (?!)
Recently I got caught my friend (female) creating another Facebook page under different name (male) and that person kept commenting on her page. That fake guy is actually her, have most of her photos on his profile photo. It is SO obvious, and it disgust me, because she thinks everyone in this Facebook friend are stupid, unfortunately not me.

I am thinking about telling that to her in a person to let her know that I am not stupid, and giving her plenty of evidences. She better stop doing this to get attention or should I let her bullshitting everyone in her Facebook world? *sighs*

She might have Multi Personal Disorder...who knows?
I was dozing, and a sight formed in my head, and I jerked awake, reminding myself that it was wishful thinking, and not likely to happen. Ah, well. I can only dream.
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