Warm Weather here


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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I cannot believe how gorgous it WAS outside this morning. It was so warm. But that quickly faded due to a severe T-storm watch. We got rain right now.

But that warm breeze sure felt great!
It is warm here but it will drop to 40's to 60's for next few days. Today probably about 65! WHOO! HEE!
sure is, 73 yesterday, today thundering right now with heavy rain and more tmw. aaaah, spring finally here!!!!
50-60 degree and remind still snow on the ground. Several country got flood by melting snow due warm climate.
Today is 61 and no sunny.. It looks nice but no sunny blah!! Tomorrow will drop to 47 again. GROWLING!!!
Gosh is it in the 60 and here I am on vacation til Monday. Went out for a walk with my doggie.
Yup about the time we can get out and play. Tired of cold weathers and diseases flyin' around.