Teacher in Colorado arrested for asking for topless photos

We do not legally execute murderers for revenge. thats not how the law works. it actually is not about revenge. but to serve society. because they are deemed a perpetual threat. as you keep arguing pedos are. so i'm trying to figure out. if we execute murders why not pedos?

you've just answered your own question.
Because if i believed he was the monster you do with no hope of change and such a primal evil to society over asking to see pictures of mid teenager breasts then, i believe society would be better served with him dead. but i don't believe what you do here so another reason following is society cant afford it, id rather see the amount it takes to incarcerate him for one day times life go to schools, libraries, battered womens shelters, victims groups, homeless shelters. ect ect thats why.
. thus i do not want this man executed nor languishing in prison until death.

he asked to see photos of mid teenager breasts. having him in prison for life would be an injustice.

so you see it as cost benefit. and yet.... you're asking us why not execute him? execution costs much more than incarceration.
Thank you for pointing that out. Where are the young children in this case?
not one of the victims are young children.


We do not legally execute murderers for revenge. thats not how the law works. it actually is not about revenge. but to serve society.

we execute murderers. we do not execute pedophiles because they do not usually kill children

if the state abolished death penalty.... that's fine with me. he will be punished to the maximum penalty allowed by law.
Thank you for pointing that out. Where are the young children in this case?
not one of the victims are young children.

anybody under legal age are children......

are you saying these victims are adult or what?
You could kill someone and not go to jail for life. You can rape someone and not go to jail. This guy asks to see breasts and he should be rot in jail for the rest of his life? That's crazy. Straight up asinine, he didn't even abuse them he asked them something he shouldn't have. He didn't touch them with or without their permission. He raped no one.

I can't believe you people. Yes he's an ass but what he actually did does not merit such extremes. And yes asking for life would be extreme. I'm saying this as the mother of a 13 yo girl. These weren't 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 year old girls. He is NOT a pedophile, you could call him a potato and it's be as accurate. When he goes to prison, because he will as long as the prosecutor doesn't go the way of Zimmerman and OVERCHARGE, he will be examined by a psychologist, and he will NOT be diagnosed with pedophilia. Pedophilia is the attraction to prepubescent children, fir the last time. Pedophilia is not the sexual a use if children, it the ATTRACTION, the abuse itself is abuse, not pedophillia. And since he's apparently attracted to POST pubescent girls, so wouldn't be diagnosed with that.

Obviously he did something wrong, but you guys are making it into something it's not. My 13 yo has bigger better boobs than okay, I'm pretty sure a guy would rather see them than mine, so it's not QUITE as creepy skeevy as asking to see the flat chest of an 8 yo. If this guy asked my daughter for a picture of her breasts I would report him file and press charges etc etc but even I wouldn't be asking for life in prison meant for such actions. That's ludicrous.

But what's so stupid about this is......he won't get it. They won't seek that, because they're not crazy and expressing their moral outrage on the Internet.
so you see it as cost benefit. and yet.... you're asking us why not execute him? execution costs much more than incarceration.

No the process of it does, the execution itself can be relatively cheap. But since we want to get way with that little chicken bone suck in our throats called justice anyway why even have a process for execution.
take him out back feed him to hungry dogs......he is a monster, he will re offend, he will until he dies seek to ask to see photos of mid teenagers breast. feed him to the dogs.
Are you defending a monsters right all the sudden? a pedo?
Who is defending pedos now?
(lights cigarette, breaths deep, exhales sits back)
anybody under legal age are children......

are you saying these victims are adult or what?

no that in incorrect. for a variety of reasons one of which is biology. i am saying the victims are mid teenage girls, which by definition are not children. and not adults the victims are teenagers.
Ok fine, let's define child while we are at it.

child [chahyld] Show IPA
noun, plural chil·dren.
a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl: books for children.
a son or daughter: All my children are married.
a baby or infant.
a human fetus.
a childish person: He's such a child about money.
a descendant: a child of an ancient breed.
any person or thing regarded as the product or result of particular agencies, influences, etc.: Abstract art is a child of the 20th century.
a person regarded as conditioned or marked by a given circumstance, situation, etc.: a child of poverty; a child of famine.
British Dialect Archaic. a female infant.
Archaic. childe.

Source link: Child | Define Child at Dictionary.com

An adolescent is not a fully grown person. Therefore, an adolescent is still a child.

There is no point in arguing on the use of "young" as a colloquialism with "child", that is not the point of the argument at hand.

The argument is whether or not the person is question is attracted to children, therefore classifying him as a pedophile.

In all 50 states it is illegal for anyone over the age of 18 to solicit anyone under the age of 18 for pornographic materials. Breasts presented in a sexual nature is classified as pornography.
You could kill someone and not go to jail for life. You can rape someone and not go to jail. This guy asks to see breasts and he should be rot in jail for the rest of his life? That's crazy. Straight up asinine, he didn't even abuse them he asked them something he shouldn't have. He didn't touch them with or without their permission. He raped no one.

I can't believe you people. Yes he's an ass but what he actually did does not merit such extremes. And yes asking for life would be extreme. I'm saying this as the mother of a 13 yo girl. These weren't 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 year old girls. He is NOT a pedophile, you could call him a potato and it's be as accurate. When he goes to prison, because he will as long as the prosecutor doesn't go the way of Zimmerman and OVERCHARGE, he will be examined by a psychologist, and he will NOT be diagnosed with pedophilia. Pedophilia is the attraction to prepubescent children, fir the last time. Pedophilia is not the sexual a use if children, it the ATTRACTION, the abuse itself is abuse, not pedophillia. And since he's apparently attracted to POST pubescent girls, so wouldn't be diagnosed with that.

Obviously he did something wrong, but you guys are making it into something it's not. My 13 yo has bigger better boobs than okay, I'm pretty sure a guy would rather see them than mine, so it's not QUITE as creepy skeevy as asking to see the flat chest of an 8 yo. If this guy asked my daughter for a picture of her breasts I would report him file and press charges etc etc but even I wouldn't be asking for life in prison meant for such actions. That's ludicrous.

But what's so stupid about this is......he won't get it. They won't seek that, because they're not crazy and expressing their moral outrage on the Internet.

like all other pedophiles.... it all begins with sexual exploitation... and that will lead to..... you figure it out.

so you think a pedo will stop once he gets a picture of your daughter's "bigger-better-boobs-than-okay"? all I can say is the blood is on your hands....
The guy is a pedophile and an embarrassment to the teaching profession. Oh by the way here's the definition of a pedophile from a reliable source:
ped·o·phile [ped-uh-fahyl or, esp. British, pee-duh-] Show IPA
noun Psychiatry.
an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.
Also, especially British, pae·do·phile [pee-duh-fahyl] Show IPA .
Also, pedophiliac.

1950–55; pedo-1 + -phile, or directly < Greek paidóphilos ‘loving children’

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
Cite This Source | Link To pedophile

source link: Pedophile | Define Pedophile at Dictionary.com

Note: Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information due to the user-edited content.

Have a nice day.

Let this thought roll around in your head for a minute. You only just confirmed the definition. An ATTRACTION to YOUNG children. Okay a person is only a child until they're 18, so a 15,16,17 yo I'd rather an OLDER child.......a young child is prepubescent

if the state abolished death penalty.... that's fine with me. he will be punished to the maximum penalty allowed by law.

Just throw child rapist in crowded of inmates and let them beat child rapist up to death in prison.

If death penalty is out of question so I'm ok with life sentence with no parole, or throw in crowded of inmates for beat up to death.
no that in incorrect. for a variety of reasons one of which is biology. i am saying the victims are mid teenage girls, which by definition are not children. and not adults the victims are teenagers.

are you.... making it up or what?

why don't we stick with the laws for now? the law recognizes them as minors/children. yes?
Let this thought roll around in your head for a minute. You only just confirmed the definition. An ATTRACTION to YOUNG children. Okay a person is only a child until they're 18, so a 15,16,17 yo I'd rather an OLDER child.......a young child is prepubescent

I'm sorry but the law disagrees.

the law says he's charged with 8 counts of sexual exploitation of children.
like all other pedophiles.... it all begins with sexual exploitation... and that will lead to..... you figure it out.

so you think a pedo will stop once he gets a picture of your daughter's "bigger-better-boobs-than-okay"? all I can say is the blood is on your hands....

then why not execute him?
what gives
(scratches head)
I'm sorry but the law disagrees.

the law says he's charged with 8 counts of sexual exploitation of children.

thats right the law disagrees, so are you arguing man made laws that change due to political whim have power over how we define the human organism?

so young children can get a legally valid license to drive in Colorado?
i did not know that
the more one learns
No the process of it does, the execution itself can be relatively cheap. But since we want to get way with that little chicken bone suck in our throats called justice anyway why even have a process for execution.
take him out back feed him to hungry dogs......he is a monster, he will re offend, he will until he dies seek to ask to see photos of mid teenagers breast. feed him to the dogs.
Are you defending a monsters right all the sudden? a pedo?
Who is defending pedos now?
(lights cigarette, breaths deep, exhales sits back)

oh my... you're repeating like a broken record and anything I've said or "articulate" to you seems to flew way over your head.
thats right the law disagrees, so are you arguing man made laws that change due to political whim have power over how we define the human organism?

the law disagrees with YOU and your interpretation and your articulation. you seem to miss that point quite entirely.

so young children can get a legally valid license to drive in Colorado?
i did not know that
the more one learns
yes but that doesn't give any "dirty old bastard" a license to exploit them.