The future presidents of 2008

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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of course, we don't really know who will be running the next electron in 2008 but we've been hearing floods of rumors and alot of press talking and shit about former president Bill Clinton's wife, Hilary Clinton, rumored to be running for President in 2008, and would be the first woman to run the white house, but she wouldn't be the only woman running the race...another woman, Rice, who is the first black woman to run secretary of state after Powell retired, is rumored to run for President as well...if thats the case then she won't just be the first woman to run for the white house but the first black president ever in American history to run the country. It's hard to know who to trust best and who would do a damn good job for the country and I don't really know about Rice, and I've hear afew times that she isn't doing too well in the secrety of state office but I guess it's just the news saying whatever they want :roll: and for Clinton? who is the senator of NY? would you trust her enough to become the first female president to run the country? you decide.

So we don't really know if thats gonna happen but in case if that do, who you gonna bet on? Clinton or Rice?

Talk about your tantalizing matchups: Condoleezza Rice vs. Hillary Clinton for the White House. Sure, neither has said she's running in 2008. But blogs and other mechanisms are touting their candidacies. And there's even a book planned called 'Condi vs. Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race.'
Rice in the Ring?

(found that in AOL news)
If that were the case, I'd bet on Hillary. I do not think the Republican base would go for a female black president, at all, although this could attract a good amount of black votes. Its hard to say this early. On the Republican side, people are saying Jeb Bush, Condoleeza Rice, John McCain, Rudolph Gulliani, or even Newt Gingrich, and on the Democrat's side, there is of course Hillary Clinton, John Kerry or John Edwards might give it another try, Howard Dean would probably run again, Obama Barack (this guy is a winner!), Tom Daschle, and the list goes on. My point is, its far too early to tell. I'm not putting any money on anyone until after at least the 2006 elections.
cental34 said:
I do not think the Republican base would go for a female black president, at all...
I am curious, on what do you base that conclusion? I have heard only good things about Condi from conservatives and Republicans on TV, radio, newspapers, and face-to-face conversations.

...On the Republican side, people are saying Jeb Bush, Condoleeza Rice, John McCain, Rudolph Gulliani, or even Newt Gingrich
IMHO, I don't think it would be a good idea to run another Bush next time, McCain has a good chance (even though he is not a strong conservative) and he has the desire, Gulliani is too regional and not a full conservative, and Gingrich would be a good conservative but he has too much baggage to win.
I base this conclusion on that Conservatives are the more traditional of the 2 groups, and since the beginning of this country, we have only seen white, male presidents. Don't think I'm calling Republican's racists. I'm just making an inference about the reliance on tradition.

As for your thoughts on other possible candidates, I was only naming candidates that have stuck out in my mind and have expressed in interest in running.
cental34 said:
I base this conclusion on that Conservatives are the more traditional of the 2 groups, and since the beginning of this country, we have only seen white, male presidents. Don't think I'm calling Republican's racists. I'm just making an inference about the reliance on tradition.
Interesting conclusion. Recent Republican presidents have appointed more black, Hispanic, and female people to positions of power in the federal government than the Democrat presidents. We have had two black Secretaries of State under Bush. We could have more black, Hispanic, and female judges if the Democrat Congressmen didn't go against them.

Just because past presidents were white males doesn't mean it was because of Republicans. Don't forget all those white Democrat presidents, too. ;)
Yes, those people that were in power appointed them to those positions. But the office of president is not elected through appointments.

and i did not say that all those white, male presidents were because of republicans. i simply believe that voter's will not be too open to a minority, female president. you can take that for what you will...
If you read the book, "The Biggest Secret"... it mentions that the next democrat to be president would be Hilary Clinton!

Now, you see why she stayed with her husband... no matter what he did. By staying with him, she's able to move up in politics. ;)
VamPyroX said:
If you read the book, "The Biggest Secret"... it mentions that the next democrat to be president would be Hilary Clinton!
I guess we just have to make sure that the next President is not a Democrat! ;)

Now, you see why she stayed with her husband... no matter what he did. By staying with him, she's able to move up in politics. ;)
I think most people already knew that. That is not a secret. :)
cental34 said:
...and i did not say that all those white, male presidents were because of republicans.
I know. I was just showing that Republicans and conservatives are actually more accepting of women and minorities in leadership roles. Therefore, I believe they would accept a strong conservative woman for President.

i simply believe that voter's will not be too open to a minority, female president. you can take that for what you will...
I think it depends on who the woman is, her character, philosophy and experience.
<---Not going to support Hillary for 2k8 if the General enters the ring again.

I'm still a die hard Wesley Clark fan, and I still will be holding out hope he runs again!
I don't know much about presidents but all I know is that the name "Clinton" kinda scares me from voting for anyone by the name.

Newt Gingrich President. Kay Hutchison Vice President
I'll root for Hillary Clinton, We need a Democrat President. :mrgreen:

I really do like Wesley Clark too and I would like to see him run again also.
Reba said:
I guess we just have to make sure that the next President is not a Democrat! ;)

Uh, remember God did not create politics. You gotta remember that.:ugh:
ScrappyKat said:
I don't know much about presidents but all I know is that the name "Clinton" kinda scares me from voting for anyone by the name.

VamPyroX said:
If you read the book, "The Biggest Secret"... it mentions that the next democrat to be president would be Hilary Clinton!

Now, you see why she stayed with her husband... no matter what he did. By staying with him, she's able to move up in politics. ;)

Yeah, she stayed with his hubby Cliton for her purpose of using his power.:duh: