teenager unlocked Iphone to use T-mobile network !!!

It's not illegal to unlock a cell phone. They just want you to think it is. It's the same with DVDs and other video formats. They try to make you think it's illegal to make a backup copy of the movie which isn't true.

You are correct it not illegal to unlock a phone or copy DVD for **personal uses**


He unlocked it and sold/trade the iPhone on Ebay and for a car so that is a very good question whatever this will be brought up in a lawsuit or just ignored by Apple.

Remember when folks was unlocking XBox to use other OS or making backup copies, Microsoft ignored them then when folks start selling unlocked Xbox or chips that will override the bios to unlock the xbox then Microsoft went after the dealers and sued them in courts.

I got a feeling Apple will ignore this one because he a teenager and it will make Apple look bad if they go after a teenager in court nationalwide.

You are correct it not illegal to unlock a phone or copy DVD for **personal uses**


He unlocked it and sold/trade the iPhone on Ebay and for a car so that is a very good question whatever this will be brought up in a lawsuit or just ignored by Apple.

Remember when folks was unlocking XBox to use other OS or making backup copies, Microsoft ignored them then when folks start selling unlocked Xbox or chips that will override the bios to unlock the xbox then Microsoft went after the dealers and sued them in courts.

I got a feeling Apple will ignore this one because he a teenager and it will make Apple look bad if they go after a teenager in court nationalwide.


or they can wait til he's 18th birthday, hehe.
Does not matter if he is teenager or not. There have been lawsuits against teenager in the past, especially with music industries that already sued kids and won.

I do not believe there will be lawsuits because if Apple or other carrier did sue, they are going to make themselves look like they are trying to monopolize the business which could be illegal and can backfire in legal system. Anti-trust law have been in place since the Rockefeller oil industry break ups. Don't you know that Rockefeller did similar stragetries what the carrier did and became monopoly in oil business (Amoco). Then the anti-trust law enact to dismantle the Amoco, forcing Rockefeller giving up most of business.

I got a feeling Apple will ignore this one because he a teenager and it will make Apple look bad if they go after a teenager in court nationalwide.

Let some of you said that Apple is responsible for it, nope it is not. The reason why is because it's really the wireless carriers aka AT&T, T-mobile, etc. job for the cell phone's inner workings like firmware, radio tweaks, lock coding, etc. Apple only makes them and AT&T does the rest. It's more likely the lawsuit will come from the carrier, not Apple.