What are 6 things you would grab?


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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Let's say that you had a disaster strike your city. Tornado or what not.

What are the six things that you would grab (not family members because assuming they are safe and with you)..

1) food/water
2) all of our documentations/bank cards/etc
3) FM systems/hearing aids
4) medications (needed for sezuires and asthma)
5) flash light
6) blankets

What would you think of at the last min?
1. foods/cold drinks
2. Computer case
3. My blackberry pager
4. Blanket & Pillows
5. Medcation *IMPORTANT NEED*
6. Camping supplies

That is it..
1. laptop
2. blankets/pillows & flash light
3. important documents/pictures etc
4. medication, ofc
5. water/food plus camping supplies
6. DVD movies in the binder/Portable DVD player
well, depend on the time frame, when the warning is out, but must have it in handy to prepare in one place.
1. flashlight 2. bottled water/food 3.blankets/pillow 4. first aid kits 5.sidekick or cell phone 6. small battery tv​
1. Swiss Army knife
2. Galloon of water
3. flashlight
4. 12 peanuts bar
5. 6 fresh tight boxer
6. backpack
:roll: jeez why ppl said sidekick or laptop or whatever.. u have no place to plug the battery charge if ur house destory or no place to live.. duh

1. two backpacks (school bag and sport bag)
2. clohtes in school bag
3. food/drinks in sport bag
4. my pets (if i own them) because i'm not fucking leave them behind!
5. pets' food
6. blanket and small pillow to keep me and my pets warm over the night
A roll of paper towels (change it into bandaids, various hygene products)
The Forever Flashlight that doesn't need batteries
1.. truck hook up trailer and load my Rosie (horse) and dogs in with hays /food fill up tack area

2. another truck hook up travel trailer with included bath, beds, kitchen with load foods, drink, water, clothes, Tv, music, camping survive things and more..

3. Cash and Atm

4 Pagers sidekick and blackberry

5. fill up gas tanks for back up!!!



we may need another truck to hook up boat :lol:
1. I'D
2. Documents
3. Cash/atm cards
4. Glasses
5. HAs
6. Pager/cell phones/chargers

Someone mentioned why get pagers or cell phones since there will be no home to charge them up. Well...that's true but there will be some buildings still intact or can use car charger if help arrives. I wud like to be able to contact our families to pick us up or get help.
Cell phones won't work if the towers go down (unless you have a satellite phone). If damage is extensive, you might not find a place with electricity for recharging batteries.

After Hurricane Hugo destroyed our area, all the underground land phone lines worked fine. Cell phones didn't work.

ATM cards won't work if electricity is down at the machines.

After disasters, most people accept cash only.

If you have to leave your house, and have time, take your insurance papers, prescriptions, and personal address book with you.

Like I said, it depends on what kind of disaster. Local, wide area, short term, long term, short notice, long notice, etc.
1. My bible
2. food/water
4. my sk3
5. purse
6. earthquake survival kit
I don't need 6 things, but if I must!

1. My pants of course, can't run out of the house in my boxers.
2. My wallet!
3. I have this keen little pocket knife of mine In survival situations, no matter what a bladed tool is always a plus.

4. Hm, pants, yeah I alerady did that one... ... ... Well I guess I could say a handful of lithum batteries and LED bulbs. So much more portable, can take em in yer pocket. Bright as hell and lasts a quite while.

5. My camera dude! I gotta get this on film!!!
6. Uhm... I can't really think of anything else. I would say car keys if i had a vehicle, but I don't and shoes are an obvious. I mentioned pants as a joke :)

Emergency situations are pretty screwy and being prepared beforehand is the key, this is why you make a kit, a red waterproof, airtight orange case with first aid, medications, batteries, wind-up type radios and flashlights and whatever else you might need. Water purification tablets and such. Ponchos string, fishing hooks and line, all in one case. That way you just go straight for it first, get whatever else you may need (which is what most people have listed) then bolt. Remember katrina? Alot of people thought they'd be fine stuck around, theres too many reasons why people stayed and i don't know them all but the point is some people stayed. NEVER do this, no matter what. Do you honestly want to be 500 miles if a nuclear bomb drops when it's possible that it'd land right on your house :P Nothing is certian and city officials usually know best... unless they're a conspicious government :O

I think if i had the time i'd grab a cold soda and needed supplies, oh and a pack of cigs, never know when you urge would hit me LOL!
But in case of a flash flood it would be my life running out of my house in any thing i wore to bed. Which could consist of nothing but that's a personal story:bump:
1. Pets
2. Food and drink supplies
3. Flashlight
4. Blanket
5. Documents (if have time)
6. Of course, the wallet
What would you think of at the last min?

1) Family and cats
2) cash
3) Foods and drinks supplies
4) Blankets/pillows/warm clothes
5) Important proofs (Documentations/bank cards/etc)
6) medications
take my pets
portable radio
non-perishable food
first-aid kits