vp for hearing people?

it's ok. i'll try the ip thing (putting in the ip address instead of a vp number)..see what happens :)

If you have Windows XP OS pc, you can use Netmeeting to dial ip address number for videochat.
If you have Windows XP OS pc, you can use Netmeeting to dial ip address number for videochat.

no pc for me. i'm the proud owner of a macbook pro :)

question: how do you find out the ip address of a vp?
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you can also get one for free from Sorenson if you are related to a deaf person. At least that is how it was back when I got mine.
Now, I wonder. The skype, on that video, you had a good amount of motion blur on the PC yet, little to none on the stand alone. If the stand alone is IP based as it is said in the video, he has the bandwidth to handle smooth video yet the skype is choppy. My questions on this would be, does he have a slow PC/laptop?.. is it the camera attached that has such a slow video capture rate?.. or is it the software just coded badly?. Anyone else have skype and have this motion blur, or have your personal tests shown to be better?.. I ask since I am looking to set myself up for video chat as well to help learn/practice ASL.
I wish scammers had never gotten hold of the relay services. It would be so nice if it were easier to get hearie friends and family on relay or related services.

No kidding!!
As a small business, one hearing one Deaf, it would be nice to have VP.
Nik is in Texas and I'm in Iowa.
email and IM only gets us so far.
we have used "sight speed"
its not bad, better than nothing.
but VP would be best.
Sorenson never required a medical documentation. Why should they? The deaf Sorenson trainers would know if a person is deaf or hearing. Beside, many Sorensons trainers went to schools with the recipients of those nice VP stuffs.

I don't see why not. Unless they require you to show medical documentation proving deafness to buy a VP.
Honest tried netmeeting, IM's and Skype and such. Pbfflt. P3 has been the best for me, but calling hearies I would like to see is hard. I would like to see face of my son, using my favorite program but he is hearing. So, either terp, i711, text but no face to face. I would be willing to pay per call for hearing face to face if we could.
I know this thread is old... but I'll post anyway!

It's illegal to take them at free or discounted prices for Deaf/hh people, cause the goverment puts out that money for the products and interpreters to work, that's how the companies make money (from the goverment) if the Deaf community pays nothing. They work as VRS (video relay services) where you can call a hearing person through the use of a vp interpreter, and they work as basic VP's where you can call another Deaf/hh person and see eachother directly.

Some companies do sell them for hearing people. I know "ZVRS" which is one of the best running companies (imo), plus it is Deaf owned (which I will always support any Deaf owned business, especially if it's for the Deaf community)... well they have some pretty cool ones. They are portable (unlike sorenson) and they can connect to your TV too for large viewing (like Sorenson). The drawback is that some of them are hundereds of dollars for hearing coustomers, plus you have to pay a monthly or anual fee for the services (ie. interpreters, talk time, & voicemail) even if you don't use them. It is well worth it in my opinion though: I have one (& pay all the fees too) since I have many Deaf friends that I like to chat with occasionally (even though we mainly just text), and my bf is deaf too, so we do what we call "VP dates". Plus I babysit some kids (Deaf & hearing) and when it is a good tool to have them practice and learn on. I always make the kids order the pizza by themself & let them help me make business calls, just as a learning expirence, so that they can all be independent one day (& it is a cool expirence for the hearing kids who know sign... never know maybe it will spark an interest to work fora vrs company one day).

Most companies won't shoot you down if you, as a hearing person, illegally download the free pc (computer) vrs/vp programs. But the goverment will come knocking on your door if they catch a hearing person taking advantage (without paying full price) of their products specifically paid for and designed for Deaf customers with fancy features like tv hook up & portable wifi. That is a convenience and luxury for Deaf people, it helps them call 911 if there is an emergency (since you cannot text 911 in all areas) and they are not home, it also help them make business calls at work and some use the interpreter directly like if they are at a doctors appointment or meeting an accountant. It is like a virtual interpreter as opposed to a physcial person interpreter (which they should still stay in business and be hired, but desperate situations arrise sometimes for non-oral Deafies, where you cannot wait for an interpreter and would prefer easy communication over writing on paper or playing sharades)
I know this thread is old... but I'll post anyway!

and some use the interpreter directly like if they are at a doctors appointment or meeting an accountant.

If you mean using VRS at a dr's appt where a deaf patient and his dr are in the same room, I don't think it's allowed. VRS allows phone calls between a deafie and a hearie at the opposite ends only, I think. Some hospitals, workplaces and such have VRI for that purpose.