The worst disability is...


New Member
Apr 14, 2008
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ABSOLUTELY! the worst kind of disability is the one that can be cured free of cost and without doctor visits, loss of cultural identity, etc...yet the disabled person chooses not to.
Agree, ignorance is the causlite of suffering.

That is the reason Ignorance makes me mad. I can love anybody if they don't know any better or aren't capable of understanding something.

But it is hard to tolerate those who have an agenda (like being superior to others) and want to stay ignorant, refusing to even discuss things. They ignore the facts and hold on to their uninformed opinions and they don't want to be honestly educated about things.

You are right. THey are the root of suffering all around the world.
I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around this concept. While there's some insensititivity and shallowness in the job-description of being ignorant, for the most part, ignorance is just not knowing, being honestly convinced of factoids rather than facts, a sad lack of awareness. All have said that, I know.

In puzzling this idea, I'm thinking to "choose ignorance" is to know something as a fact or truth and then pretend to believe otherwise for some reason.

I think you're all right. Such a person would be the worst bigot, traitor, wolf in sheep's clothing ever.
Yea. I would agree but rid you out for no reason without explain is why?! So at same time they would feel hopeless. I hate to see that!
That is the reason Ignorance makes me mad. I can love anybody if they don't know any better or aren't capable of understanding something.

But it is hard to tolerate those who have an agenda (like being superior to others) and want to stay ignorant, refusing to even discuss things. They ignore the facts and hold on to their uninformed opinions and they don't want to be honestly educated about things.

You are right. THey are the root of suffering all around the world.

Actually I was speaking from one of the four noble truth in Buddhsim, and yes you are right all the way too :)
i disagree

ignorance could be a simple state of not knowing. for example, i could say i am ignorant of Baleen whale anatomy, because i know very little about it. i could say the same about the currency in United Arab Emirates and the history of the inidigenous peoples of Fiji. if you count up all the things you knew little to nothing about, you could say that almost everyone is generally an "ignorant" person.

actively choosing to ignore something is another matter, but i think that's more tied to other things, like stubbornness, racism, nationalism, just plain stupidity, and above all, laziness. "why should i care about ____ when i'm comfortable living my utterly pointless, petty, gossipy existence in Nowheresville, USA?"

my personal selection for worst disability would be loss of sense of smell and taste. I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT SAVORING AN IN 'N' OUT DOUBLE DOUBLE OR A GOURMET RISSOTTO. GIVE ME TASTE BUDS OR GIVE ME DEATH!
i disagree

ignorance could be a simple state of not knowing. for example, i could say i am ignorant of Baleen whale anatomy, because i know very little about it. i could say the same about the currency in United Arab Emirates and the history of the inidigenous peoples of Fiji. if you count up all the things you knew little to nothing about, you could say that almost everyone is generally an "ignorant" person.

actively choosing to ignore something is another matter, but i think that's more tied to other things, like stubbornness, racism, nationalism, just plain stupidity, and above all, laziness. "why should i care about ____ when i'm comfortable living my utterly pointless, petty, gossipy existence in Nowheresville, USA?"

my personal selection for worst disability would be loss of sense of smell and taste. I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT SAVORING AN IN 'N' OUT DOUBLE DOUBLE OR A GOURMET RISSOTTO. GIVE ME TASTE BUDS OR GIVE ME DEATH![/QUOTE]


I think the worst disability would be in a vegetative state. I wouldnt want to be on a life machine for the rest of my life without any brain waves. No thank u. Just unplug me!
I think the worst disability would be in a vegetative state. I wouldnt want to be on a life machine for the rest of my life without any brain waves. No thank u. Just unplug me!

i dunno. being a vegetable wouldn't be so bad. you'd get pampered 24/7 and live the rest of your days without a care. compared to, say, working 60 hours a week for 15 years while suffering a debilitating bone disease, having your entire family die within a year and lose your home and all your earthly possessions to a foreclosure, "vegging out" sounds like a nice option.
i dunno. being a vegetable wouldn't be so bad. you'd get pampered 24/7 and live the rest of your days without a care. compared to, say, working 60 hours a week for 15 years while suffering a debilitating bone disease, having your entire family die within a year and lose your home and all your earthly possessions to a foreclosure, "vegging out" sounds like a nice option.

Well, I disagree with you and agree with Shel90, I would go nuts if I have a lock-in-syndrome. Lethal injection, pleeeeeaaassseeee!
Well, I disagree with you and agree with Shel90, I would go nuts if I have a lock-in-syndrome. Lethal injection, pleeeeeaaassseeee!

Same here!

Back on-topic: Sometimes discrimination is a result of sheer ignorance and fear!
Same here!

Back on-topic: Sometimes discrimination is a result of sheer ignorance and fear!

Hey guys,,, maybe I didn't state my statement clear enough.... I meant to say "CHOSE" to REMAIN IGNORANT!

I have a friend that just dives me crazy. He will debate anything without any real knowledge of a subject. If you try to engage him in a discussion of a different point of view, he will literally say, "leave me alone" or "you're interrupting tht TV, etc.

I have seen a few of those type conversations in different threads, where people are just dogmatic about something, yet won't consider the facts that are being laid out by another for their consideration... Actually, one time, when a conversation got a little heated, and facts were being presented, he just left the conversation, but instead of replying to the last post, he spewed a bunch of hurtful character assasinating remarks,, and then dissapeared. But he keeps showing up saying the same thing, and doing the same thing...

It is like he has made up his mind, according to his narrow opinon, and refuses to even consider the validity of another's opinion.

Like I said, I have no problem loving someone who is uninformed, or not capable of understanding a subject, but I have a hard time tolerating those who are just flat hurtful to another, and still spews their unfounded, unsupported, and clinically unsupported views.

Informing people of a an issue is actually a duty for those who have knowledge on a subject... But ears that refuse to hear, are worse than those ears that don't physically work right... Maybe it is just hypocracy and biggotry,,, But I think it is usually a conscious choice to refuse to consider or explore the opinion of another, especially when their views are presented in a civil and informative manner, and when their views are supported by facts...

It is true that there are none so blind than those who have eyes, but refuse to look.

There are none more deaf than those who have ears, but refuse to listen.

What a waste
I agree that it's more than just ignorance; it's embracing that ignorance like it was a precious jewel.
I agree that it's more than just ignorance; it's embracing that ignorance like it was a precious jewel.

Amen Rheba,,, there is nothing more ignorant than those who don't care if they are ignorant! You also described that very well... they cling to it,, closing their ears and their hearts... Ignorance is not a good thing, but it is not sin,,, hurting others because you refuse to consider what your actions are doing to others, and then revelling in the pain you cause because it makes yo feel superior, is in my opinion,,, a sin against humanity.
I agree that it's more than just ignorance; it's embracing that ignorance like it was a precious jewel.

I wrote a little ditty about this subject under YA THINK! Give me your feedback if you will please... It is short. :):)
I think the worst disability would be being paralyzed from the neck down, deafblind and mute all at the same time - now talk about being locked in!

But I agree with Chase and the rest of you. Choosing to embrace that ignorance as fact with out even bothering to do some REAL research is the worst because that person believes in the stereotypes to the point that they see only the things the other person CAN'T do rather than what the CAN do. It is sad!
I think the worst disability would be being paralyzed from the neck down, deafblind and mute all at the same time - now talk about being locked in!

But I agree with Chase and the rest of you. Choosing to embrace that ignorance as fact with out even bothering to do some REAL research is the worst because that person believes in the stereotypes to the point that they see only the things the other person CAN'T do rather than what the CAN do. It is sad!

Right on... I pray for the honestly ignorant.. because they are just not informed. But those who like staying that way, those who care nothing about anyone but themselves,, Well, truth is,, I pray for them too,, cuz they really do need a miracle... :)
As for ignorance...I really hate it when people treat me like a child or talk down on me just because I am deaf. When I was working for the insurance company before returning to school, my co workers were probably the most ignorant people ever. Even after 3 years of working with them, they never said more than 3 sentences to me each time I approached them. I tried to initiate conversations with them but they would just smile this frozen fake smile and nod their heads rapidily. If they do answer, it was usually in monosyllables.

Man, I sure did feel like a 2nd class citizen among them.

However, I got the pleasure at the end cuz after I graduated with my degrees, I paid a visit to my old my surprise, many of the same people were still working at the same old jobs and they still complained about boredom. I felt good cuz I am sure they were shocked that I made it and have a better job than they do.

Those kind of people I dont interact cuz they refuse to learn or open their minds ..just stay as close-minded as they can.