Thoughts on SSI/SSDI?

I am telling you this much that once we got married and my wife was making too much and SSI cut me off completely but when my wife quit job and got her SSI and i got my SSI back and also SSA too and it was reduced from regular SSI $800 and something down to $522 each person per monthly and plus $500 per month for SSA... That's really SUX!!! Not much to live off with that kind of money especially the little high rent and utilities and so on... that leaves us not much for food budget each monthly whenever we paid the rent and utilities and within 2 weeks we broke all over again! We have suffered alot! Geez Whiz!!!
It depends on spouse's income and the property (SSI only). I never really thought of that, they were afraid of getting married. It does not make any sense if they don't have or own anything, they should be allow to be married. I used to have SSA for many years and collect SSA for my kids. Now I am working, thank god I make more money than I ever made in my whole life. My husband is collecting SSDI, honestly I wish he gets better and goes back to his old job (would make 4 time than he is collecting SSDI but he is permantely disabled and not walk well).

That what I thought about my friends are not make any sense to me. Why everyone are afraid of get marry when they are on SSI and will cut it down? I received SSA when I was 18 because of my dad's death when I was 15. I made a lot money more than SSI. I am happy to be married. I don't have to worry.
I will be getting SSDI starting in October. I have medical issues that I can't stand for long periods, I can't do phone work, I get easily stressed out and I am primary caregiver for my mother. When getting tested by audiologist for SSDI it was determined that since I did go on a 1 year job hunt in the town we now live in and could not get any work, and that I am now 100% deaf that I do qualify for the SSDI. I wasn't too keen on it, but since I did look and used agencies and still found nothing, and since I need to be home for mother and homeschooling my 2 kids, I was approved. It still took 3 months for the paperwork to be done and all the testing to be done. I figure, I paid into it, I should be able to get it. I have to have some way to provide for my family with my hubby's salary.
What happen with Section 8? What kind look like that?

Section 8 of Housing mean low income. I used to have a section 8 for 2 years. When I lived in new apartment with section 8 approved. The utilities are very low. It's good to save money. But the problem is many black people live in rich area. The apartment approved for section 8. In other neighborhood with rich area didn't want black children go through the fences go to park and out of apartment in neighborhood. My old apartment is VERY VERY STRICT!!!! It must be inspection for all units every 3 months. If there is any damage on wall or carpet and leave garbage trash bag left in the front for long times. You will get CHARGE FEE! There is not allow resident to drink alcohol and smoking cigarette in unit. The inspection is really annoy me a lot.

If you get fill out for section 8. You must show your criminal record, SSI, Bank account, Employee history. If you are plan to live alone or roommate. You both must sign up for agree on statement before you guys move in.

I know one deaf lesbian woman used to be my neighborhood in apartment. She signed up and agree the rules before move in. She had a section 8. She was shh and not tell to Lease Apartment office about her daughter and grandchildren moved in. The rottweiler dog was there with them. The next door was complained about noise and have a dog there. She tattled to lease office about deaf lady. The lease office forced her daughter and children to move out. The section 8 voucher evidence on deaf woman out for not follow the rules.

I let my husband lived with me for 5 months. I never tell to lease office that he lived with me for short time. He moved out because he went to Texas for basic training. His stuff was in storage unit while he went to tech school in Texas for 6 months.

That's why I don't like Section 8 rules. My husband didn't need it because he is making extra money from 2 jobs. I canceled section 8 after I moved out.

Check it out at Section 8 (housing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)