
The only problem: how long does one "hearing loss level",remain the same?

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Some people (many actually) can have relatively unchanged hearing loss for decades or longer. It depends on the type of HL, cause of HL, and any environmental factors that may cause additional HL.

P.S. I've had my UniPhone 1140 since 1996
I use it for amplified calls, as well as VCO & TTY.
For VCO if you have another person with a uniphone (or VCO/HCO compatible TTY etc) you can connect directly with them without using relay, which is nice.

Of course now I use BBM, IM ,Text & Email 95% of the time (with family &friends) and only use the TTY for "commercial calls" (bank, ordering something, etc)... I'm thrilled that IP relay is finally happening in Canada and that we're to have VRS here by 2012!!! yippy, sooo much easier!
As for the number in the "collectivity" of persons with stable levels of Hearing Loss- no idea. It only matters what an actual person does in their specific circumstances. I suppose it is nice to hear on a telephone (even adopted) vs using the Relay service. Yeah you are correct if one has a computer even less potential use of the phone system. Again what is your actual reality-hearing wise?
I can check with computer sons about IP but don't expect much will change. Not exactly a computer "whiz".
To be more specific-my hearing loss is "sensorinueral"&" genetic". I was advised way back in Feb 1992 when I lost all hearing in the Right ear after extensive tests re cancer/tumours of the brain- I would eventually become deaf. It happened on December 20/2006. Yeah, I have been real deaf since that date. Thus I started of the process to get a Cochlear Implant in Feb/07 Sunnybrook/Toronto. Fortunately-successful.

Implant-Advanced Bionics-Harmony-activated Aug/07