The person below me game....

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Absulutely True!

The person below me is a hearing man that knows ASL well?
False. I am a hearing person that is a novice ASL student.

The person below me can't sleep.
True, can't sleep :|

This person below me is addicted to Coke drink?
flyfishfemme said:
True, can't sleep :|

This person below me is addicted to Coke drink?

Oh my God! You can read my mind! True.

The person below me likes to watch "Chapelle's Show."

Never heard of it....not true...

Oops forgot to add!!!! me duh!

Does this person below me ever lay down flat right in the middle on the 'merry go around' in his/her childhood?
True oh boy what a dizzy!!!!!! LOL

Does this person below me ever done something bad or frieghting expierence that your parents doesnt know about??
Yup- I accidentally hit my dad's new brand shiny car (Toyota Corolla 2005) by the garage when I was parking the car few days ago... there is tiny scratch on the car. *shhhhh* Dont tell my parents. They dont know yet!

This person below me is sick of media frenzy about Jude Law and Sienna Miller's affair.
Nope wasnt even aware of it until now....

The person below me loves to learn new things
True...The more I learn, the more I can make mischief with...

The person below me likes to nibble?
Sure, I like to nibble and to be nibbled around the ears.

Does the person below me think DD meant something else? :D
False. DD is definetely not a perve.

The person below me knows Spanish.
Umm I know few Spanish words but I am not fluent in speaking Spanish though.

Person below me have a fish tank at home?
I sure do. I have 2 - 1 gallons tank and 20 gallons tank. :D Here fishy fishy fishy. LOL

Does this person below me know any German language by speaking or writing or both??
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