The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Me neither. I guess Jiro made AD gone away due to his fart reasons.:mad2:
Aren't people getting out of the way from the brush fires?

I know that when southern California was on fire--we didn't have that many deaths. I wonder why the difference????
Aren't people getting out of the way from the brush fires?

I know that when southern California was on fire--we didn't have that many deaths. I wonder why the difference????

excellent question. That's what I was wondering. When I saw it was over 200 deaths, I was :scratch: Initially - my guess is that people died of lung-related incidents such as asthmatic attack, smoke inhalation, etc.

now that you piqued my interest... I'm going to look into this and find out. I demand answer! :mad2:
Aren't people getting out of the way from the brush fires?

I know that when southern California was on fire--we didn't have that many deaths. I wonder why the difference????

Right, I wonder about it. California polices and national guards always forced all of home residents out of houses before wildfire s coming.
Jiro and brydie714 -- there are some few fires are still raging at the moment, and there are few towns closed by the police and they just started to look for deceased bodies since yesterday to get the total number. They are looking at tops of 300 but not confirmed. The hardest hit of the wildfires in Victoria is unfortunately, Kinglake and Kinglake West including Marysville. the fires in the area has been contained. Only raging fires are still is in bunyip areas in the southerneastern area. There is no confirmed reasons what happened to the deaths, but mainly was from the bushfires in different ways. Sadly, the total fatalies stands at 181 at the moment.
Jiro and brydie714 -- there are some few fires are still raging at the moment, and there are few towns closed by the police and they just started to look for deceased bodies since yesterday to get the total number. They are looking at tops of 300 but not confirmed. The hardest hit of the wildfires in Victoria is unfortunately, Kinglake and Kinglake West including Marysville. the fires in the area has been contained. Only raging fires are still is in bunyip areas in the southerneastern area. There is no confirmed reasons what happened to the deaths, but mainly was from the bushfires in different ways. Sadly, the total fatalies stands at 181 at the moment.

Okay.....and people are still not getting out of the way from the brushfires?

I appreciate the geographical information of what is going on and yet I haven't read anything about Australia's emergency system evacuating people from their homes when the brushfires are imminient.....
Wow, that is a lot of deaths from wildfires. :shock:
Okay.....and people are still not getting out of the way from the brushfires?

I appreciate the geographical information of what is going on and yet I haven't read anything about Australia's emergency system evacuating people from their homes when the brushfires are imminient.....

Everyone's out safe and sound but not these unlucky ones. We have this traditional system called "leave or stay behind' for the people who stayed behind were trying to save their homes, animals and other valuable housing etc. Like I read an article on two lovely girls in the same age as mine who has died from the bushfires trying to save their favourite horses. :(

Also I must add the goverment is in the talks to set up a new busfire warning system

I didn't know Bott could tap dance!
Going to get cold again on Sunday...30s for high.

I already got sick so if I get sick again, I will :rifle: at the sky!

That is what seems to be so hard on everyone. The temps are changing so fast that our bodies can't adjust.
Well.. We had it declared as a national disaster. Plus, SoCal isn't your average rural area, we've got a lot of quick emergency response especially when we start pooling counties. There's civilization everywhere till you hit somewhere on the road trip to norcal.

Also, during our so called pyro episode, there were tons of volunteers offering to help out. There's lots of pictures of em in news archives and the such.

Thus, it wasn't as bad as it seemed. Just houses got burned, a few people who were resistant to leaving.
Is there a fund where we can send money to help the fire victims?

Yes, there is. Should I make a thread about the funds? You think? I will go and get the links, while waiting for your opinions.
Forgot to add to my previous post: You can see how our response teams by counties/cities are logged here:

CAL FIRE Incident Information

Back when it was the big fire, there was a long list of counties on there.
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