USA is dangerous.

Banjo said:

Then why was the French Quarters of New Orleans not wiped out like the rest of the city? The French Quarters is said to be the most "sinful" part of the city because of the large population in homosexual citizens and a bunch of minorities.

Really, can you explain why God decided to spare these people and not the Christians?


Whoa, this makes my arms goosebumps... I remember, I read the bible somewhere verse about God punish to the non-christians...

It is very difficult position for me to answer. I am not really Christian.. I do believe in God, I do talk with God when I need to. I do not go church much. :(

...lets start with why the french quater is ok... because it is the oldest part..therefore built on the highest land over 300 years ago by people who knew the river would flood......
as for god not sparing people..he gave us free choice..if you are dumb enough to build your house lower than sea get to meet god faster..and he can ask ...why are you so stupid? :stupid:

palastine? what palastine? show me map 2000 year old or newer.. no palastine..thats becouse the land was owned by the greeks and then the egyptians, then the romans ..then turks then the eygpt again.....
so..england more or less ran egypt till WW2...did "palastine" people help fight the nazi? no !!!but jewish people who lived in the area did..and helped smuggle people out of nazi teritory. so the usa and england and russia won the the victor goes the the put aside a land for the jewish people. most of it was shit...(my family has documeted proof of living there for at least 900 years).but the people made it work..and in the process moved out some people who had lived there before.......but these people where more or less nomads..few buildings and no farming...just lots of raiding.
so ..where is this OUR PALASTINE LAND crap coming from? american indians have a MUCH better claim for land theft!!!!!
in any case..this of the point!! :topic:
the topic was USA dangerous...
the us does not make the world dangerous..
everybody does that!
i was a bicycle racer before i got into motorcycles..and i have traveled all over the world.
if you want to be safe ..move to china! i was there for 6 months. it has the lowest crime rate in the world! on the flip side you will have very little freedom! if you steel a $1 watch you go to jail for 2years! if you are still alive 2 years latter and you steal again get death! shot in the head, in public!!!

try japan! i lived there for 1 year. awsome place! very low crime ! i walked though the city at 3:30 am and felt safe . cops one has guns..and it was very very homeless people..
but up to 80 thats right!80 percent of the money you make goes to the government! this is why few people own cars and houses. most of the cars you see in movies about japan are owned by the companies the people work for. if you work hard ,the boss gets you a car or cycle or train pass.

i lived in europe for about 2years. it was more or less the same as usa....

you could always move to brazil!(stayed one month) ha ! and get mugged an raped for your nike shoes!very high crime rate..
not to mention the many other counties i have been to and have seen how people live...over all you live in one of the best places in the world.
you can get a job that you like...not what the GOV GIVES YOU .. you can live where you want.NOT WHERE THE GOV SAYS, you can read ,write watch what you want..NOT WHAT THE GOV GIVES YOU... and best of all you can say what you want about the gov! WITH OUT BEING KILLED!!!!! WOW!!

{edited}, but you need a brain to be brain it would be a waste of time!

and best of all you can be a shity speller like me!!! yea for usa!! :dance: :fruit: :locked:
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righ on rfv

and my brother got mugged in paris in 2000 i think luck he is ok
so EVERYWHERE IS DANGEROUS duhies no matter if there is low crime rates
For several reasons I feel safer in Sweden more than in America but of course, depends on location. I do feel safer if I'm in Berkeley or Davis more than in Dallas or East Los Angeles. As for Nas, she feels relatively safer in Japan more than in America but again, depends on location. As a woman being alone in Tokyo or NYC during night is clearly dangerous while in Berkeley or Nas' birth town (Ibaraki, Japan), it is not exactly dangerous (in fact, it is fun and romantic to walk around in Berkeley or Ibaraki during nights).

But everyone, let's be realistic... violence and hatred is everywhere in this world. Every country have their pros and cons. Sweden is very nice place to live in and all but Nas had her terrible moments with conservatives in Sweden due to their xenophonic behaviors since Nas is half-japanese and what she looks like is pretty obvious to these xenophobic conservatives. Even though she is a socially conservative (well, used to be, living in Sweden for few months changed her) and they still treated her like crap. Fortunately that she got by because of my friends and her new friends included Lolita that she met in these months. In fact, in the first several days, Nas cannot stand living in Stockholm and wanted to go back to America but with my word of encouragement, she decided to give it few weeks to see how it is. In approximately two weeks later, she fell in love with Sweden and its culture (huge thank to Lolita). Right now, she wants to go back to Sweden so badly that she quitted her current job few days ago in here, America and get ready to move back to Sweden with me.

Even in quiet towns of Sweden, there was several murders that occured in the past. Although I wish I can consider Sweden as paradise or God's holy city but Sweden isn't. Nowhere closer to an ideal 'Holy City'. In quiet towns of Vermont, there was several murders that occured in the past as well. I visited my Godaunts in Vermont and stayed there for few weeks, I LOVED there but it is not for me since services for deaf people is quite poor. Frankly, I thought I found a piece of heaven in Vermont until I swung by at bar with few friends to drink some beers or played the darts. There was a big fight in that bar over a woman, it somehow got more than ten men to fight. Like what I said above, violence is everywhere in this world.

One of Nas' friend who felt that he is more safer in China than in Italy. I met two cool deaf women in Maine several years ago who rode the bicycles in many countries, they felt more safer in Saint-Paul de Vence than in London. While I know a deaf american woman who attends at university of London as exchange student declares London as the most safest place in the world for a woman to live in.

Like it or not, how dangerous is just an expression of opinion. It may be largely depends on environment and experience as well. I know because I travelled to many places for years (some friends of mine teased me that I'm a nomad which it is true because I rarely stay in one place for more than one year).

There, I said my piece about this topic.
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:werd: Magastu... It's great to have you here who have an experience of your visit to Europe. :thumb:

You know that I have Americans co-workers here who said the same things what you said here, Magastu. I can't say anything here because I has no experience to familiar with America lifestyle.

I remember that Americans was like :eek: when they saw German children play dark outside. We feel more freedom and safety here in Germany. I choose right place where it's more freedom and safety for us.

Check this: (Cities only, not towns/countryside)

World European cities head quality of life rankings

personal safety and security;jsessionid=QBU4I0JS2COKWCTGOUFCHPQKMZ0QUI2C

Worldwide 2004 Quality of Life City Rankings

I'm not saying that Europe are prefect country in the world but security and safety country.
same as feitychick said, " I agree with her" because no place is ever safe!!!!