

New Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Guess what!!!! I used the phone today! With my hearing aids and the phone on MAX I was able to have a short conversation with my bestfriend! I decided to try after using *69 to see who last called and being able to understand that message. Mind you that message is predictable so it is hard to judge based on that, so I tried with my friend and it worked!!!!

My hearing fluctuates so I can only assume I am having a good day...but still! I used the telephone!
just a question tho.. why didn't your friend just email your BB??
That's great. I just had my first phone moment not long ago too. Awesome feeling it's it? Congrats.

Ron Jaxon
That's great, Jenny. I remember the very last time I was able to use the phone, but not a chance now. Congrats.
That is great Jenny B you can hear on a telephone with Hearing Aid- back then. Hope it is still possible today. Cheers

Advanced Bionics_Harmony activated Aug/07
Sorry for the duplicate posting. Probably better :hearing on your phone than accessing Relay Service-711-with a VCO TTY. Cheers.

Advanced Bionics_Harmony activated Aug/07
Of course, if one can't "hear" on a regular telephone use a TTY/VCO accessing the Relay service. Here in Ontario 711.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
That is great news!!
I can remember the first time I use a phone design for people that wore HA,
I could hear my friends ,and they did not have to talk really loud so I could hear them. I kept saying I can hear you! It was really exciting ,
The only problem: how long does one "hearing loss level",remain the same?

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I checked with 2 operators, Jeff/6121 & Jessie/6812, of the Relay Service-711 and advised that VCO and HCO which are both part of TEXT-- used about the same in their experience. The other party, you are communicating with, has a "regular phone", hearing of course.Technology is surely helpful in this regard.UltraTec advises that their phone.itself. doesn't NOT convert incoming voice into text. The Relay service does that-on your behalf.

Implant. Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
yes, that's what I wanted you to know. I already know that the phone itself doesn't automatically translate speech to text (I don't know where you got the idea that we think that way) . The relay service (3rd party) does all that. The phone you have can also be used as a regular phone for hearing people (no relay service involve) and even have volume control for people who can hear the phone but have some hearing loss (like mild-moderate hearing loss).
The comment that the phone itself doesn't convert is on page 29. The comment on handset amplification is on page 16. I have the second edition-Sept/95 "Using your Uniphone 1140" which was up-to-date in Jan/96.
I am not sure "we" refers to: as I have used my UltraTec 1140 for almost 15 years. I am aware it has more features than I use- however I do use Bell Canada TeleMessage Service for all incoming calls. The Relay Service can easily access on my behalf by giving the number-416-210-0698, my number and access code number. Oh yeah, I mentioned before my Implant doesn't pick voices on the regular telephone. Just continue using 711 to this day. Some people with Implants- can use a regular phone- I can't: so far! No problem as such.

Implant-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Prior occuptional employment-accountant. Hope you find the 1140 useful as I have.

Implant-Advanced Bionics-Harmony-activated Aug/07