
I drank Blood orange with Rooibos tea... Reallyyy good mmmhhhh...

Oh yes, I drank green tea real a lot until 3 pm and then stop... Not after 3 pm due sleeping problem... From 2 pm then any herbal teas including rooibos tea
Mmmm... I just got me some very tasty lung ching (dragons well) tea, it is my favorite chinese green tea.

I used to drink lots of teas. Black, green, white, and herbal infusions. Don't much anymore as I am dirt poor right now. As for regular old tea I like iced tea with no sugar and a squeeze of lemon.

Visit indie shops. We have many in Toronto, and I find the best prices there.
Twining's Irish Breakfast is my favorite tea to buy in the supermarket. There are some British and Irish stores in Massachusetts that sell European brands that are a little expensive but very good.

If you want clotted cream from England for scones, you can find that in Newburyport in their British store.

In China, the most expensive cup of tea is made with white tea. It goes for close to 1,000 dollars. I saw that on, I believe, one of the Discovery stations.
Also, you can make your own masala chai at home by double boiling the chai tea...first with water, then add milk and boil again. You need tea and various spices, then you have to strain it. It is very, very good though when made with whole milk. I make it during the winter on cold nights. MMMMM!
OHHHHH I love Iced Tea!!!!!

My favorite:
Snapple diet peach
Snapple diet raseberry
Lipton regular citus green tea
Homemade Iced Tea w/ lemon

8 cups water
4 or 6 bags of plain teas
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup lemon juice

Get dutch pan and put in water. Boil first to get very hot. Turn off heat then put in tea bags. Covered for 4 to 6 hours. Take bags out of pan then pour in Pitcher. Put sugar and lemon juice in pitcher. Mix em well and put in fridge until chilled.

i do like drink with hot tea but i do not like blood hot tea makes me vomit!