THAT makes a sound!??!?

Now imagine someone doing that to you without stopping. No matter what you do it never stops!!

:hmm: That's another way to look at it. And accurate about the irritation .
The loudest pants are corduroys. They were popular when I was in junior high. They make a very distinct sound when your legs rub together. V-v-v-p, v-v-v-p. Like running your finger against something with many bumps/ridges of the same size.
The loudest pants are corduroys. They were popular when I was in junior high. They make a very distinct sound when your legs rub together. V-v-v-p, v-v-v-p. Like running your finger against something with many bumps/ridges of the same size.

I completely agree about the corduroys. I didn't think of those because I've never had a pair. (It's hard to find them long enough for me.) They can be especially loud (for pants anyway) if you're running!
For the turn signal blinker, here are some visual examples:

Think of a hand constantly and quickly waving back and forth in the peripheral vision of one eye.

Or a small light constantly blinking in your peripheral vision.

For annoying markers, pencils and chalk:

Think about visual glare from small, moving, shiny objects. Imagine you had to watch someone writing on a board with a marker that sent out bright flares while it moved.

Flutes can make beautiful soothing sounds, or they can be irritating, depending on who is doing the playing.

The same as, a soft, gentle breeze on the face can be soothing. A harsh sudden wind blowing dirt into the eyes is irritating.

Pants legs that rub together (especially at thigh level) can make an irritating rash feeling on the leg skin, like how the sound irritates the ears of hearing people. It's not deadly but it's annoying.
For the turn signal blinker, here are some visual examples:

Think of a hand constantly and quickly waving back and forth in the peripheral vision of one eye.

Or a small light constantly blinking in your peripheral vision.

For annoying markers, pencils and chalk:

Think about visual glare from small, moving, shiny objects. Imagine you had to watch someone writing on a board with a marker that sent out bright flares while it moved.

Flutes can make beautiful soothing sounds, or they can be irritating, depending on who is doing the playing.

The same as, a soft, gentle breeze on the face can be soothing. A harsh sudden wind blowing dirt into the eyes is irritating.

Pants legs that rub together (especially at thigh level) can make an irritating rash feeling on the leg skin, like how the sound irritates the ears of hearing people. It's not deadly but it's annoying.

when I was in school... the doctors told my parents that playing a musical instrument would "help" my hearing... I bet i was one of those irritating flute/clarinet players... that could be why my parents weren't mad when I didn't practice.
I completely agree about the corduroys. I didn't think of those because I've never had a pair. (It's hard to find them long enough for me.) They can be especially loud (for pants anyway) if you're running!

You find that people run often in corduroy pants? :)
You find that people run often in corduroy pants? :)

I'm surrounded by small children all day everyday. They ALL run...everywhere. And some wear corduroy pants. On the plus side, it makes it easier to keep up with them. The noise lets me know what direction they're going and the friction slows them down. Ok, not really, but wouldn't it be awesome if someone designed pants that slowed kids down?
I'm surrounded by small children all day everyday. They ALL run...everywhere. And some wear corduroy pants. On the plus side, it makes it easier to keep up with them. The noise lets me know what direction they're going and the friction slows them down. Ok, not really, but wouldn't it be awesome if someone designed pants that slowed kids down?

oh that would be nice... slowing crazy kids down... wouldn't it also be nice if they designed a pill to make kids nice to each other... have empathy... not just hit their friend then be mad when their friend hits back?
I'm sitting here trying to think of some things that can be heard that maybe some of you didn't know about since this is an area I can be of use in!
Scratching your skin makes noise. Velcro. Even tape. Tape actually can make a pretty loud noise when you pull it off the roll...especially packing tape and duct tape. You can hear the sound of a CD/DVD spinning when you put it in the player. Turn signals in your car make a "tick tick tick" noise. When your stomach growls it can sometimes be really loud.
There's a few things...any of those surprising to anyone?

Well, I just learned something new. So scratching my skin makes a sound lol.
Thankfully, hardly anyone wears cords in the South. :lol:
I'm surrounded by small children all day everyday. They ALL run...everywhere. And some wear corduroy pants. On the plus side, it makes it easier to keep up with them. The noise lets me know what direction they're going and the friction slows them down. Ok, not really, but wouldn't it be awesome if someone designed pants that slowed kids down?

Well, they DID do the opposite in "The Incredibles"

Edna: "Your boy's suit I designed to withstand enormous friction without heating up or wearing out, a useful feature."
^^ You can always attach 5 lb weights (or 10?) to each kid's leg. Harder to walk, harder to kick others...

Win, win, I say.
My mom keeps slamming the table really hard to get my attention when I chew on my nails. She says it makes this irritating clicking sound that she can hear. I do this when I'm reading. So if I'm reading the newspaper at the kitchen table and she's on the opposite end and I start the chew on my nails, she will slam the table with her hand. It's one of those heavy oak tables that carries vibrations really well so it usually makes me jump. Anymore I do my reading AWAY from her so I don't have to jump out of my skin should she throw something at me or slam the table.
If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?

Yes it would because it would cause the air to move and movement of air is what make sound travel. Only thing is there was nobody around to hear it! :hmm:
Yes it would because it would cause the air to move and movement of air is what make sound travel. Only thing is there was nobody around to hear it! :hmm:

Ah, but!
If nobody hears the movement of air is it really a sound? Does it take something else (e.g. a creature with ears) to convert air movement into what we recognize as sound?