The Origins of Homosexuality

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Yes, humans are superior to animals. That doesn't mean animals can't be valued for what they are.

You are still an animal. You can keep saying that you aren't, but it doesn't change the fact that you are an animal. Caucasians did that to the Africans. They once believed that the Africans were of a lower species. Some still do though.

This culture of yours has convinced themselves that they are superior to the other species. It's a serious delusion that one needs to put a stop to because of all what they've done to the world.

It is the arrogant thing to assume that we are the superior species.

In truth, the only thing that make us, human beings special is our usage of cognition. In nearly everything else, we are pretty much inferior. We cannot outrun a dog or even a small cat. We are no match for a chimp in a fist-fight. We can't swing from tree to tree like a monkey can. We can't soar into the air like a bird can. We can't live without a head for weeks at a time like a cockroach can.

So we have to use our cognitive ability to overcome our shortcomings.
Yes, humans are superior to animals. That doesn't mean animals can't be valued for what they are.

Wow. :shock: Do you also believe some human life superior others? I thought fundamental premise Christianity was value ALL life as equal because was create by God?
You are still an animal. You can keep saying that you aren't, but it doesn't change the fact that you are an animal. Caucasians did that to the Africans. They once believed that the Africans were of a lower species. Some still do though.
"Caucasians" and "Africans" are all human beings. Anyone who claims otherwise is totally off-the-wall wrong. They are all superior to any animals.

This culture of yours has convinced themselves that they are superior to the other species. It's a serious delusion that one needs to put a stop to because of all what they've done to the world.
You're being to worry me. It's almost like you disassociate yourself from the human race. :confused:

It is the arrogant thing to assume that we are the superior species.

In truth, the only thing that make us, human beings special is our usage of cognition. In nearly everything else, we are pretty much inferior. We cannot outrun a dog or even a small cat. We are no match for a chimp in a fist-fight. We can't swing from tree to tree like a monkey can. We can't soar into the air like a bird can. We can't live without a head for weeks at a time like a cockroach can.

So we have to use our cognitive ability to overcome our shortcomings.
I'm sorry that you can't see the true difference between a human being and roach without a head.

I don't want to make this any further personal.
Wow. :shock: Do you also believe some human life superior others? I thought fundamental premise Christianity was value ALL life as equal because was create by God?
No, I don't believe some human life is superior to others. I believe all human life is valuable.

I don't know what's shocking about my belief that my two grandsons are more valuable than their two cats.
Biological definition of animals doesn't equate to certain other definitions used for animals or humans.

If you've ever opened the bible, it distinguishes a difference between 'animal' and 'human'... every time you see the word animal it is specifically referring to non-human creations.
However, in biology we always consider humans as a part of the Homo genus and in that case, is classified under one of the six kingdoms (animal)...

Can't we all just get along and not argue over definitions?

If I'm not mistaken, serial killers are not insane in the legal sense of the word. They (the majority) don't suffer from delusions but they suffer from a profound lack of empathy so they are unable to relate to people on anything more than a superfical level. And yes, they'd be mentally ill as they have no empathy for others.

Be careful there, you almost claimed people with Aspergers are serial killers.
Be careful there, you almost claimed people with Aspergers are serial killers.

are you saying people with Asperger's have a profound lack of empathy?
Yep. Ed Gein was a real weird one. In fact, Norman Bates from the movie, "Psycho" was based on him. Wasn't he committed to a mental institution just like Norman Bates in the movie was?

Yes. I am very impressed. Few realize that "Psycho" was based on an actual case.

Off topic: Wasn't Hitchcock amazing?
Be careful there, you almost claimed people with Aspergers are serial killers.

She said no such thing. She said serial killers are lacking in empathy. She didn't everyone who is lacking the ability to empathize are serial killers.:roll:
Yup. At least the Aspies that I know ..... And that isn't even mentioning autism.

People with Ausperger's are on the autism spectrum. And they don't all have a "profound lack of empathy". The disorder of Autism manifests a million different ways in a million different people. It is a neurological disorder and emapthy is learned. They have the capacity to develop empathy just as any one does when provided the proper environment. Autism is a developmental disorder, not a mental illness..

A little knowlege is a dangerous thing. Especially when you consistently overestimate how much you know.
Yes. I am very impressed. Few realize that "Psycho" was based on an actual case.

Off topic: Wasn't Hitchcock amazing?

Further off topic - murder in Psycho happen my birthday lol
:hmm: That's something to think about. Some examples?

Most serial killers have co-morbid diagnosis. The one thing that most hold in common is a diagnosis of anitsocial personality disorder. People with ASD are extremely manipulative, and see others only in the context of what benefit they can be to the them. They are grandiose, and put their desires and their needs first in all circumstances. They value very little but themselves.

They are also able to portray themselves as whatever the situation calls for. That is why serial killers can continue to kill as long as they do. It is a game for them. And they make their victims believe that they are just an average Joe. No one realizes, until it is too late, that there is something to be very fearful of in these people.

The Green River Killer was the most prolific serial killer this country has ever seen. He was able to keep murdering women from the 1980's into the 2000's. He was a married man, and he took many of his victims to his own home that he shared with his wife of many years. Neighbors did not suspect anything, his wife did not suspect anything, no one in his life suspected anything. It took the police decades to actually see him as a suspect and make an arrest. These are not unintelligent people. They don't walk down the street talking to themselves. They are calculating and they plan their murders and choose their victims right down to the last minute detail. They also have a (very logical to their way of thinking) reason for every single murder they commit. It serves a purpose in their lives. It is killing with the motive of providing something for themselves that is missing or has been denied them in the past.

Take a look at Wayne Williams. On the surface, does he appear to be insane? Does he have a history of hospitalizations for psychotic breaks? He was active in a church, helpful to his neighbors, and very meek looking. He killed over 20 young men in Atlanta.

The reason these people are not considered legally insane is because of the definition of legal insanity, which is knowing the difference between right and wrong. The clinical definition is quite different. Did these 2 men know that what they were doing was wrong. Of course they did. That is why it was so hard to catch them. They cover their tracks extremely well due to all the planning. Did they act in the moment of a psychotic break that prevented them from understanding right from wrong? Of course not. They knew murdering innocent people was wrong. But it served the end that they needed to have served, so they did what they had to do to fulfill that need. Does someone who has a compulsive need that is fulfilled by the murder of innocent victims clinically insane? Yes, they are. People who have such a compulsive need such as this are disordered in their thinking and their feeling. We say that people with OCD have a mental disorder,don't we, when they can't leave the house until they have washed their hand 250 times, and locked and unlocked their door exactly 27 times? They do that to fulfill a need. Their rituals serve a specific need. They relieve the anxiety they experience, and have developed as the result of environment and brain differences. Compulsive murderers are enacting a ritual, the same as the person who washes their hands constantly. It is just a more extreme action.
The Aspies you know... are they serial killers?

Comparing a person with Auspergers to a serial killer is ridiculous.:roll:

Serial killers are extremely, extremely rare. Their crimes are just so mind boggling for most that we continue to talk about them years and years after they are dead. That makes it seem, on the surface, that they exist more often than they actually do. For God's sake, we still talk about Jack the Ripper.

And, just so no one gets the wrong impression...being homosexual does not make you a serial killer, lol. I can see someone making that connection next, lol.
Comparing a person with Auspergers to a serial killer is ridiculous.:roll:

Serial killers are extremely, extremely rare. Their crimes are just so mind boggling for most that we continue to talk about them years and years after they are dead. That makes it seem, on the surface, that they exist more often than they actually do. For God's sake, we still talk about Jack the Ripper.

lol good point.

I felt same for those strongly believed CCW holders are causing more harms to public than criminals :dunno:
lol good point.

I felt same for those strongly believed CCW holders are causing more harms to public than criminals :dunno:

I can refer you to a therapist that can help you with your distorted thinking.:lol:
People with Ausperger's are on the autism spectrum. And they don't all have a "profound lack of empathy". The disorder of Autism manifests a million different ways in a million different people. It is a neurological disorder and emapthy is learned. They have the capacity to develop empathy just as any one does when provided the proper environment. Autism is a developmental disorder, not a mental illness..

A little knowlege is a dangerous thing. Especially when you consistently overestimate how much you know.

I have no idea why you are claiming I called Aspergers a mental illness. And why would empathy have to be "learned" if there was no lack of empathy?

The point I was making (which you have not skillfully distorted) was that a lack of empathy does not necessarily a serial killer make.
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I can refer you to a therapist that can help you with your distorted thinking.:lol:

I can refer you to an English Professor from your own University that can help with your distorted reading comprehension.
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