The Horrible Grapevine of Peter Gabriel

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Gabriel's villany is tragically underestimated. 911 was a revenge attack by those who launched Pearl Harbor.

Japan achieved a major victory on 911 when their forces sold Rev. Wright's idea of a revenge attack for AIDS when, in reality, the forces who released AIDS were behind 911. The source of this fiasco was Amanda Harcourt, working for Peter Gabriel and Yoko Ono.

David Lucarelli of 20th Century Fox and Rusted Root got into old letters of mine by Gail Burstyn sent to me at the time I was tortured as a child. They were a play on Fundamentalist sexual morality clocked to a pussyball race war over Midori Goto.

They used me for a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island. By claiming I was never tortured Harcourt, Ono and Gabriel effectively pitted me on Reagan while playing out the Two Virgins war game to the victory of Obama.

I have posted the evidence supporting this allegation in The first document was sent to me when they used me as a mandatory AIDS testing guinea pig on Mt. Desert Island from a time predating appearance of the virus. Martha Gellhorn wrote me a letter from Belize about this tragedy.

These letters made me suspicious enough to look at my old relics and discover the frightening fact that Burstyn, who went to Bryn Mawr, had known about my being kidnapped and tortured as a child.

Gabriel scapegoated me and I was horrendously molested, virtually castrated by medical malpractice.

You can see that Burstyn corrolates the shooting of Martin Luther King to De De's birthday by a factor of six years and calls attention to coincidences, then six years later on her birthday, John Lennon was shot. The envelope reads I am the Walrus, there is an obituary notice and she writes: Is there music when we die?

My deaf girlfriend was raped in Gabriel's rampage and Richard Roehm, who ran the deaf advocacy center in Orange County, CA, one of the only truly vocal supporters who exists for me, just dropped dead mysteriously at a young age from a heart attack a few days after offering me sanctuary.

Wright had it wrong. It wasn't an attack on Black people ~ it was an Ark of Colors designated out by Two Virgins pussyball race war.

They set me up with a Louie Adultery so Aaron Dixon's faction could call dibs on Midori Goto. The Japanese put out a film called 119 in anticipation of 911.

Ultraquake was probably a Star Wars settling of accounts, but don't buy Barack didn't know.

911 was a reverse Pearl Harbor in a war fought backwards. AIDS was known as the Little Girl bomb. I was selected and deafened as a symbol of the atom bomb. Daddy was on the coast of Northern Japan when the Little Boy bomb was dropped.
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