We have many advantages of being deaf

How about the many deaf persons who don't belong to deaf culture or use ASL?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

They are missing out on an opportunity that would greatly enrich their lives.
PFH-one can swim in silence/deafness. easy-just disconnect your Cochlear Implant-if one has one> You "apparently didn't answer the question-posed" What about latedeafened persons who DON"T use ASL?
Real deaf?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Pfh: Just got back from testing- deaf swimming today. No change.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I understood it. You made a sarcastic comment.

Actually no. Clearly you don't know the reasoning behind that comment.
(Which makes sense if you don't read threads or disappear for months at a time. If you would look back you would totally get this one. :lol: ) What a shame for your post/response.

Like somebody said yesterday:

Actually no. Clearly you don't know the reasoning behind that comment.
(Which makes sense if you don't read threads or disappear for months at a time. If you would look back you would totally get this one. :lol: ) What a shame for your post/response.

Like somebody said yesterday:


Um, ok.
That's alright. :) I totally, totally, totally, totally understand.
We have the most expressive medium of language, way surpassing the spoken word.
Cop: Driver's license and registration please

Deaf: Points at ears and shakes head.....

Cop: "Crap!" Ummmm, oh I'll try this....*scribbles a note and hands it to deaf driver*

Deaf: Can't read...

Cop: Mimics drivers license with hands

Deaf: Confused


Deaf: BYE!

:P :P :P
