wasn't it me or I notice that Spy is gone?



why remove Spy?
bring it back!
Hi there. The AllDeaf Spy feature is still available. If you look on the left side of the front page and scroll down you'll notice the spy link there.

You can also go directly to the spy page by typing www.alldeaf.com/spy.php
Has anyone use this feature and liked it ?
I have used the feature, and it is neat. I don't use it often though because I'm usually so far behind in catching up with previous posts that I don't have time to check the new ones! My bad. :D
I used it once..it is neat cuz I can click on the newest post and it can take me directly to that post rather than going to the beginning of the thread and then click on the last page of the thread. :)
I use it when multitasking on my PC. I always have 3 web browsers opened at the same time, and the AllDeaf Spy keeps me updated on the latest threads/posts. :)
Anyone knows who's the girl on this video..
she looks like my friend's girlrfriend..

i appreciate any info: name or sites where can i find her..

Wow, spammers sure love posting in this thread for some reason. :ugh3: