The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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Yeah, it always has been; at least they don't charge 75 bucks for parking, lol.... $12 ticket and $1 Parking. $3 Cokes :)

I'll have enough left over to buy a sweatshirt come playoff time!
It is in TN too-- doesn't seem to be as big here in KY... but of course there's more to do in general here LOL LOVED some good HS football rivalry back home!!

I hope to see Canton vs Massillion in Ohio some day. That's a good one. My old HS had probably the best rivalry in Texas (in 5A) But it's not worth the risk of being shot to go watch it now.

UK vs UT is on my list of must see college rivalries.
I hope to see Canton vs Massillion in Ohio some day. That's a good one. My old HS had probably the best rivalry in Texas (in 5A) But it's not worth the risk of being shot to go watch it now.

UK vs UT is on my list of must see college rivalries.

As a Vol who ironically works for UK I have to say GOOD choice, I'm praying for our 26th win this november.
Yeah, it feels like winter here already. We are under a freeze warning for tomorrow night. Brrrr. I'm cold and out of coffee. I meant to go by the grocery store today but I didn't. Phooey.
There my wood burning stove is working! Very warm here, and it is cold outside.
We are in the fifties for high temperatures each day now. I notice the dogs crowding close to me also. :lol: I think they view me as a great heat source!
I'm sitting at 83 right now. A/C still not working. High today was 88.
We are in the fifties for high temperatures each day now. I notice the dogs crowding close to me also. :lol: I think they view me as a great heat source!

It's been the same here only it's wet, rainy, and dreary too. If the sun came out that would at least make it feel more Fall like and not quite so wintry. I'm not ready for winter yet!
It's been the same here only it's wet, rainy, and dreary too. If the sun came out that would at least make it feel more Fall like and not quite so wintry. I'm not ready for winter yet!

I love fall and winter both. I would like the non snowy conditions to last though.

As for rainy, we are actually officially in drought conditions here at the moment.
I love fall and winter both. I would like the non snowy conditions to last though.

As for rainy, we are actually officially in drought conditions here at the moment.

So are we but it's just so depressing.
It been raining here all day! I would not be sunrise if I saw Norah's Ark
float by ! It is very depressing as the sky been gray all day!
The rain here is something else. There was rain all over the area, but not in all areas. We got it in the front yard, but not back yard. Just 3 roads over on our wet side, had no rain, but 2 roads over on our dry side, had floods. The airport was soaked, but across the street was dry.
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