Teacher Tells Kids There Is No Santa Claus

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Mar 12, 2003
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Elementary school teacher tells kids there's no Santa Claus

Even the Grinch wouldn’t be this mean.

A sourpuss teacher in Rockland County ruined Christmas for a class full of second-graders this week, when she told them that there is no Santa Claus during a lesson about the North Pole.

The evil educator even told the youngsters — mostly 7- and 8-year-olds — that the presents under their trees were put out by their parents, and not St. Nick.

The stunning Scrooge-like behavior has caused a blizzard of outrage at the quiet George W. Miller Elementary School in Nanuet, where angry parents would like to see the teacher roasted like a chestnut over an open fire.

Read more: Christmas outrage! Upstate teacher tell kids Santa's fake

First, whatever happened to objective journalism? Second, the parents and the objectors are the true hypocrites. After reading some of the comments, I have to say that the parents are the one who deserve the lumps of coal they will be getting for Christmas, not the teacher. They went as far to make death threats, call her a bitch and all sorts of names you can think of. It's just shameful.

This isn't what Christmas is about. Far from it. They have allowed the hate to take over whenever somebody tells the children the truth. The extreme consumerism and materialism is a big problem these days. Santa Claus is a mythical person and that should have been made clear from day one. It doesn't mean that our lives would be devoid of any sort of magic nor wonder if we are aware of Santa Claus being a mythical figure.

It's mind-blowing how hateful people can get when they want to go after someone for being a so-called Scrooge. They are the Scrooges themselves. Disgusting.
This teachers job has exited the building. Thank you, thank you very much.
I'd never hope for someone to lose their job in this economy - but I hope she is severely reprimanded. Telling kids about Santa Claus should be up to the parents, not to the teachers. Seven and eight year olds are probably right on the cusp of being able to figure it out for themselves, while still having a sense of awe and wonder and play for just a little while longer.
good! no more coddling!

“It’s outrageous that a teacher would strip a child of their innocence and try and demystify something,” said Margaret Fernandez, 59.

wow... seriously? I surely do not want this country to be filled with whiny spoiled brats. no wonder it's full of rude brats with "gimme gimme gimme" and "that law doesn't apply to me" attitudes. :roll:
Kids usually learn that in school from other kids. I know my younger child knew about as soon as her older sister found out.

They both grew up to be reasonably normal people.
You sure about that?? :lol:

Yeah, within a family, once the older kids find out, usually the cat is out of the bag.

My older brother and I figured out something was up when we recognized that it was my mom's printing style on the gifts, especially the "r" in "from." So we questioned my mom privately, and she explained that yes, Santa Claus himself is a fantasy, a fun thing to believe in, but there really is no such person.

But we were not to tell our little sisters that and spoil their fun. If sisters figured it out for themselves, then that was up to them.

Of course big brother started dropping HUGE hints about "no Santa Claus," and it didn't take my immediately-younger sister long to figure it out.

The youngest, a cynical little thing, basically didn't believe anything her older siblings said, so she believed in Santa Claus a while longer.
Parents overreacted.

Still... I think it's a bit weird and somewhat underhanded for a teacher to tell kids that there is no Santa Claus. What good can come out of that? Kids (who believed in Santa) find out eventually anyway. Is it really better to find out now at 7 than at 9 years old?
This Santa Claus fantasy needs to stop. It's making kids spoiled because they expect gifts. I'd prefer that kids to learn about the meanings of Santa Claus & Grinch rather than associating Santa Claus with toys toys toys.

We're probably the only kids in the world who have 24/7 access to clean water, food on table, and cable & internet. I certainly won't be coddling my own kids with gifts and toys. I refuse to disillusion them with such silly notion.

I didn't get much or any for Christmas even though my parents can easily afford to. Instead we participated in the spirit of Santa Claus by giving gifts to unfortunates.
I found out because I stayed up, snuck out of my room and caught my parents.

Kids will find out eventually on their own but usually when they are ready. And from experience kids will take the news better by finding out on their own vs an adult telling them straight out.
This Santa Claus fantasy needs to stop. It's making kids spoiled because they expect gifts. I'd prefer that kids to learn about the meanings of Santa Claus & Grinch rather than associating Santa Claus with toys toys toys.

We're probably the only kids in the world who have 24/7 access to clean water, food on table, and cable & internet. I certainly won't be coddling my own kids with gifts and toys. I refuse to disillusion them with such silly notion.

I didn't get much or any for Christmas even though my parents can easily afford to. Instead we participated in the spirit of Santa Claus by giving gifts to unfortunates.

We do that too. Just some few toys for the little kids. We aren't wealthy, but I would rather give to help others less fortunate in the holidays.
This Santa Claus fantasy needs to stop. It's making kids spoiled because they expect gifts. I'd prefer that kids to learn about the meanings of Santa Claus & Grinch rather than associating Santa Claus with toys toys toys.

We're probably the only kids in the world who have 24/7 access to clean water, food on table, and cable & internet. I certainly won't be coddling my own kids with gifts and toys. I refuse to disillusion them with such silly notion.

I didn't get much or any for Christmas even though my parents can easily afford to. Instead we participated in the spirit of Santa Claus by giving gifts to unfortunates.

my family gifts were usually what was needed or educational, definitely not over spoiled. Pjs, books, maybe a chocolate bar.
I honestly think it's the big ticket gifts that spoil a kid like computers and videogames.

I agree somewhat with you in the fact that my kids won't be taught that Santa leaves gifts, but I will teach the concepts of giving and family bonding.
I'm rooting for the teacher, honestly. The teacher stood up for honesty.

Then again, I'm in the "don't lie to your kids, it's not magic, it's lying" camp. :shrug:
There are somethings a teacher can't say to kids this young and better left to the parents. One would be: There is no God. Another would be: There is no Santa/Easter Bunny/ Tooth Fairy. Why destroy something by going outside the teachers responsibility.
Nevertheless, I favor a supension and not a termination. That would do much to educate all the other teachers to be careful with their opinion.
I feel sorry for the kids to find out that way. Wouldn't have told them as a teacher myself. Well, it happened. I wouldn't throw a fit about it either.
Some of those reactions :eek3: Poor teacher...
my family gifts were usually what was needed or educational, definitely not over spoiled. Pjs, books, maybe a chocolate bar.
I honestly think it's the big ticket gifts that spoil a kid like computers and videogames.

I agree somewhat with you in the fact that my kids won't be taught that Santa leaves gifts, but I will teach the concepts of giving and family bonding.

same here. My parents never gave me "just toys". They always get a meaningful gift that I kept for years. My dad was born poor. My mom was born in a very large family so receiving gift individually was impractical. But they always receive meaningful gifts. I do same to my close friends and families and the gifts still remain for years.

Once in a few while, I do get toys/games that I really wanted as a reward for getting A's or something.

You want it? Get it yourself. That's why I'm not prone to impulse-buying and wasteful spending.

Kids - Santa Claus is real. He is a very generous man who brings happiness and joy to people. He gives gifts to those who really need it and none to naughty kids because they have everything they want. He only asks for a small token of kindness in return - cookies and milk before he goes out. Merry Christmas ho ho ho!

I'd never hope for someone to lose their job in this economy - but I hope she is severely reprimanded. Telling kids about Santa Claus should be up to the parents, not to the teachers. Seven and eight year olds are probably right on the cusp of being able to figure it out for themselves, while still having a sense of awe and wonder and play for just a little while longer.

Reprimanded for not lying?
What's new? Parents lie to their kids and then expect their kids not to lie to them or the rest of the world, if it wasn't so freaking sad it would be hysterical.

Basically, the parents are mad at the teacher because they started a lie and she caught them in it. Then again, that is pretty funny.
wow... seriously? I surely do not want this country to be filled with whiny spoiled brats. no wonder it's full of rude brats with "gimme gimme gimme" and "that law doesn't apply to me" attitudes. :roll:

I agree. There is no innocence in telling lies to the children too as well. Santa Claus is a mythical figure and that should have been made clear from day one instead of telling them if they are good or naughty and that they'll get presents or a lump of coal.

Seriously, the parents overreacted and should be severely reprimanded for using such foul language. Christmas is about love, not hate.
same here. My parents never gave me "just toys". They always get a meaningful gift that I kept for years. My dad was born poor. My mom was born in a very large family so receiving gift individually was impractical. But they always receive meaningful gifts. I do same to my close friends and families and the gifts still remain for years.

Once in a few while, I do get toys/games that I really wanted as a reward for getting A's or something.

You want it? Get it yourself. That's why I'm not prone to impulse-buying and wasteful spending.

Kids - Santa Claus is real. He is a very generous man who brings happiness and joy to people. He gives gifts to those who really need it and none to naughty kids because they have everything they want. He only asks for a small token of kindness in return - cookies and milk before he goes out. Merry Christmas ho ho ho!


sounds like you're describing my family.
Both parents from large and poor families. If you want something you had to work for it.
Me and my sister also received joint gifts some years like movies for the family to watch.
And I think we turned out ok.
The big highlight of the day was seeing the extended family gather together for a large dinner. Grandparents, great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, family friends. All helping to cook, clean, and supply food and dishes.

One year one of my uncles gave our family a new cook set and roaster for the grouse because we needed a larger one for that week. And another uncle brought all the veggies we needed that he grew.

That's what Christmas should be about ( in my opinion)
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