Under the Word of God

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LoneOak said:
I never say you MUST bow to worshipping the spirit..., You Must either chose Jesus or Satan. It is clearly states in the KJV bible. Jesus is the way not the spirit. Jesus is God in human form, lives and died and rose from the dead and live forever. This is Jesus who we must believe not the spirit. I am sorry you do not belive the Words.
LoneOak, Are you force me must have to choice Jesus or Satan?

If I told you that what I believe in jesus, then i telling you trusth about jesus. therefore you would not agree and deabte with me about it for being waste!

If i told you that what I believe in satan, then I will speaking you what the truth about Satan. thus you would disagree with me what in everything I told you about both in eye I saw.

Why the worth time between you and me get into argument over stupid small things??

I ask you, one thing, Bible is relate with black slaves, is not it? if you say "no".. I can prove you the word by word from scripture about the slaves who were..
ckfarbes said:
LoneOak, Are you force me must have to choice Jesus or Satan?
Force? LoneOak does not mean to force you, but he means that YOU worship Jesus or Satan. Suppose, you reject Jesus then it is very obvious that you worship the Satan, NOT the spirit. On other hand, you accept Jesus as your personal Savior, then you worship Jesus, NOT the spirit. No one forces you to worship WHOM ? -- Jesus or Satan. We have NOTHING to worship the spirit. Only Jesus or Satan. You have FREEWILL to worship one of them.
LoneOak, Are you force me must have to choice Jesus or Satan?
No, I never use the word force or bow or any thing like this. You have a free will chose whom you want to worship. If you do not belive Jesus then it is automatic you are lost for sure no agure. I did not write these words for it was written for all of us to understand why Jesus lives and died and rose from the graves that no other man can do this.

Thank you Askjo,

I am on the back-up computer which it is very exteremely slow!!! 333 Mhz !! LOLOL!! anyway my laptop's harddrive went for the sucide for 4 years hard working !! LOLOLOL!1! anyway

I am already behind with all your messages, I will catch up when I have a better computer.


Ok down to someone's post that said Savlation is never once saved and forever. That is extremely wrong and you need to re-read Romans 1-9 chapters, Matthew 13, Eph 1, and more to name it but I will explain to you all with very deep about T-U-L-I-P with Sola(s). So you all will understand the reformer's view with the theology and that is a absolute truth from the Bible. It will explain with the history of sola(s) about why the reformers is a absolute truth.
LoneOak said:
No, I never use the word force or bow or any thing like this. You have a free will chose whom you want to worship. If you do not belive Jesus then it is automatic you are lost for sure no agure. I did not write these words for it was written for all of us to understand why Jesus lives and died and rose from the graves that no other man can do this.

Thank you Askjo,

LoneOak, A'ight! I don't care of what you saying unto me, " You don't believe Jesus then It is automatic you are lost for sure no argue." I tell you, I don't believe that Jesus is in space sphere or heaven at alll. Because you don't know me since I born into the world. I don't care what do you thinking or talking shyt about me what the way who I am..

You said "Jesus lives and died and rose from the graves that no other man can do this" you make me laugh pretty enough... me either, I was died and I am rose from the grave, you see me still alive.. I know I will be die again and born again in next human life which eternal life in me. Jesus and I are equal and same human, no different between He and I in same human and suffers. I know him, I am from him since I am dwell in him and therefore He dwell in me like jesus said in scriptures of prophets! Because I am He! but you don't believe me in everything I told..

LoneOak and Askjo, What the specific make you believe in king James Verizon? If you believed in KJV, I immmedatly notice that you judge me in your own everythings. Because you think you know better than me, due your intelliagce beings.. I don't f***king care how level of intelligace what kind of typing person you are in.

the word is god, the word is heaven, the word is life, the word is breath, the word is air, the word is spirit, and the word is soul. all are the same word, the word is only unique word, not divide into different term... Yawn** excuse me!!

the word is image, the word is god, the word is man, the word is eye and the word is MIND!! His words is my words.. because His words and my words are the same word from yesterday, today and forever!!
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ckfarbes said:
... What the specific make you believe in king James Verizon?
Is that the king's cell phone service? (calm down, just joking :) )
you are misconceiving to yourself about the words of God from KJV. I am not here to aruge or trying to win people. I am just here to point out the facts from the KJV. You choose whom you want to belive in...,.

LoneOak said:
you are misconceiving to yourself about the words of God from KJV. I am not here to aruge or trying to win people. I am just here to point out the facts from the KJV. You choose whom you want to belive in...,.

I second that! Amen!
Reba said:
Is that the king's cell phone service? (calm down, just joking :) )
Reba, LOL.. you busted me, :P (pfft!).. Yes it is king's cell phone service!!.. ha kidding.. I must had mis-spell.. I mean version..

Reba, thank you for check my spelling! :)
I am curious to ask you a question. What if, God decides that He wants to create somethin' else, not like this earth -- will we be born the same people or different ? :D
CyberRed said:
I am curious to ask you a question. What if, God decides that He wants to create somethin' else, not like this earth -- will we be born the same people or different ? :D


We'll be born the same here on Earth or other worlds because God is always be the same as yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That's why you don't see any real UFO monsters from outer space, except for Hollywood movies.

Interestingly the Scripture refutes the calvinism. Let the Scripture say:

Luke 13:3 (KJV)

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish
Askjo said:
Interestingly the Scripture refutes the calvinism. Let the Scripture say:

Luke 13:3 (KJV)

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish

Your point is pointless and I don't even know why you are saying with that. Just be patience after June 14th and I will type up all why the Calvinism or the Calvinist people are absoute right with sola(s) script. and 5 points with verses and history with logic. It take long time but first thing I need a good computer to load all that up here.
Is T.U.L.I.P. concept by John Calvin scripturally supported?

Check your sources again unbaised...

I wonder why Jesus kept saying repent... so did other apostles. Even some scriputres say to restore. Be conformed
DeafVeggie said:

We'll be born the same here on Earth or other worlds because God is always be the same as yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That's why you don't see any real UFO monsters from outer space, except for Hollywood movies.


Yep, yep ! You could be right ! I am glad that God is always be the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow. *whew* Thanks God for that. :D

Nah, I've never seen any real UFO myself. I have seen several spiritual things in the past. :)
Crazymanw00t said:
Your point is pointless and I don't even know why you are saying with that. Just be patience after June 14th and I will type up all why the Calvinism or the Calvinist people are absoute right with sola(s) script. and 5 points with verses and history with logic. It take long time but first thing I need a good computer to load all that up here.
Is the Scripture pointless?
CyberRed said:
Nah, I've never seen any real UFO myself. I have seen several spiritual things in the past. :)
CyberRed, I saw UFO a few times when I was in deaf school before.

I am curious about spiritual thing that you saw. What did they look alike?
Askjo said:
CyberRed, I saw UFO a few times when I was in deaf school before.

I am curious about spiritual thing that you saw. What did they look alike?

Were you afraid when you saw UFO for the first time ? When you saw the UFO, what was their intention to visit this earth... did they show/tell you somethin' ? I am curious ....

About spiritual things that I saw .... I will give you one. I saw millions and millions of black spots that were movin'. They were formed in a cloud -- way way ahead of me. Their wings were flutterin' very fast than any kind of birds. Very terrifyin'. God revealed them to me that they were demons hoverin' this earth. They were not allowed to come near me when I was in God's Lights -- I was 18 years old at that time. It happened back in Renton, Washington.

There were more spiritual things that I saw -- but, I don't want to tell it here. I must apologize for not sharin' more.
CyberRed said:
Were you afraid when you saw UFO for the first time ? When you saw the UFO, what was their intention to visit this earth... did they show/tell you somethin' ? I am curious ....
No, I was not afraid when I saw UFO. UFO was flying around the deaf school campus. In boy's dorm many deaf boys around my age saw it in the sky during the night.
CyberRed said:

About spiritual things that I saw .... I will give you one. I saw millions and millions of black spots that were movin'. They were formed in a cloud -- way way ahead of me. Their wings were flutterin' very fast than any kind of birds. Very terrifyin'. God revealed them to me that they were demons hoverin' this earth. They were not allowed to come near me when I was in God's Lights -- I was 18 years old at that time. It happened back in Renton, Washington.

There were more spiritual things that I saw -- but, I don't want to tell it here. I must apologize for not sharin' more.

Not need to apologize I understand. :) It is spiritual thing for me too which it is personal between God and me that I can not share it with anyone here.
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