UbiDuo-- the next fad!

EDGE said:
Why $2,000 if you can buy two used iBook laptop and hook up thry wireless (LAN) with iChat (under Bonjour mode from Mac OS 10.2+) which would cost total of $1,000? :)
Believe me. It has already been tried. Please read the history of how sComm went from computer laptop to a much better prototype that is smaller, faster, better, lighter, more professional looking and slimmer communication device.

What you have said about using a laptop is a very common response among people NOT familiar with the UbiDuo or their history regarding their initial use of a laptop before designing their own communication device. The UbiDuo is NOT a laptop computer. It is a communication device for face-to-face communication.
EDGE said:
write is slow than typing.

You use it for with porn babe to chat before decide to what postition to laid. :D
Go here (http://www.scommonline.com/blog/?p=9 ) on how UbiDuo is better than pen and paper. Pen and paper mode is not real time conversation. It's more like watching grass grow. It's good for a lot of thing but if you really want to have a conversation, in real time, UbiDuo is the best one to have for face to face conversations.
kokonut said:
Go here (http://www.scommonline.com/blog/?p=9 ) on how UbiDuo is better than pen and paper. Pen and paper mode is not real time conversation. It's more like watching grass grow. It's good for a lot of thing but if you really want to have a conversation, in real time, UbiDuo is the best one to have for face to face conversations.

I take that you don't know what is Bonjour what Mac OS X have. :)
EDGE said:
I take that you don't know what is Bonjour what Mac OS X have. :)

I know exactly what it is. But perhaps you're missing the whole point about UbiDuo and it's hardware and software applications for a communication device and not a computer?

First off, the UbiDuo is lighter, flatter and easier to carry around than two laptops. A single unit (consisting of two halves) weighs about five pounds, and both halves can be turned on and ready for use within five seconds. In contrast, it would take at least five to eight minutes and possibly longer to boot up two laptops, initiate the network connection and start the IM software. By the time they’re ready for you to type “hello,” the person you wanted to greet is likely to have given up and moved on to something else.

The large, high resolution color screens, fast processors and speedy WiFi networking radios used by today’s laptops consume lots of power, and therefore their battery life is not as long as most people would like. Since the UbiDuo’s primary reason for existence is to facilitate face-to-face communication, it can get by with a slower processor, smaller screen and slower wireless networking, all of which combine to provide considerably increased battery life. After all, one doesn’t need 1.6GHz of screaming horsepower to accept a piddly little keystroke every quarter second or so and make it appear simultaneously on two screens. These characteristics make the UbiDuo’s batteries capable of providing eight to 12 hours of use between charges.

What's more, it has a wireless range up to 4000 feet. Much more than what most conventional laptops have these days.

Further, the UbiDuo’s casing is designed specifically so that it can rest comfortably on a person’s lap while typing. Its bottom also does not become uncomfortably warm as is the case with many laptops.

In conclusion, while laptops are of course far more versatile and can be used for a much wider variety of things, the UbiDuo is designed specifically for communication and has been engineered with that in mind.
Yeah kokonut, I can see your point. But why $2,000? It's darn expensive.

Laptop are way advanced. It can much more. Why complain?
EDGE said:
Yeah kokonut, I can see your point. But why $2,000? It's darn expensive.

Laptop are way advanced. It can much more. Why complain?
It's not $2000.

It's $1875. Pre-orders..$1695. And the company is looking for ways to help reduce the price even further.

Now, you will need to think on the business side of things on how to interact with the 10 to 15 million people with moderate/severe to profound hearing loss in the United States. This is not about providing the UbiDuo only to Deaf people. It's for deaf and hard of hearing people across all boards. With business, increasing the communication capabilities with their deaf/hh clients or customers is one way of maintaining their customers loyalty. All I have to do is provide one very good example of how this has worked.

At the Marriott Resort Hotel in Palm Springs during the NAD convention for 5 days, the concierge and front desks were able to use the UbiDuo with their deaf/hh customers throughout the day from morning to night. Literally hundreds have used it during the 5 days when sComm provided the hotel the UbiDuo. The CEO and managers of the hotel were extremely happy when it provided them the means to communicate effectively while maintaining their professionalism at the same time. If you could only hear the many, many thanks they said to the president of sComm who provided them the UbiDuo you'd understand exactly where they were coming from on how important this communication device was for them. Not a laptop but a communication device.

Think business and you'll see how big this could get.

As for personal uses, that's another matter altogether. Either you can present a professional and independent look or you can rely on the crude pen and paper method or hopefully rely on an interpreter during a set schedule to talk with your boss or go to an interview, well, then that's your choice.
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EDGE said:
Yeah kokonut, I can see your point. But why $2,000? It's darn expensive.

Laptop are way advanced. It can much more. Why complain?

Yes, they're advanced. BTW, do you carry the same two laptops with you everywhere?
Kokonut and the rest of you guys -

Like I said earlier in my post...if people like the UBI thing..more power to them.

For those who do not particularly care for the UBI thing...I respectfully ask you to respect our opinions/feelings. Please do not FORCE your opinions on us.

Yes...it has been a good debate this far, but some of us are steadfast (like me for example) to our opinions. If we don't want to welcome/like the idea of UBI, please respect our feelings/opinions and I'm sure we will respect your opinion/feelings as well. You made your case, and I made my case. This conversation is finished as far as I'm concerned.
Dodge, let's get this one straight. I do respect everybody's opinion, believe it or not. It is not my intent to "shove" my opinions down people's throat. What's more this thread is called "UbiDuo..the next fad!" I didn't start this thread but am glad somebody did, thanks to GnarleyDorkette. You do have the option of not participating in this thread.

However, if there are certain myths being expounded here or inaccurate facts, then I am compelled to correct those about the UbiDuo or the company who makes it. If people are still asking questions about the Ubiduo, I do my best to address them and point them to sComm if they want more detailed information.

Now, there are people who do find the UbiDuo very valuable and useful as a communication device like Pitty, GnarleyDorkette and others who don't mind discussing in details about the UbiDuo. The discussion of this thread is about the UbiDuo and people's experience with their UbiDuo's. Let's not get overtly angry here and keep the discussion to a civilized manner. I welcome all discussions pertaining the UbiDuo.

Thank you.
gnarlydorkette said:
I did mention I wish I had this in Turkey because I have some issues with my two interpreters. If I use an UbiDuo, I won't have to handle with lethargic people who don't want to sign anymore. I won't have to listen to one of interpreters bitching about another interperter. I won't have to share my room with THEM. I won't have to ask them: "Can you interpret that conversation?". I won't have to ask them if they can go out with me to downtown at 11pm. I won't have to ask them to clear up their fingerspelling. They are humans. They cannot work 24-7 or at demand. They need a break.
But an UbiDuo CAN work anytime and it won't cry for a break!! ;-)

First of all, I'm sorry how through, you had with 2 interpeters in Turkey.

Your description about 2 interpreter's behavior sound childish to me. It's their job to respect you and fulfill your wish because you hire and pay them for that.

No, it has nothing do with "demand" because you pay them to interpret for you. It's their job task! You said that you hired 2 interpreters. It's simple: one of 2 interpreters have their break, one do for you then later other one do for you. They share their turns when you need them for their interpret.

Remember every interpreters are not same. It's sad that you pick wrong interpreters to go with you in Turkey.
gnarlydorkette said:
I am surprised nobody wrote about it... and I am usually behind in the Deaf news!

Why should they interesting since they know UbiDuo CAN technology are too expensive for them?
deafclimber said:
i second that ! :) plus i can make more friends with the interpreters. :) they need the jobs for livings... :)

Yes I'm agree with you on this.

I can understand from reading the whole here that there're cons and pros about better techology for deaf people but I prefer old method.

If I need interpreter then we meet and prepare until we are familiar within 10 to 15 minutes before appointment to avoid any misunderstand.
Liebling:-))) said:
Yes I'm agree with you on this.

I can understand from reading the whole here that there're cons and pros about better techology for deaf people but I prefer old method.

If I need interpreter then we meet and prepare until we are familiar within 10 to 15 minutes before appointment to avoid any misunderstand.
Interpreters are VERY important. No doubt about that. There is this one true story of a deaf software engineer who had to schedule an appointment with his/her interpreter ahead of time whenever the person wanted to see his/her boss at anytime...usually the next day or two. It proved to be a bit ridiculous to wait for an interpreter to have these important face to face meetings when all she could do is show up at anytime, like a hearing person, and have this quick but important face to face meetings. Once she received the UbiDuo, the person was extremely happy about the greater independence to associate with hearing people at a moment's notice. The person never needed the interpreter unless it was absolutely necessary such as for larger meetings but not for one to one meetings that were sometime long. That's what makes UbiDuo so powerful. It increases your independency.
wow, impressive!!!

suitable for my husband would be happy have those.. but expensive.. Damn!

I pray that My hubby will promated his job for Team Leader by tmw and will find it out who make it in final an interview.

I'm praying and rooting for him...

This techoglies perfect suitable for my hubby..
*figures* I will show my hubby this thread... when he gets home.
GalaxyAngel said:
wow, impressive!!!

suitable for my husband would be happy have those.. but expensive.. Damn!

I pray that My hubby will promated his job for Team Leader by tmw and will find it out who make it in final an interview.

I'm praying and rooting for him...

This techoglies perfect suitable for my hubby..
*figures* I will show my hubby this thread... when he gets home.
sComm is exploring one option where one can use the UbiDuo on a lending basis. Much like when you check out a book at a library. A deaf person could rent a UbiDuo for a day and use it for job interviews and such. It has been done already. One actually begged to use the UbiDuo for his/her interview....and got the job, I believe.

So, there could ways of using the UbiDuo without having to buy it.
This would be nice to include a few options such
a switch transmit key toward VP on the same
keyboard ?

Would this be possible ?
kokonut said:
sComm is exploring one option where one can use the UbiDuo on a lending basis. Much like when you check out a book at a library. A deaf person could rent a UbiDuo for a day and use it for job interviews and such. It has been done already. One actually begged to use the UbiDuo for his/her interview....and got the job, I believe.

So, there could ways of using the UbiDuo without having to buy it.
would be nice but i'm not american citzen.. I'm candian..
that major problem.. out there might doesn't have provide like this one..

Guess so, Actually have to buy it in case needed to use communcation his work.. I would be great benefits for me use those and have an interview jobs..
Sounds reasonable!
Y said:
This would be nice to include a few options such
a switch transmit key toward VP on the same
keyboard ?

Would this be possible ?
Anything is possible with technology nowadays.