
and the terrible avalancle too.. poor cows, horses are starving to death.. national guard have been dropping bales of hay off to the animals so they wont starve to death.. thats nice of them, huh?
I've been trying to keep up with AD and the ever worsening situation in Colorado. The folks up by Boulder/Longmont have been pounded by over four feet of snow just since weekend before Christmas. Farmers, ranchers, city budgets and small businesses are all taking a beating.

LongmontFYI - Another storm, another mess

I is unbelievable!

Pouring outside and chillier than yesterday.
Warm, humid and sunny here with temp at 80 deg. Yesterday was hot & sunny at 89 deg. We went out boating yesterday and we got a bit sunburnt. :)
Here just started snowing .. I was went outisde see bit rain mix with snow so I went to check the mail and it start more snowing not rain it start windy and more snowing then it stopped snow as I can see from my window it is all wet .. dont want lots of snow in here lol :lol:
Finally, it is feeling more and more like winter today! Very windy and very lips are already chapped. GRRRR!
Try it!

rub petroleum jelly to your lips 2-4 times a day, it's clear and thin,so it looks great over your lipstick because it's shiny! :wiggle:
No snow... but few raining... not much...

most of friendly sunshine... It look like that we won't have snow anymore :dunno:
Seeing outside is Depression weather...

*hmmmmm* Sumth'n wrong w/ Nature Mother lately!
Today is cloudy and cold.. High near 60.. 40% chance of rains tonight.. and 70% chance of rains tmw high near 64.. possible Thunderstorms tmw night..too depressed for me.. sigh.... :(
Whew! Sunday was very hot & sunny at 100 deg. We stayed home in our air conditioned house to keep cool. Monday is gonna be much cooler at 78 deg and cloudy. Tuesday gonna be 77 deg and mostly sunny. Perfect for my job interview. :)
Ongoing still Depression weather noth'n stopping since a week from now...

Still Dogs and Cats are poured here.. *scratching my head* isn't this place ain't same as England and British Columbia's type of weather!

I'm getting bored and tired of seeing this weather... I give up!
ain't happy anyway...
Highs today near 73,but clouds will bring in a few showers later.... :fruit: cloudy floats... :lol:
it's real COLD here.. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. but at least no more rains! and it did snowed here the night before.. but didnt stick to ground cuz too warm.. dang.. and alot of ices here everywhere.. on road and driveway.. i had trouble getting to other side to let Hershey go and do her businesS! dang!