Sunnybrook and Bilaterals???


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Dec 20, 2009
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So i stumbled upon this page today... it seems as though this guy got bilaterals at sunnybrook. Anyone ever heard of such a thing??? I thought for sure sunnybrook only did 1, but now that i read the page again it doesn't actually SAY that they only do 1...
Deaf Village
Help?? Anyone??
A few facts re Sunnybrook Cochlear/Toronto. They are designated by the Ontario Government for 1/5 of Ontario to do the Implant operation. For nit pickers- babies are in Sick Kids with separate criteria.

At a Implant patients meeting in June/July 10 it was mentioned that over the last 18 years only 850 persons were implanted. The rejection rate is 60%. One must be referred there from other ENT clinics. It is possible to get 2 implants over time IF THEY DON'T GET the budgeted number for whatever reason. I understand the number was 65 than changed to 70-today? That person requesting a second one is at the BOTTOM OF THE LIST.All of this is handled by Sunnybrook Cochlear team.
I have not knowledge if that policy has been changed in recent months since the last patients meeting.

I have not put myself on the list for another.

PFH Supposedly you were born deaf which on the face of reality- you no choice. Or is there another change in story?

Implanted Advanced Bionics Harmony -activated Aug/07
What I was told by the folks at Sunnybrook

FWIW...when I was at Sunnybrook before Xmas the Audi explained that they are funded to do 70 Cochlear Implants/year. The decision as to who gets an implant ultimately lies with the hospital. In theory (definitely not in practice) they "could" give 35 people bilateral CIs using up all 70 that are allotted. Now of course this is not fair so in general each patient only receives one.

I believe that in certain cases, and I have no clue what the criteria is, they will do a bilateral...not likely at the same time though...

I have just attempted to make contact with someone off their mentor list that I am pretty sure the Audi said had bilateral implants...still waiting to hear back from him...his name is not that would be at least 2 people that Sunnybrook has done bilateral.

I go back next week to meet the Surgeon and I can ask a few of these questions when I go...
believe that in certain cases, and I have no clue what the criteria is, they will do a bilateral...not likely at the same time though..
And it's prolly limited to people who are medically in need of them. Like they have bilateral profound deafness (meaning not even HA can help) or they have bad recruitment or tintitias or Meniere's.
But you know, I have a feeling that bilateral CI will never be common. It WILL be seen yes, but prolly not too too often.
And it's prolly limited to people who are medically in need of them. Like they have bilateral profound deafness (meaning not even HA can help) or they have bad recruitment or tintitias or Meniere's.
But you know, I have a feeling that bilateral CI will never be common. It WILL be seen yes, but prolly not too too often.

No one is medically in need of a CI
Anyone can get a second Implant if they PAY FOR IT THEMSELVES- so I understand. The CURRENT RATE OF 70 means there is a lot of "measuring" who is in that group. Thus the rareness of bilaterals.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
But not everyone HAS to pay for bilaterals..that's her point and wants to know more about how and why those that have two got theirs
Its not hypothetical I know a few ppl who are bilateral around the toronto area and a few in ottawa and all were paid by the govt of ontario and not out of pocket
Thank you jenny and Jillio-much appreciated:)

I have been researching CI's for quite some time now and just because I haven't been somewhere doesn't mean I don't use tools at my disposal or meet plenty of people who HAVE gone through CI implantation evaluation etc. So, if you don't mind, don't tell me that what I know is wrong because I am FAR from stupid! And FYI I have talked to someone from sunnybrook before, about two years ago, regarding if I moved to Toronto what would I need to get an evaluation done, etc. Don't ASSUME you know know the saying don't assume because it makes an ass out of...
I def. believe that OHIP has covered some bilateral CIs...unfortunately outside of the mentor I am currently conversing with...Alldeaf is about the total sum of my exposure to those with a CI, therefore my personal knowledge on the subject is limited.

I will see if I have time to ask the Dr at Sunnybrook next week what criteria is applied. I dont think I am deaf enough in my `good`ear to make me a bilateral candidate. But give me a few months-years and I may just be there.

Of course this is all theoretical on me actually getting the first one.

You read of Canadians heading to the US to get a second implant....anyone know approximately what this costs,,,,and no Dr. Phil I dont care that OHIP paid $55,000 in 2007....talking US only
A friend of mine got her daughters 2nd implant and it was about 30 grand canadian
Thanks everyone,
I HAVE found a few reports of people getting bilaterals paid for by the government. It turns out in most cases that the first implant does not seem to be functioning fully/correctly, so they are permitted a second. There are a few people who were offered bilaterals because they were experiencing no help with HA in the unimplanted ear yet had continued to wear HA. It is rare, and they often keep getting pushed back.

London Health Science Center is currently doing a Med-El bilateral (sequential) trial. I have been in contact with them and I'm looking into it.

Also, when I went to my CI eval appointment on Jan 7, the rejection rate was closer to 20% (I'm not sure if they have lowered the criteria or the refering ENTs understand the criteria better now).

Toronto (i'm not sure about the other centers) is currently NOT implanting Cochlear brand because of the funding. They are only able to implant Med-El until AB brings their implant back out (apparently they were told by AB that AB was hoping to have it back out within 6 months of the start of the recall).

DrPhil - The CI centers in Ontario will NOT allow an Ontario resident to pay for a CI themselves (that is called 2-tiered health care) within Ontario. Ontario residents who wish to pay for themselves must go to another country (my understanding is that you cannot pay in another province either, but i may be wrong on that)

***FYI - yes i qualified. No i havent decided if I will/will not do it. AND No I DO NOT want anybody's input, it is MY DECISION and my decision alone.

good post..and no your right if you want a second and its not funded my ontario or the province u reside in you must go to the states, you can't go to another province
I know an AVT therapist/Audiologist who went to Germany for her CI...not sure exactly why but she had reason for going to Germany over the US.