Surgery Day

I can NOT wait until tomorrow night to get this bandage off. It's wrapped so tight the pain is agonizing. Lortabs aren't helping at all.

I know what you mean, JKB. After my second surgery I awoke in recovery with a migraine, but had to wait 2 days before I could remove the bandage. I was counting the hours until I could finally get rid of it!
Good to see your progressing so well. It gives me hope.

That is one of the best things about this forum, there is always someone that has gone through what you are going through and it does give you hope and makes things easier. Glad this time I could contribute. Also, glad you feel better as I read in your thread you got to take the bandages off. Wonderful....
That is one of the best things about this forum, there is always someone that has gone through what you are going through and it does give you hope and makes things easier. Glad this time I could contribute. Also, glad you feel better as I read in your thread you got to take the bandages off. Wonderful....

Yeah I am so glad I found this site. I showed it to my friend Keith shortly after he had his implant last year and he learned a lot from reading the threads on here. :)
I googled and found this site when I was really at a low point with my hearing loss and it has been there for me ever since. Loads of info, good people and sound advice.
todays pic minus gauze


Just wondering why so many surgeons shave so much hair off and some surgeons doesn't clip a strand of hair off! I know few girls that got away with no hair shaven off! I had literally quarter of my long mane off!......ummmph! least it grows back (slowly!)

Just wondering why so many surgeons shave so much hair off and some surgeons doesn't clip a strand of hair off! I know few girls that got away with no hair shaven off! I had literally quarter of my long mane off!......ummmph! least it grows back (slowly!)

I think this largely has to do with the technique and/or preference of each surgeon. In both cases, I only had about 2 inches of my hair shaved off -- not bad! :)

Just wondering why so many surgeons shave so much hair off and some surgeons doesn't clip a strand of hair off! I know few girls that got away with no hair shaven off! I had literally quarter of my long mane off!......ummmph! least it grows back (slowly!)

I always thought it was up to the person shaving, and that isn't usually the surgeon, though he/she may have input. IDK, not to be gross, but they do peel back the skin to implant the device, so that must have something to do with it.
And thanks, hubby and doctor were both pleased with the results. When I was at post op check up, my other ear was bothering me so they looked and had to flush out some wax. While doing that, of course I was deaf w/o the ha and all of a sudden, I sensed someone behind me and then they were touching my was one of the nurses and she was just amazed how quickly the fuzz of new hair was growing back.:giggle:
Neat !! At least neater than mine! lol!

My doctors were amazed too , fuzz was already grown lol!

Now you have only to count down to your activation! GREAT!

I noticed that your activation date is on December 18th. (Ironically, the activation date for my first CI was on January 18th, 2005.) That's just around the corner! :cool2: How do you feel about that? Are you getting nervous as the days go by?

I noticed that your activation date is on December 18th. (Ironically, the activation date for my first CI was on January 18th, 2005.) That's just around the corner! :cool2: How do you feel about that? Are you getting nervous as the days go by?

Not really nervous, but very excited. Since my birthday is the next day, I call it my bionic birthday present. Who knows? maybe I will actually enjoy Christmas this year?
Not really nervous, but very excited. Since my birthday is the next day, I call it my bionic birthday present. Who knows? maybe I will actually enjoy Christmas this year?


Wow, that's awesome! :D

I have a pretty good feeling that Christmas is going to be special for you this year. I know my first "bionic Christmas" in 2005 was!

After I lost my hearing in 1995, I really missed hearing Christmas carols, Christmas songs being played on the radio or on the PA system in stores, children laughing and gifts being tore open. There's nothing like the sounds of Christmas! :)

Wow, that's awesome! :D

I have a pretty good feeling that Christmas is going to be special for you this year. I know my first "bionic Christmas" in 2005 was!

After I lost my hearing in 1995, I really missed hearing Christmas carols, Christmas songs being played on the radio or on the PA system in stores, children laughing and gifts being tore open. There's nothing like the sounds of Christmas! :)
That is what I am hoping for. I know I had that song playing in my head "I'll be home for Christmas" only I changed the words to "I'll be bionic by Christmas", for a few weeks before the surgery.
That is what I am hoping for. I know I had that song playing in my head "I'll be home for Christmas" only I changed the words to "I'll be bionic by Christmas", for a few weeks before the surgery.

I love it! You know, ever since getting my CIs, one of my favorite Christmas songs is, "Do You Hear What I Hear?" :D