Video's of grownups using CI

Deafscuba: "Cecelia's Story" is excellent! It doesn't favor one communication method over another (oral vs. sign) and discusses some of the emotional struggles the Greiger (sp?) family went through in trying to decide which communication method was best for their daughter Cecelia after she was diagnosed with severe-profound hearing loss. If you have the chance to see this video, I highly recommend it! :)
Hear Again said:
Cloggy: If AB sends you a copy of "Cecelia's Story," let me know. Last I heard, it was no longer available. I have this video, but I know several others who are also looking for a copy. Thanks! :)

I'll keep you all informed..
Hear Again said:
Cloggy: If AB sends you a copy of "Cecelia's Story," let me know. Last I heard, it was no longer available. I have this video, but I know several others who are also looking for a copy. Thanks! :)
why don't you try it yourself?

if it is shown on AB website then it is available! just fill out the online form and you will get it within a week! They sure send it fast and right away!
deafdyke said:
Boult, I'm not denying that some kids do well with CIs. I'm just pointing out that there have ALWAYS been oral sucesses! Besides, many of the kids who are being implanted now, did get some benifit out of hearing aids.
why are you saying this? huh? my first post in this thread was for cloggy... I was just giving her the url. **shrug** I guess you jumped gun eh?
Boult: An audiologist who works for AB e-mailed me and said "Cecelia's Story" is no longer available on video. That's why I asked Cloggy if she could find out more information for those of us who were interested in finding a copy. If I remember correctly, the video stream on AB's website only shows the first 7 minutes, but I may be wrong about that. If I am, I hope someone will correct me. I'm still stuck with dialup :( and really don't feel like waiting 30 minutes to an hour for it to download. LOL!
Boult: You're correct about how quickly AB sends out their videos. :) I received a copy of "Cecelia's Story" and "Hearing Your Life" within 48 hours! The timing couldn't have been better since it was only two days or so before my CI surgery. I was impressed! :)
Hear Again said:
Boult: An audiologist who works for AB e-mailed me and said "Cecelia's Story" is no longer available on video. That's why I asked Cloggy if she could find out more information for those of us who were interested in finding a copy. If I remember correctly, the video stream on AB's website only shows the first 7 minutes, but I may be wrong about that. If I am, I hope someone will correct me. I'm still stuck with dialup :( and really don't feel like waiting 30 minutes to an hour for it to download. LOL!
did AB audie means videotape? I am guess you got a DVD format? when I ordered I got both DVD and videotape well when Auria came out, I asked my rep to send me a new info kit which is a box that has two tapes and brochures, calendars and etc. I got that fast too.. I already got a DVD version of Cecelia's Story. Or that time AB audie told you it is out then maybe it was actually out of stock so had to make more... If they are not going to make more, they will take those page down and offer something else. I am hoping for new "Cecilia's Story" I think it may be in work. Same thing with "The Sound and Fury" oh well.
Boult: I completely forgot about DVDs! You may be right about "Cecelia's Story" being available on DVD. (In fact, now that I think about it, I vaguely remember the AB website saying "Cecelia's Story" would be available on DVD at a later date.) I talked to the audi from AB back in December-January, so there very well could be a copy on DVD. (I'm embarrassed to say I don't have a DVD player, so completely forgot about that format. <blushing>) You mentioned "Sound and Fury." I believe that's available on videotape and DVD on loan from the Captioned Media Program. I wasn't jumping the's just that you seem to have joined the crew of the SS CI is Perfect and Utopia.....I remember you were always on the defense on how wonderful the CI is.....I don't deny it's good for some people, but as for everything, RESULTS VARY SIGNIFICENTLY!
deafdyke: A totally blind person can follow a movie without too much difficulty if there is enough dialogue between characters to understand what is happening on the screen. Even if you can't see, you can still tell what is happening on the screen by the sounds you hear. For instance, you can tell when someone enters a room when you hear a door opening/closing and then foosteps. It's alot like listening to an oldtime radio show. You create pictures in your mind based on the sounds and voices you hear.

Silent segments in a movie can make it impossible to follow a movie or TV program. This is when it helps to have a sighted friend or family member around who can describe them to you. :)

There is a service called descriptive video service (DVS) which makes DVDs, videos and TV programs accessible to blind and visually impaired viewers. DVS provides descriptions of the visual elements of a TV program or movie. For instance, a narrator may describe what a person is wearing, what they are doing, their facial expression, the background scenery, etc. All of the descriptions take place during silent segments of a program/movie so it does not interfere with regular dialogue. Some programs on PBS are aired in DVS. (Check your local listings for more information.) To hear a program in DVS, your TV must be equipped with a SAP (second audio program) channel.

To learn more about DVS do a Google search for "descriptive video service." :)
It's alot like listening to an oldtime radio show. You create pictures in your mind based on the sounds and voices you hear.
I remmy years ago listening to a TV show on the radio, and there wasn't enough detail in it to really get an idear of what was going on....thanks for enlightinening me!
deafdyke: Listening with your ears (when you don't have any visual supplement) takes practice. If you're not used to "watching TV with your ears," it can be difficult to pick up the subtleties and nuances of sound which give clues as to what is happening on the screen. I've been blind since birth, so this skill comes quite easily and is something I don't really think about. :)

deafscuba: Glad you liked "Cecelia's Story." I did too! :)
Hear Again said:
deafdyke: Listening with your ears (when you don't have any visual supplement) takes practice. If you're not used to "watching TV with your ears," it can be difficult to pick up the subtleties and nuances of sound which give clues as to what is happening on the screen. I've been blind since birth, so this skill comes quite easily and is something I don't really think about. :)

deafscuba: Glad you liked "Cecelia's Story." I did too! :)
you mean you listened to it? since you said blind from birth.. It would be great if you watched it though :)
If you're not used to "watching TV with your ears," it can be difficult to pick up the subtleties and nuances of sound which give clues as to what is happening on the screen. I've been blind since birth, so this skill comes quite easily and is something I don't really think about.
LOL....I actually know exactly what you're talking about! It's exactly the way I "hear" through sight and vibration!
Boult: Yes, I listen to TV, but I don't like to discourage the use of words like "see," "watch" or "look" just because I'm blind. Sometimes sighted people prefer to be PC (politically correct) by not using these terms around someone who can't see, but I'd like them to understand that it's perfectly okay. :) You're *would* be great I could see again! :) Given the medical advances that are taking place, I have no doubt that this day will come sooner rather than later. :)
deafdyke: I never thought about it that way, but you're right! That makes perfect sense. :)
Hear Again said:
Boult: Yes, I listen to TV, but I don't like to discourage the use of words like "see," "watch" or "look" just because I'm blind. Sometimes sighted people prefer to be PC (politically correct) by not using these terms around someone who can't see, but I'd like them to understand that it's perfectly okay. :) You're *would* be great I could see again! :) Given the medical advances that are taking place, I have no doubt that this day will come sooner rather than later. :)
alright no problem Hear Again :)