Weight 150 pounds!!!!


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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I gained 20 pounds within 2 years.

I used to be 130 pounds, now I am 150 pounds.

WHOA!!!! I am FAT!!! :popcorn:
Does it matter?

Personally, as someone who suffers from an eating disorder, I found this disturbing. We all need to try and accept our body types. Heights and weights don't matter. What matters is who we are as people.
Yeah, you are considered overweight for your height. Go work out or something. Eat right.
Oceanbreeze said:
Does it matter?

Personally, as someone who suffers from an eating disorder, I found this disturbing. We all need to try and accept our body types. Heights and weights don't matter. What matters is who we are as people.

My ex-girlfriend wasn't a model or anything, but I always thought she was attractive. She also had a great personality as well.
Serendipity said:
Yeah, you are considered overweight for your height. Go work out or something. Eat right.
yea thats right.. maybe she eat while she use online and didnt do anything around home ... look at me i am chubby and i do clean house every monday, wed and friday, and keep me busy all the time..
Is fat always an object with some people? I meant It never cross my mind to look at them like "Oh she/he is so fat". I don't look at them that way I never do. I look at them as a person and I love my friends the way they are. And I hate it when people use the word "fat" to describe people who are overweight, It just digested me... You know some people just happen to be that way, and It is not funny to make fun of anyone who is overweight, or tell them they should lose weight. If they want to lose weight for themselves they can whatever makes them happy. ;)
Cheri said:
Is fat always an object with some people? I meant It never cross my mind to look at them like "Oh she/he is so fat". I don't look at them that way I never do. I look at them as a person and I love my friends the way they are. And I hate it when people use the word "fat" to describe people who are overweight, It just digested me... You know some people just happen to be that way, and It is not funny to make fun of anyone who is overweight, or tell them they should lose weight. If they want to lose weight for themselves they can whatever makes them happy. ;)
true i agree with u... :D
That beautiful woman named Kirstie Alley said She won't have sex anymore
because she is fat.

Kirstie Alley
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Kirstie Alley (born January 12, 1951, in Wichita, Kansas) is an American actress. Alley attended college at the University of Kansas.
Alley rose to prominence in the 1982 movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, playing Vulcan officer Saavik. Alley turned down the role of Saavik in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock because she didn't want to be type cast as a Vulcan. Alley also co-starred in a short-lived secret agent television series, Masquerade.
Alley played neurotic corporate executive Rebecca Howe on the long-running hit TV series Cheers, replacing Shelley Long. She later starred in the movie Look Who's Talking with fellow Scientologist, John Travolta. Both that film and its sequel, Look Who's Talking Too earned more than $ 100 Million at the box office.
Her NBC-TV sitcom Veronica's Closet ran for three seasons in the 90's. Alley received reportedly $ 2 Million in up front fees for her work on that series and $ 150,000 per episode.
Alley has been honored with two Emmy Awards during her career. After being nominated twice for her work on Cheers to no avail, she cemented her place in TV history when, on her third nomination, she took home the statuette for her endearing work on that series. Alley won her second Emmy for her portrayal of the title role in the dramatic TV film, David's Mother (1994).
Kirstie Alley was married to actor Parker Stevenson from 1983 to 1997. During their marriage, the couple adopted a boy and then later a girl and afterwards Alley experienced a miscarriage as well as a stillbirth. According to media reports at the time of the couple's divorce, Stevenson walked away from the marriage with a healthy $ 6 Million settlement, after asking for $75,000 per month in alimony from Alley. At the time of their split, Alley and Stevenson were joint owners of a mansion in Los Angeles, complete with exotic animals, and vacation homes in Maine and Kansas. They owned, as well, two yachts, and several high-performance cars. The couple today share joint custody of their children.
Alley has struggled with obesity for years. Her weight yo-yos from high to low as she struggles and then brings her weight under control, only to lose it again and gain weight. Despite her weight, high or low, Alley remains in demand for TV and movie roles. She is currently filming a series for the cable station Showtime, called Fat Actress, which deals with the travails of an actress whose career suffers due to her problems with her weight. Recently Alley has confided that she has not had sex in 4 and 1/2 years, due to the fact she didn't want to have 'fat sex'. This and other reasons has led Alley to a renewed fight against her obesity.[1] (http://entertainment.lycos.com/celebrities/AMINewsStory.asp?storyid=954088&op=getArticle)
Miss*Pinocchio said:
That beautiful woman named Kirstie Alley said She won't have sex anymore
because she is fat.

Kirstie Alley
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Kirstie Alley (born January 12, 1951, in Wichita, Kansas) is an American actress. Alley attended college at the University of Kansas.
Alley rose to prominence in the 1982 movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, playing Vulcan officer Saavik. Alley turned down the role of Saavik in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock because she didn't want to be type cast as a Vulcan. Alley also co-starred in a short-lived secret agent television series, Masquerade.
Alley played neurotic corporate executive Rebecca Howe on the long-running hit TV series Cheers, replacing Shelley Long. She later starred in the movie Look Who's Talking with fellow Scientologist, John Travolta. Both that film and its sequel, Look Who's Talking Too earned more than $ 100 Million at the box office.
Her NBC-TV sitcom Veronica's Closet ran for three seasons in the 90's. Alley received reportedly $ 2 Million in up front fees for her work on that series and $ 150,000 per episode.
Alley has been honored with two Emmy Awards during her career. After being nominated twice for her work on Cheers to no avail, she cemented her place in TV history when, on her third nomination, she took home the statuette for her endearing work on that series. Alley won her second Emmy for her portrayal of the title role in the dramatic TV film, David's Mother (1994).
Kirstie Alley was married to actor Parker Stevenson from 1983 to 1997. During their marriage, the couple adopted a boy and then later a girl and afterwards Alley experienced a miscarriage as well as a stillbirth. According to media reports at the time of the couple's divorce, Stevenson walked away from the marriage with a healthy $ 6 Million settlement, after asking for $75,000 per month in alimony from Alley. At the time of their split, Alley and Stevenson were joint owners of a mansion in Los Angeles, complete with exotic animals, and vacation homes in Maine and Kansas. They owned, as well, two yachts, and several high-performance cars. The couple today share joint custody of their children.
Alley has struggled with obesity for years. Her weight yo-yos from high to low as she struggles and then brings her weight under control, only to lose it again and gain weight. Despite her weight, high or low, Alley remains in demand for TV and movie roles. She is currently filming a series for the cable station Showtime, called Fat Actress, which deals with the travails of an actress whose career suffers due to her problems with her weight. Recently Alley has confided that she has not had sex in 4 and 1/2 years, due to the fact she didn't want to have 'fat sex'. This and other reasons has led Alley to a renewed fight against her obesity.[1] (http://entertainment.lycos.com/celebrities/AMINewsStory.asp?storyid=954088&op=getArticle)
excuse me?? why u worried abt her??? u dont need worry abt her.. just be urself!!!!! :roll:
Kirstie's Big Adventure
The Fat Actress star quits smoking, launches her show and makes a big decision: It's time to diet

The moment comes early in the premiere of Showtime's highly anticipated sitcom Fat Actress: Kirstie Alley steps on her bathroom scale, screams, "Oh my God!" and drops to the floor crying. After her agent phones to say she's got a job offer – "It's with Jenny Craig" – Alley's sobs turn to wails. Later, when she demands, "Why can't I get a show first, and then lose the weight?" her agent slaps her with a bit of harsh reality: "That's not how it works, sweetheart."

But once she began filming the show earlier this fall, Alley, 53, found herself confronting her own moment of truth. "I thought when everyone sees me they'll go, yeah, she's a little chubby, but no big deal," says Alley. "Then I watched the first cut of the show and I went 'Oh my God.' To tell you the truth – and this is how sick it is – I didn't really realize I was fat until I saw the first show."

Now weighing in at about 192, Alley is no longer happy with her size. And she has embarked on a mission to lose the extra weight. Already down a few pounds from a high of 203 this summer (tabloid reports that had her topping 340 are wrong, she says; "They just arbitrarily pick a number"), the actress hopes to get back down to her Cheers-era weight, somewhere between 118 and 139. "I want to get really skinny," she says. "I'm being serious." How exactly she'll do it, she's not sure. "I don't know how I ever stayed skinny all that time," she says. "This is going to be a real challenge to get thinner. I don't know how the hell I'm going to do it. I mean, I do, but I don't." On Nov. 22 Alley spoke with West Coast Bureau Chief Todd Gold about what it really means to be a Fat Actress in Hollywood.

Did you ever have a moment like that in the premiere, when you got on the scale and then fell to the floor in tears?
I haven't fallen to the floor, literally. But I have gotten on the scale and freaked. When I hit 200 pounds, I was like "Oh my God, oh my God. This is impossible." I had just thought, I am going to weigh myself because I'd been getting some comments and seeing some things in magazines that I'm sort of fat. I thought I probably weighed about 165. [Back when I was on Cheers,] I so clearly remember that every time I would approach 140, I would panic, I would just freak out of my mind. So when I got up to 200, it was surreal.

Don't you see yourself as a role model to larger people?
No. I don't want to be the demigoddess to fat people. I just noticed that I was fat and now that I've noticed, that's it. My goal is that in March, when my show is released, I'm skinny. It doesn't wreck the show. The show is really about state of mind. It's about can you ever be skinny enough? Can you be pretty enough? Rich enough? Can you be good enough in bed? Fat is just a metaphor for every single thing that women are introverted about, which is about every single thing.

How have you curtailed your diet?
Well, this summer, I cut out sugar and wheat. That made a huge difference. I started shrinking. I was more shrunken than I am now. I was doing the wheat and sugar thing at the end of the summer, and then I decided to start eating wheat and sugar again because it was holiday season. How do you not eat wheat and sugar? I think the biggest problem is, I stopped working out. I think if I work out, I'll get skinny. I really do want to get skinny.

What do you think when you see yourself naked?
I don't think fat is pretty. If I saw some big fat leopard walking through the jungle, I'd start laughing. Or if I was at the races, I saw some 150-lb. greyhound running against the other lean greyhounds, I'd start laughing too. It doesn't seem very natural. It doesn't look healthy. It doesn't look sleek or stealth. It looks funny. I think that's why people through history laugh at fat people. They're round and funny-looking. I'm funny-looking.

How much of the show is taken from your personal life?
Probably 20 percent. A low percentage. It's more what's taken from my mind. I think what I would've done if . . .

Are you having fun?
I've never had this much fun. To be able to improvise without having a tight rein around you. For each episode, we come up with a very detailed outline so we know where we're going. But we deviate from there. We just go off.

What's your shooting schedule?
We usually shoot one show and then have a week in between. Or two back-to-back and have two weeks in between. I get time at home with my children. It's the best of all worlds. If I'd known it would be this easy to resurrect my career just by getting fat, I would have done it three years ago. I wonder what it will be after this. I wonder when I'm skinny what my next gimmick will be.

What was the worst insult you endured because of being fat?
The worst was when I pulled into the Four Seasons Hotel and the valet asked me when I was due. I did put that in the show. I said, 11 weeks. And then I went inside and freaked.

Did you have anyone in your life, friend or family member, who told you the truth?
My dad, actually. When I went home to Kansas about six months ago, he said, "Hey kid, you're looking a little porky." I was like, "Thanks, Dad."

Would you ever consider lipo or stomach stapling?
No. What are they going to do, lipo my entire body? I'd die of too much blood loss. And stomach stapling? No, no, no. I will never ever go there. Do we really have enough information to know if over the next 30 years there won't be some incredible side effects to that? I know people who've had their stomachs stapled, and they do have incredibly weird things going on right now.

You did tell Oprah that you aren't having sex. What's with that?
That's true. I'm not going to have sex while I am fat.
That's one thing you won't see me doing ever while I'm fat. I'm sort of inhibited and shy anyway. I'm not the girl who comes out and does a pole dance for the dude. It's probably not right. I should probably be happy with the way I look and happy with the way my body is and happy that someone would want to have sex with me, but I'm not. The next time I have sex, I'm going to tell you about it and I want it reported in the magazine. [laughs]

Are you dating anyone?
Sort of, maybe. No, I wouldn't say dating. He doesn't live in this country. He's just an artist that I met in Italy.

What have you learned from this whole experience?
I've learned a couple of things; the most important thing is you can either create a beautiful life or you can be a victim. Here I am, I sort of stumbled into being fat. I'm not saying I'm totally responsible, but I sort of wasn't paying attention. I can either be the victim of being fat, or I can say, "Okay, so you're fat, what are you going to do? I just thought you don't stop living, you keep living and create with what you've got. I created myself into this fat thing, I'll create myself out of it."

TweetyBird said:
excuse me?? why u worried abt her??? u dont need worry abt her.. just be urself!!!!! :roll:

I don't want to just be myself... and have
friends and all. I just don't want any
health problems. I gotta feel good
about myself. Losing weight, cause I am
doing it for myself, not for anybody else.

I don't care what people think...
I care what I think... I think
I am overweight and I need to lose
VamPyroX said:

My ex-girlfriend wasn't a model or anything, but I always thought she was attractive. She also had a great personality as well.


That's awesome, Vampy. It's rare that a woman is able to accept herself and not worry about numbers on a damn scale. As for myself, I've suffered w/ various eating disorders since the age of 16...I've been in recovery for about 5 years. But, seeing numbers like was posted above, is still disturbing. The person with the eating disorder always wants to weigh less than they do, and when you throw numbers around, it just isn't good.

Heh, whatever. This is more of her attention seeking crap. I'm not gonna worry about it.
Eating Disorder isn't just people who lost too much weight and too thin.
Eating Disorder is also people who gain too much weight and too fat.

So I am suffering Eating Disorder, I eat too much. That is all I do
is eat eat and eat.

It is a problem... and I need to learn to eat right and eat healthy.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Eating Disorder isn't just people who lost too much weight and too thin.
Eating Disorder is also people who gain too much weight and too fat.

So I am suffering Eating Disorder, I eat too much. That is all I do
is eat eat and eat.

It is a problem... and I need to learn to eat right and eat healthy.

Almost every one of us here on AD has eating disorder. Yes, it is hard to break old habit and eat boring, bland foods.