The person below me game....

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False, but I have been shown how to fingerspell in BSL but forgot how to.

The person below me love to eat sour candies.

The person below me love crafts....
True/False, depending on which craft

The person below me is good in math.

The person below me is a dancer?....
True and False--Used to hang out with many other deaf people in the bars where they have a huge dance floor and would dance the night away...but now? heh heh, now I'll dance the night away on the bed with the one I love! :naughty:

The person below me loves to cook?
True. I do a lot of burping...*burp* I've cooked in restaurants, other people's homes, parks, etc., etc. but the best food every cooked was by my own mother!

The person below me watch CSI: Crime Scene Investigation?
False...too graphic for my stomach to handle!

Someone below me enjoys playing with a rubber duckie in his/her bathtubs.
False. I don't take many baths nowadays.

Person below me is a Harry Potter fan?
kuifje75 said:

The person below me is stuck in a computer lab atm?


The person below me collect old coins?

The person below me love spiders?
False. I don't love 'em but they don't bother me.

The person below me is afraid of the dark.
True, complete darkness does somewhat scare me... it is almost like a sense of claustrophobia.

The person bellow me has a tie on.

The person below me has color contacts.

The person below me has a deaf sister/brother?

Person below me needs coffee to stay awake.
False (mountain dew will keep me up and goin')

The person below me believes in angels?
True, I believe in angels.

The person below me love to eat boogers.
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