The Death Penalty

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I am very much against the death penalty for the reasons Jillo and others gave.

I wouldn't be against taking some luxuries away from prisoners though. I've been in a british prison as I used to go to this sports club for the disabled, which was run by a prison officer and the helpers were mainly prisoners. I mean they even had a trampoline in there.
We have had numerous discussion on abortions.

Here is a thread to discuss your views on the death penalty.

I ask that you please keep religion out of this topic. I know religion does have alot to do with how one views the death penalty. But as we have learned recently, religion is a topic that is highly charged.

Lets limit our scopes to how one feels about the death penalty and why you think it is or isnt a good idea to have it.

I will start, I am not quite sure how I believe in the death penalty. I do agree with the general idea of the death penalty. The general idea is that the worst of the worst will go for execution. People like Charles Manson, Jeffery Dahmer and many others like them really have no chance for rehabilitation. Their crimes were monsterous. Should we as the taxpayers, pay for them to live the rest of their natural lives behind bars? Should we pay for their three meals a day? *which many of us dont even eat because we cant afford it* She would pay for them to have electricity and heat and showers? I believe we shouldnt. If there is no chance that a person could be rehabilitated and their crimes were as atrocious as those mentioned above then, the death penalty applies.

However, my one and only concern of the death penalty is putting an innocent person on death row. I would hate to think that even just one innocent person slipped through. How do we prevent this? I havent the foggiest clue. I do believe there are ways. But how to achieve them I dont know.

So there is my views. Please discuss with respect.
ahh I did a search on it before I posted it. That didnt come up :(.

:ty: Cheri for finding the old thread.
Merged the threads. Sorry I did not find this thread when I used the search feature.
Merged the threads. Sorry I did not find this thread when I used the search feature.

No problem! I've tried some search for threads I knew was there and it didnt' come up so I know how that goes.
As I've said before, I'm against the death penalty because it is wrong to kill and sometimes innocent people are accused of murder just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For people who really have done it though, I don't have a terrible lot of sympathy.

In Britain I think that criminals get treated too well. They seem to have more rights then ordinary civilians. I've reciently heard that you no longer get a prison sentance for burgulary. Yet breaking into someones private space can be devistating for the victims. I mean people like to feel safe in their own homes but if that is violated and the people who do it just get a slap on the wrist, I think it is wrong.

Prisoners should earn their keep and be made to work more to pay for councilling for their victims who are often left worse off. For some crimes I'd be all for the removal of a few body parts.
On the one hand.....when the death penalty exist....or any extreme drives the perps to extremes. They know that in all likelyhood they will be caught...and extreme crimes pump the blood up and adrenaline, which gives them a hyper freaked paranoid edge. Life speeds up....decisions speed up. Shortly they come to the conclusion that they will be caught and caught soon so they might as well go all out.
Also, perps in action might think at the time that they would rather die than serve out a long life-sentence.....again, increasing the extreme actions.
This scenario also creates the need-desire for them to try and destroy all evidence-witnesses. Once again increasing extreme actions.
I'm not so sure death is a deterrent. Hyped perps don't care. Many criminals have oversized egos and think they can outsmart law.
In a utopian world I might be against death....but until then....fry the bastards....they know the punishment beforehand. They gamble they lose.
I only believe in it with clear solid evidence such as DNA backing up the evidence.
I think the appeals system is too lenient. Too much time on death row when fully guilty.
They can find thier forgiveness beyond.
Simple to say: Death penalty is so pointless.

It teaches you to learn how to hate a person who had done so wrongful.
It teaches you to learn how to make a revenge against a person who had done so wrongful.
It teaches you to learn how to show no mercy on any person who had done so wrongful.

Like I said in #58 on my thread.

You see, it's too many times I've observed people who call themselves pro-life, but to do such anti-life things -- that it makes me to think they are truly just anti-abortion and not pro anything. Y'know? I sometimes hate the way the pro-life movement is portayed... I think those people fail to realize that by labeling yourself a certain way. A person also has a certain ambasador type quality to show others who do not think, like yourself what it's all about. Understand?

What I mean is to respect all LIFE and do not harm anything else is true PRO-life. I believe it should not take a life away. There is goes for people who are anti-cruelty to animals, too. Yes, I definately value human life more highly than animal life, but I respect all life. However, I am all for animal rights: I don't wear leather or fur, don't use products that have been tested on animals, and etc. Actually, I do use some medicines for my cats if they are ill... ^^;;

So that's mean is -- I am, however, against the death penalty. In a civilized society, a government that has the ability and RIGHT to put it's own people to death, no matter how guilty (or not) they are, is a government with way too much power. I believe that the right to life does not hinge on how innocent or guilty you are... ... Even if the child (or any age on a person) could possibly be guilty of something, that guilt doesn't mean it's life is void.

So, therefore, any death plenalty is so useless. IMO.
On the one hand.....when the death penalty exist....or any extreme drives the perps to extremes. They know that in all likelyhood they will be caught...and extreme crimes pump the blood up and adrenaline, which gives them a hyper freaked paranoid edge. Life speeds up....decisions speed up. Shortly they come to the conclusion that they will be caught and caught soon so they might as well go all out.
Also, perps in action might think at the time that they would rather die than serve out a long life-sentence.....again, increasing the extreme actions.
This scenario also creates the need-desire for them to try and destroy all evidence-witnesses. Once again increasing extreme actions.
I'm not so sure death is a deterrent. Hyped perps don't care. Many criminals have oversized egos and think they can outsmart law.
In a utopian world I might be against death....but until then....fry the bastards....they know the punishment beforehand. They gamble they lose.
I only believe in it with clear solid evidence such as DNA backing up the evidence.
I think the appeals system is too lenient. Too much time on death row when fully guilty.
They can find thier forgiveness beyond.

Also known as the "I've got nothing to loose syndrome."
Are lethal injections not cruel and unusual?
High Court Upholds Lethal Injections, Justices Reject Challenge To Kentucky's Death Penalty Procedures, Executions Will Resume - CBS News
Andrews notes that by saying that lethal injection is not cruel and unusual punishment, it does two things:

* It lifts that de facto moratorium that the states were recognizing while the justices reviewed this.

* And it states flatly that lethal injections can go forward from now on, because the people who have been challenging lethal injections have not proved, according to the chief justice and the six other justices that voted with him, that lethal injections are cruel and unusual.

Does the death penalty equal religion?
Pope says clergy abuse scandal sometimes 'badly handled' - Yahoo! News
"Any tendency to treat religion as a private matter must be resisted," he said. Benedict's remarks came on a day when all of the five Catholic justices on the U.S. Supreme Court approved the most widely used method of lethal injection, and congressional representatives who support abortion rights said they planned to take Holy Communion on Thursday at a papal Mass.

Does the death penalty equal hate?
High Court Ponders Execution For Rapists, Louisiana Janitor's Case Sparks Debate Over Death Sentence For Child Rapists - CBS News
"It is so evil. There is no justification for it," he said. "This isn't a heat-of-passion killing. It's not about money."

Are we micromanaging the death penalty?
I think lethal injections could be made to be more humane. With all the knowledge......put to sleep coma etc then the lethal stuffs. electric chair is stupid. Hanging cruel....but admit it is the one that would scare me geeez choke me off but don't snap my wittle neck
It doesn't serve societies purpose to spend decades of monies to punish an effect we end up being victims perpetually. Eye for an eye and move on.
I don't believe in the death penalty. There are many people in prison who were convicted of a crime before the newer technology like DNA testing that could have proven them innocent. There was just a case in the news where a man spent 25 years in prison on a rape conviction, but when they retested the evidence using DNA, it was found that he was innocent just as he had claimed. Our criminal justice system can and does make mistakes, and people do not always get fair trials. I think to risk executing even one innocent person is not worth the risk.

What do you guys think?

I totally agree. Let's face it, people with money get away with murder, torture etc, and folks without money get convicted of crimes they didn't do just because the law needs to close a case and convict somebody. Until they can be 100 percent sure of the facts, which may be never, they should leave death in God's hands. One state, I think it was Ohio, had to let 150 prisoners approximately off of death row when they discovered a flaw in the system. Many of those were on Death row... I don't remember the exact story, but I don't trust the system.
I totally agree. Let's face it, people with money get away with murder, torture etc, and folks without money get convicted of crimes they didn't do just because the law needs to close a case and convict somebody. Until they can be 100 percent sure of the facts, which may be never, they should leave death in God's hands. One state, I think it was Ohio, had to let 150 prisoners approximately off of death row when they discovered a flaw in the system. Many of those were on Death row... I don't remember the exact story, but I don't trust the system.

Exactly. There are too many inequities in the application of the law. And you are correct, it was Ohio. Not to mention the scandal over their treatment of mentally ill inmates in the prison system several years ago.
We abolished the capital punishment in Canada back in the mid-70s and the homicide rate steadily declined after that. It perked somewhere between 1970 and 1975 before the capital punishment was abolished.

Capital punishment has no effect on homicides and criminal activities. It doesn't deter anyone from breaking the law. Plus, there were quite a number of people who were wrongfully convicted and executed leading to the abolishment of the death punishment in Canada.
We abolished the capital punishment in Canada back in the mid-70s and the homicide rate steadily declined after that. It perked somewhere between 1970 and 1975 before the capital punishment was abolished.

Capital punishment has no effect on homicides and criminal activities. It doesn't deter anyone from breaking the law. Plus, there were quite a number of people who were wrongfully convicted and executed leading to the abolishment of the death punishment in Canada.

Exactly. It has not been shown to be a deterrent in the U.S. either.
Simple to say: Death penalty is so pointless.

It teaches you to learn how to hate a person who had done so wrongful.
It teaches you to learn how to make a revenge against a person who had done so wrongful.
It teaches you to learn how to show no mercy on any person who had done so wrongful.

Like I said in #58 on my thread.

So, therefore, any death plenalty is so useless. IMO.

Exactly!!! Death penalty will NEVER solves anything but bitter and revenge... Its teach people to be bitter and revenge...
Exactly!!! Death penalty will NEVER solves anything but bitter and revenge... Its teach people to be bitter and revenge...
What does a life sentence "teach"?

It reminds the victim's family that the killer still lives while their loved one is still dead.

It allows the killer to relive the pleasure of his crime every day and night.

It allows women to fall in love with murderers and even marry them in prison.

It allows the killer (a la Charles Manson) to bask in the glow of publicity every time they come up for parole.

It forces the victim's family to relive the agony every time the killer has an appeal or parole hearing.

It causes victims, witnesses, and jurors to lie in fear that the killer will escape and come after them.

Who cares about the victims and their families? All the tears seem to be for the rapists, murderers, kidnappers, and torturers.
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