VP-200 Won't COnnect, Tech support no help

it's would better thing to do..

1 Cable modem to the Dlink router.
2 VP200 on Dlink router port 1.
3 LinkSys plug into Dlink's router port 4
4 Computers and game console plug into LinkSys port 1 to 4
I don't blame you, I have hard time with Sorenson teach support asking for them to send over a teach person to help fix my VP-100 and still they have not done anything much for the last 3 years. I called them, email them and even call through tty. They gave me the same excuse. I think Sorenson need to improve their service to help send teach support person when someone needs help. Their service is not that great.
I gave up with VP Tech Support!

I don't believe what the tech supports gave me many different stories. They asked me for IP Address to check it out. I has double router together. My husband didn't want to remove the double D Link routers. He didn't believe what the tech support told me to do. My husband switched the router to airport express from d link. Now it's not work. I told him to get back to D-Link router back. He put a double router since the deaf installer came to my apt to hook up my new vp 200 last year ago. I do have problem with black video many times. I am frustrated with tech support and my fiance between. I gave it up their help. My husband is not allow me to let installer come to repair my vp. Because my husband is a computer programmer. He is a GEEK!!! He is a brag about everything. He don't trust any tech support about my our IP address. I don't know to do. I just tired of dealing with over tech support situation! (sighing)
Try replacement new Sorenson router that works with VP-200 for cable high-speed net.

do not use Dlink router or use both routers hook it up will not works well.

1. reset your cable modem(back of modem with small hole, use paperclip to press it for few sec then let it go.

2. in xp or vista, go to control panel and go to firewall to set restore back to factory setting.

3. restart pc and let automatic scan new network and select public network.

4. run the Internet testing.

5. if works, 1 down.

6. turn it off pc and unplug cable modem power cord and Ethernet wires.

7. get replacement Sorenson router (best works with vp-200)

8. plug Ethernet wire to back of pc or laptop.

9. plug other end of wire to back of Sorenson router port 1 not "WAN" port just yet.

10. plug Ethernet wire to back of cable modem.

11. plug other end of wire to back of Sorenson router "WAN" port.

12. plug the power cord to back of Sorenson router and plug the power outlet.( you should see led light front of Sorenson router is powered up.

13. turn it on pc or laptop.

14. run the Internet testing.

15. if works, 2 down.

16. now if both methods works and likely your vp should works and plug Ethernet wire back of VP to Sorenson router on port 2 then turn on VP.

17. VP in setting > networking > "ADDRESS" must uncheck obtain (DHCP)

18. VP in same area (DHCP) below "IP ADDRESS" is then click ok will automatic update networking.

19. go back to networking then go to public address then select automatic IP on the top of screen. do not select private ip or else will not works.

20. go back to main screen and wait for your VP phone number show up on the screen and try dial vrs and your friends vp to vp if works.

I have a friend of mine who is working for Sorenson for real and I learned lots from him and small world he is my former classmate.

small notes.

for cable modem high-speed Internet with VP-200 works best for Sorenson router no setting required and breeze plug n play much easier than DSL.

for dsl modem high-speed Internet with VP-200 works best with Dlink switch that is different kind of router. DSL is already built-in router and required go into dsl menu for setting allow port go through and hook it up with dlink switch router will work and no required setting anything.

hope it help

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Ok dude.....

As I said before, Sorenson can't make the VP connect. They came to the house and tried to make it work but can't. They tried with one router, with two routers, with no router. Nothing works at my house. I talked to tech support through email and through online chat. They cannot solve the problem.

When I take my VP and routers to someone else house, it works fine there. We live in the same town and their internet will let the VP connect.

I am trying to solve the problem myself because Sorenson does not know how to fix it and because the cable company cannot find a problem.

I know why... I have been work around too many deaf's vp.. I seen ...for example.. wireless router as such as netgear, linksys, always have a limit for vp to put the codes... I don't use the DMZ on them... need to use the port forwarding and will works and u r done.. won't get problems again...

I plan to make an video-blog on my own homepage.... explain and to understand problems.... I fixed too many vp between vp and wireless.... always give you a little headache to work on it, unless you're an advancer.. then you won't have problem like this.

BEST wireless router is working with vp.. fast and auto itself.. is DLINK wireless routers....

Linksys is best for laptop, a wireless device to work around it....but sometimes give a hard time to fix with vp and wireless (linksys) decided to use the port forwarding codes.. its best and solve problems...

Example.. linksys, netgear, DMZ give like between and set up on VP-100 and 200, to match it works... thats not hard to do.. or use Forward Port code is 1720, etc....... I have some informations for that.

DLINK (new model) at the best buy...don't need forward port... already there DMZ to put 125, and done.
Programmer and network is totally different field,
Maybe you can ask your husband to give it a try.

I am networking specialist, and I am not good with programming BUT, I am good at Networking.

What you see black screen meaning the router OR modem is blocking the traffic flowing to the VP which ultimate result black screen. It is no question about it. What really happened is that the router inside is like a security guard and if the traffic coming in does not please the security guard, it will block them. You need to go in router and/or modem and tell Security guard to BACK OFF and let them going though which means enable the DMZ or port forwarding rules. Some modems use Static-NAT, pinhole, and others use IP-passthough which turns the DSL modem into dummy modem and pass everything though to router. These terms I just mentioned really means same thing.
Once you set it up right then you won't have problem with black screen, I can bet you a million dollars on that one. If he does not believe me, then you can continue to have problems which I can easily bet on.

BTW, somebody said that Port forward is better than DMZ which is true on most cases. Reality, DMZ is easiest way and fastest to set up than port forwarding. BUT the reason why port forwarding is better is because whenever the router or modem reset, or upgrade with new software it will not interfere the port forwarding setting. On other hand will disable DMZ and requires re-set up.

It IS possible to have two routers however need to set it up right in order for them to work right, otherwise it will never cooperate with each other.

Two routers is really like having two steering wheels with two drivers in same car, will the car go smoothly? You can decide.

I don't believe what the tech supports gave me many different stories. They asked me for IP Address to check it out. I has double router together. My husband didn't want to remove the double D Link routers. He didn't believe what the tech support told me to do. My husband switched the router to airport express from d link. Now it's not work. I told him to get back to D-Link router back. He put a double router since the deaf installer came to my apt to hook up my new vp 200 last year ago. I do have problem with black video many times. I am frustrated with tech support and my fiance between. I gave it up their help. My husband is not allow me to let installer come to repair my vp. Because my husband is a computer programmer. He is a GEEK!!! He is a brag about everything. He don't trust any tech support about my our IP address. I don't know to do. I just tired of dealing with over tech support situation! (sighing)
I know why... I have been work around too many deaf's vp.. I seen ...for example.. wireless router as such as netgear, linksys, always have a limit for vp to put the codes... I don't use the DMZ on them... need to use the port forwarding and will works and u r done.. won't get problems again...

I plan to make an video-blog on my own homepage.... explain and to understand problems.... I fixed too many vp between vp and wireless.... always give you a little headache to work on it, unless you're an advancer.. then you won't have problem like this.

BEST wireless router is working with vp.. fast and auto itself.. is DLINK wireless routers....

Linksys is best for laptop, a wireless device to work around it....but sometimes give a hard time to fix with vp and wireless (linksys) decided to use the port forwarding codes.. its best and solve problems...

Example.. linksys, netgear, DMZ give like between and set up on VP-100 and 200, to match it works... thats not hard to do.. or use Forward Port code is 1720, etc....... I have some informations for that.

DLINK (new model) at the best buy...don't need forward port... already there DMZ to put 125, and done.


No need go buy new wireless router, ask Sorenson tech support for Sorenson Router is same thing as new Dlink router but Sorenson's own custom setting straight forward plug n play much better and it's FREE ! too.

I have a friend who have old dlink router and just replacement Sorenson router that match brand name for Sorenson VP no problem.

Sorenson router + Sorenson VP-100 and 200 blend perfectly.

Sorenson router - free

Sorenson VP-100/200 -free

Dlink switch (5 port with only DSL modem) - free

what more do you want it for free or spend silly with new wireless router paid for ?

Wired router is best for VP or next door people will steal network from wireless router when is enabled, also good for people who don't have pc or laptop then that would best choice for wired router at peace of mind.


No need go buy new wireless router, ask Sorenson tech support for Sorenson Router is same thing as new Dlink router but Sorenson's own custom setting straight forward plug n play much better and it's FREE ! too.

I have a friend who have old dlink router and just replacement Sorenson router that match brand name for Sorenson VP no problem.

Sorenson router + Sorenson VP-100 and 200 blend perfectly.

Sorenson router - free

Sorenson VP-100/200 -free

Dlink switch (5 port with only DSL modem) - free

what more do you want it for free or spend silly with new wireless router paid for ?

Wired router is best for VP or next door people will steal network from wireless router when is enabled, also good for people who don't have pc or laptop then that would best choice for wired router at peace of mind.


Yea, I forget menitoned to that one.....

My freind is an vp installer, he told me about free routers, etc.. thanks for add that note to this.


Wired router is best for VP or next door people will steal network from wireless router when is enabled, also good for people who don't have pc or laptop then that would best choice for wired router at peace of mind.


Yes, but...... Can they or someone set up as "WEP, Sercuity keys to protect from them" but its hard for them to understand how to set up or process..most of them... don't know how to do it...

I do have a wireless router, and I put WEP, 6 people lives by my apt...I can see who they or tried to get but they won't take from me. EASY to control.
I had the same problem before. When I got a Linksys wireless router, my vp-200 wouldn't connect and after several tries of contacting tech support, I was finally able to talk with someone on IM (on SK) and he helped me get through it and now my vp-200 works great with the linksys wireless router. Maybe you can ask to talk to a tech support person on AIM.

Good luck!

you have two router, forget them

you can one router, can both Laptop wireless and VP-100 will work,
I know Linksys probelm not work VP-200, don't worry, download at DD-WRT Firmwire, DD-WRT is power function more than Linksys's program, DD-WRT is freeware at website, I test wireless and VP-200 are 100%

I know why... I have been work around too many deaf's vp.. I seen ...for example.. wireless router as such as netgear, linksys, always have a limit for vp to put the codes... I don't use the DMZ on them... need to use the port forwarding and will works and u r done.. won't get problems again...

I plan to make an video-blog on my own homepage.... explain and to understand problems.... I fixed too many vp between vp and wireless.... always give you a little headache to work on it, unless you're an advancer.. then you won't have problem like this.

BEST wireless router is working with vp.. fast and auto itself.. is DLINK wireless routers....

Linksys is best for laptop, a wireless device to work around it....but sometimes give a hard time to fix with vp and wireless (linksys) decided to use the port forwarding codes.. its best and solve problems...

Example.. linksys, netgear, DMZ give like between and set up on VP-100 and 200, to match it works... thats not hard to do.. or use Forward Port code is 1720, etc....... I have some informations for that.

DLINK (new model) at the best buy...don't need forward port... already there DMZ to put 125, and done.
Be careful, of course it does apply to many of VP set up, ***BUT*** not EVERY VP will work with this set up.

Do not use this if you have DSL modem, Cable gateway modem*, and few other routers otherwise you will not be able to get VP working with this settings.

This setting WILL work if using SR-200 SorensonVRS router that has default settings.

*Cable gateway modem means cable modem with built in router. So far I know 8 brands and models have router built in, I'm sure there is more coming out.

correction set (not post eariler.

pix below.

I did change the ip address. Thank you for telling me. I will ask tech support to get me a free sorenson router. I didn't know it's new. Nobody telling me. I am glad that I joined to alldeaf.com. I hope my black video will be gone. I will try to test to dial my friends which I can't see them. Thank you so much! Have a great weekend! :)

Try replacement new Sorenson router that works with VP-200 for cable high-speed net.

do not use Dlink router or use both routers hook it up will not works well.

1. reset your cable modem(back of modem with small hole, use paperclip to press it for few sec then let it go.

2. in xp or vista, go to control panel and go to firewall to set restore back to factory setting.

3. restart pc and let automatic scan new network and select public network.

4. run the Internet testing.

5. if works, 1 down.

6. turn it off pc and unplug cable modem power cord and Ethernet wires.

7. get replacement Sorenson router (best works with vp-200)

8. plug Ethernet wire to back of pc or laptop.

9. plug other end of wire to back of Sorenson router port 1 not "WAN" port just yet.

10. plug Ethernet wire to back of cable modem.

11. plug other end of wire to back of Sorenson router "WAN" port.

12. plug the power cord to back of Sorenson router and plug the power outlet.( you should see led light front of Sorenson router is powered up.

13. turn it on pc or laptop.

14. run the Internet testing.

15. if works, 2 down.

16. now if both methods works and likely your vp should works and plug Ethernet wire back of VP to Sorenson router on port 2 then turn on VP.

17. VP in setting > networking > "ADDRESS" must uncheck obtain (DHCP)

18. VP in same area (DHCP) below "IP ADDRESS" is then click ok will automatic update networking.

19. go back to networking then go to public address then select automatic IP on the top of screen. do not select private ip or else will not works.

20. go back to main screen and wait for your VP phone number show up on the screen and try dial vrs and your friends vp to vp if works.

I have a friend of mine who is working for Sorenson for real and I learned lots from him and small world he is my former classmate.

small notes.

for cable modem high-speed Internet with VP-200 works best for Sorenson router no setting required and breeze plug n play much easier than DSL.

for dsl modem high-speed Internet with VP-200 works best with Dlink switch that is different kind of router. DSL is already built-in router and required go into dsl menu for setting allow port go through and hook it up with dlink switch router will work and no required setting anything.

hope it help


LInksys WRT300N Firmware verison 1.03.3

when you login into Linksys set up page

open the browser you have to enter the URL address : to pop up the login

when you got pop up the login : you have to enter the password: admin but user id or user name (leave blank)

after login successful,

you will see basic set up page you do not have to change it and you have to click to "Applications & Gaming" tab and you see "Single Port Forwarding" page do not need to change "Single Port Forwarding" you have to click to "DMZ"

you see "DMZ" page: when you see DMZ is Disabled, you have to change to "Enabled"
you do not have to change "Source IP Address" and selected " Any IP Address"

if you see "Destination" -- IP Address 192.168.1. you have to put 125

click Save Settings then Close Browser

If you use WiFi on your desktop or laptop,

click Start ---> Connect to ----> Wireless Network Connection ----> click "Support" tab -----> Click "Details" you do not close it
until you have to complete for your VP settings
or Start ----> Show All Connections----> (right click) "Wireless Network Connection"----> click 'status" ---> "Support" tab---->"Details"

Or If you are connected via Ethanet for your laptop or desktop

click Start --->Show All Connections----> (right click) Local Area Connection ----> click "status"----> click "Support" tab ---"Details"

you have to go VP200 videophone: that your VP connected to thorugh an ethanet to Linksys WRT300N router

you have to click "Settings" then "Network" then "Address"
you have to click Edit when you see pop up "Caution" window if you know the access code you have to enter your access code when you got success for access code to thorugh IP Address Settings

If you do not have an access code you have to call Soresnon VRS Techincal Support at (801) 287-9403 VP to obtain for your access code.

you have to remove " Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP)

you have to modify the settings are:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask
Host Name VP200

you have copy from Network Connection Details windows to your VP200:

you will see DNS if you have 2 DNS Servers from your own ISP you have to put in your VP200 setting for manual DNS Server from your ISP for Primary & Secondary DNS
when you finish put both of DNS Servers then click OK then restart VP200 and VP200 reboot few minutes when you got appears for your VP number mean you are success.

To test call to Tech Support VP 801-287-9403 when you connect Tech Support to make sure it works for sending and receive without blocking

if you have only one DNS Server If you don't have Secondary DNS Server you just leave blank on "Secondary DNS" you just put Primary DNS when you have only one DNS server. then click OK restart VP200 when after reboot until you got your VP phone number appears mean it's works

when you are done setting you can close all of the Network Connection windows and .you enjoy the VP chat or call VRS anytime
This is very good one, and yes indeed correct one, what I like about this router is that instead of using IP address for DMZ, one can actually use MAC ID to lock DMZ with. This is much safer and more realiable because if one accidently enable DHCP on VP, it will still lock with DMZ so won't see single problem.

Not all routers/firmware has this feature. Whenever I see MAC ID associated with DMZ, I will opt for this route.

LInksys WRT300N Firmware verison 1.03.3

when you login into Linksys set up page

open the browser you have to enter the URL address : to pop up the login

when you got pop up the login : you have to enter the password: admin but user id or user name (leave blank)

after login successful,

you will see basic set up page you do not have to change it and you have to click to "Applications & Gaming" tab and you see "Single Port Forwarding" page do not need to change "Single Port Forwarding" you have to click to "DMZ"

you see "DMZ" page: when you see DMZ is Disabled, you have to change to "Enabled"
you do not have to change "Source IP Address" and selected " Any IP Address"

if you see "Destination" -- IP Address 192.168.1. you have to put 125

click Save Settings then Close Browser

If you use WiFi on your desktop or laptop,

click Start ---> Connect to ----> Wireless Network Connection ----> click "Support" tab -----> Click "Details" you do not close it
until you have to complete for your VP settings
or Start ----> Show All Connections----> (right click) "Wireless Network Connection"----> click 'status" ---> "Support" tab---->"Details"

Or If you are connected via Ethanet for your laptop or desktop

click Start --->Show All Connections----> (right click) Local Area Connection ----> click "status"----> click "Support" tab ---"Details"

you have to go VP200 videophone: that your VP connected to thorugh an ethanet to Linksys WRT300N router

you have to click "Settings" then "Network" then "Address"
you have to click Edit when you see pop up "Caution" window if you know the access code you have to enter your access code when you got success for access code to thorugh IP Address Settings

If you do not have an access code you have to call Soresnon VRS Techincal Support at (801) 287-9403 VP to obtain for your access code.

you have to remove " Obtain an IP address automatically (DHCP)

you have to modify the settings are:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask
Host Name VP200

you have copy from Network Connection Details windows to your VP200:

you will see DNS if you have 2 DNS Servers from your own ISP you have to put in your VP200 setting for manual DNS Server from your ISP for Primary & Secondary DNS
when you finish put both of DNS Servers then click OK then restart VP200 and VP200 reboot few minutes when you got appears for your VP number mean you are success.

To test call to Tech Support VP 801-287-9403 when you connect Tech Support to make sure it works for sending and receive without blocking

if you have only one DNS Server If you don't have Secondary DNS Server you just leave blank on "Secondary DNS" you just put Primary DNS when you have only one DNS server. then click OK restart VP200 when after reboot until you got your VP phone number appears mean it's works

when you are done setting you can close all of the Network Connection windows and .you enjoy the VP chat or call VRS anytime
This is very good one, and yes indeed correct one, what I like about this router is that instead of using IP address for DMZ, one can actually use MAC ID to lock DMZ with. This is much safer and more realiable because if one accidently enable DHCP on VP, it will still lock with DMZ so won't see single problem.

Not all routers/firmware has this feature. Whenever I see MAC ID associated with DMZ, I will opt for this route.

Thanks DHB that is good idea about VP's MAC address to DMZ it is easier than IP address.